The lawyers who lie down to assist are forced to rectify the public security, procuratorial and judi

Chapter 22 Emotional mentor? Godmother who helps girls!

"Let's take a look at how a woman gets a man to pay under Ms. An Hui's plan."

In court.

Lin Hao began to explain the content on the screen.

"The first step is to raise your status or value."

"It's basically about creating a completely non-materialistic female image by boasting that you have rejected rich men and pretending that you don't need money."

"The second step is to cultivate obedience."

"Start with obedience in small behaviors and gradually get men used to obeying you."

"The third step is to guide and prove."

"In the early stage of contact with men, you should act relatively normal and have a positive outlook."

"When a man shows a sense of need for you, wants to fall in love with you, and wants to get you, then take the opportunity to guide the man to express his sincerity."

"The fourth step is to create conflicts, which is commonly known as acting."

"In the process of love, you should constantly provoke conflicts, create conflicts, and then take the opportunity to make a big fuss."

"Due to the obedience and payment habits that have been cultivated before, men often choose "packages" to cure all diseases and spend money to eliminate disasters. ”

“The fifth step is to deal with separation anxiety.”

“This is the ultimate move you need to use when you feel that this man is difficult to control or when you are wavering.”

“Cry, make a fuss, and then break up. Delete and block him directly to create separation anxiety.”

“A man will not easily give up a woman he has worked so hard to get.”

“So generally speaking, men will eventually explode their gold coins helplessly to ease the relationship.”

“Finally, there is a sixth step, which is to squeeze him dry.”

“When this man is really out of control and is about to get out of control.”

“You must try every way to make a lot of money from him and squeeze out the last bit of value in him.”

“Does this sound familiar to you? "

Lin Hao suddenly stopped and asked seriously.

Hearing Lin Hao's question, many audience members in the audience reacted.

"Yes, in the chat record we just watched, the relationship between Zhen Shanmei and Liu Ming? It's roughly like this."

Lin Hao continued.

"You can understand what this shows without me saying it."

"This shows that Zhen Shanmei used Ms. An Hui's theory to squeeze more than 600,000 yuan from Liu Ming!"

"This shows that he must have been exposed to Ms. An Hui's course!"



The court scene was in an uproar.

Zhen Shanmei and An Hui's faces were black.

Zhang Xiuqi wanted to say something when he saw this.

But Lin Hao got there first.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet."

Then, the picture on the screen changed.

"These are the common words that Ms. An Hui's course gives to students. ”

“Everyone can compare it. What Zhen Shanmei said to Liu Ming can be found in this set of rhetoric!”


Lin Hao led everyone to compare.

The crowd in Zhang San’s live broadcast room was already indignant.

“Wang Defa! This really refreshed my three views!”

“This routine is simply invincible! How many brothers can withstand such calculations?”

“This is a woman! Such intelligence is used in such a place! What a waste!”

“Waste? People have earned countless small goals, and they still care about your evaluation?”

“Zhen Shanmei’s tricks are exactly the same as this! Even the rhetoric is not changed.”

“Isn’t this learned from An Hui? Still not admitting it!”

“Suddenly I remembered my ex-girlfriend. I feel that she has also passed An Hui’s class!”

“Now that you say that, I am a little suspicious of my girlfriend! ”

“This makes people suspicious, how can people believe in love!”

“I have turned evil, I also want to be an independent man! Play with women’s feelings! And let women spend money on me!”

“People are gold diggers, you are gold diggers, right?”

“No, buddy, why do you learn this if you don’t want to learn the good things!”

“Don’t worry, he is just talking nonsense, if he can do it, I will wash my hair upside down!”


The trial scene.

Through Lin Hao’s comparison, everyone recognized the high overlap of the two sides’ rhetoric.

Lin Hao looked at the defendant’s seat and said.

“How is it? Ms. Zhen.”

“Through the comparison, from the routine to the rhetoric, it is obvious that you learned it from Ms. An Hui’s course. ”

“What else do you want to quibble about now? "

Zhen Shanmei had a dark face and was about to say something when she was stopped by Zhang Xiuqi.

Zhang Xiuqi said with a gloomy expression.

"Lawyer Lin, I don't know what you want to say through such a comparison?"

"First, even if the chat records between my client and Liu Ming are highly consistent with the content of Ms. An Hui's course, it cannot prove that my client must have studied Ms. An Hui's course, right?"

"Is it impossible for there to be a coincidence between the two?"

"Second, even if my client really studied Ms. An Hui's course and put it into practice."

"Does it prove that there is no love between my client and Liu Ming? Isn't the relationship between the two of them a romantic relationship?"

"I can tell you responsibly that my client Zhen Shanmei and Liu Ming are in a normal romantic relationship."

"Even if my client is more or less greedy for the other person's money during the relationship, that does not affect the nature of this case."

Zhang Xiuqi’s speech was sonorous and powerful.

It doesn't sound unreasonable.

However, Lin Hao was not moved at all.

He turned around and asked Zhen Shanmei.

"Ms. Zhen, do you love Liu Ming?"

Zhen Shanmei hesitated for a moment and said.


Lin Hao asked again with a joking look on his face.

"You said you love him, then let me ask you."

"After Liu Ming's incident, there were so many negative opinions about you on the Internet. Why did you never respond in person, and you even thought about traveling abroad?"

Zhen Shanmei said hesitantly.

"I...I was so sad. I was a little depressed during that time. I traveled abroad because I wanted to relax and relieve myself."

This is the rhetoric Zhang Xiuqi taught her.

It was originally used to match her simple attire and win sympathy.

But now that the situation is so tense, it seems more like a cover-up.

"Absurd! Ridiculous! What nonsense!"

Lin Hao stood proudly and retorted resolutely.

"A woman was studying the so-called "female growth course" online from a so-called female emotional mentor. "

"But what I actually learned was how to extract money from men."

"Then the woman used the skills she learned to defraud a man of his savings in the name of love, and forced the man to commit suicide."

"In the end, this woman shamelessly talked about love in an attempt to clear herself of the crime."

"Ms. Zhen, you might as well touch your conscience. Are you worthy of talking about the word "love"? "

Zhen Shanmei was speechless.

Zhang Xiuqi could no longer sit still.

"Lawyer Lin! Now is not the time to question the client!"

"President, I protest!"

The presiding judge Zhou Jie banged the gavel with a solemn expression.

"Protest is ineffective."

"The prosecution's lawyer warned once, please abide by the judicial process."

"Sorry, Judge."

Although he was warned, Lin Hao felt that he was not at a loss this time.

he continued.

"As to whether Zhen Shanmei has really studied Ms. An Hui's course, I want everyone here to make their own decision."

"Dear presiding judge, judges, and jurors, as court judges who represent fairness and justice, I believe you will also reach your conclusion."

"What I want to say is that a beautiful and beautiful young woman has degenerated into a womanizer."

"뀪In the name of love, the reality is to commit fraud."

"If this evil woman is not punished, the public's anger will be hard to quell!"

"An emotional mentor with a wide influence, corrupting the social atmosphere of our country for personal gain."

"He is called an emotional mentor, but he is actually a female godmother."

"If this kind of social cancer is not eradicated, public resentment will never be eliminated!"


Lin Hao finished speaking.

The courtroom was filled with splendor and thunderous applause.

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