The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 86

14 Fake Authenticity

“Yulaia, what are you… raising Rosé to sacrifice? I thought you were so cute.”

Disappointment was seeping into His Majesty the King’s voice. When Master Yulaia leaned down, large tears fell constantly from his eyes.

“Yes… I was going to sacrifice Rosé and defend this kingdom. A paradise that loved ones cherish… I really didn’t want it to end in your time…”

The voice was wet in tears and was about to disappear now. Her distress is conveyed.

“But, but… I noticed a mistake along the way. Roselint…… the most beautiful of hearts in the world, my sweet daughter…… I love that girl, even if there is no blood connection. The love I’ve poured on her for the past twelve years is never fake……!

That’s right.

Master Yulaia changed her mind as she watched Rosé grow.

Something I’m so emotional about just living with for a short time. I can’t help but tell you how much Yulaia has loved me as a mother.

Pure, healthy, hearty, sweet girl. Master Yulaia had come to see Rosé as her real daughter while she admired her as her mother.

And Master Yulaia wasn’t the only one bonded to Rosé.

I take the infinite dial out of the black box the same way.

“This was more like a journal describing redemption than a Melissa research journal. She also began to love Rosé as she became a mentor and lived with her.”

Melissa spent a long time in the grid and gave up on fulfilling her ambitions. I guess it wasn’t a wish I wanted to fulfill until I sacrificed my beloved apprentice Rosé.

“Oh my God… So neither Yulaia nor Melissa intended to sacrifice Rosé…?

“Sounds like it. However, then the covenant with the angel will be broken. What should be done about the crisis of the survival of the Kingdom of Luziaro? The two of you are troubled, and…”

I clouded my words.

I was angry until a little while ago, but watching Master Yulaia’s tears shriveled my feelings of rebellion.

Mother’s tears thinking of her daughter.

It won’t be easy to trample. A distant being that I would never get even if I wanted to. I don’t know how to handle it.

Well, I wonder what it is.

“It’s farce.”

Sounds like a laughing-bit voice.

“I’m trying so hard to make it into a beauty talk, but in the end, I’m just pushing an unpleasant role on outsiders. Selfish and arrogant…. I wish you could have taken responsibility. This happens because a woman who looks just like Planati doesn’t even know herself.”

Princess Halemine rose loosely and turned her contemptuous gaze to Master Yulaia. Olivia is embarrassed.

“Halemine, shut up. If it’s up to you now…”

“Haha, Mother…… no, Lady Xian Olivia of the great Luziaro. Isn’t this the right time to listen to me? I’m sure I can help you.”

Hailmine’s voice changed. Some cold saggy voice from a snuggly, shady pregnant voice.

The earliest response was Astral-like. Pull out the sword on your hips and point it at the neck muscle of Hailmine.

“Who are you?”

Ville comes forward to shelter me, too. You left the witchkiller because it’s a royal gathering seat, didn’t you? I snuck up on my clothes sleeve so Ville wouldn’t pop out because I’m not the opponent of enemies with a round waist.

I can’t believe you showed yourself here.

I didn’t even notice you were in front of me. Fantastic magic of far exceeding my expectations. I didn’t even feel a single scale of magic.

I knew I was close.

Melissa’s notes also showed its origin.

But I didn’t think you were turning into a Halemine. You’re gonna do something bold.

When I thought that Haermine’s appearance had taken hold, a woman appeared away from Astral’s sword.

“I don’t like it, brother. I can’t believe I pointed my sword at you before I greeted you. It’s sad.”

“Your brother…? No way, you.”

Clear watery hair, blue eyes. Cold beauty with a shadow of Master Yulaia somewhere.

The woman chuckled, but returned to her true face shortly after.

“… ha, I’m tired of talking like a princess, I’ve stopped”

She scratched her hair looking troublesome and told her in an unmotivated tone.

“Nice to meet you, Royal Luziaro and many others. I’m Celesta Il Rugiardine. For once, a real second princess of this country, disciple of the witch Melissa…. Regards”

“Celesta!? You, my”

Master Yulaia opens her eyes swollen with tears. Seeing how it was, Celesta laughed with her nose.

“Yes, Mother. Thank you for giving birth to me in this world. But I don’t appreciate anything else. Because of you, I am so unhappy right now”

The place freezes on the clearly spoken word.

“I’m not the only one. Roselint, Master Olivia, Sonia and Ville are all annoying. A lot of reflection, a lot of adultery? Because if they make me feel comfortable, they’re going to kill me.”

Master Yulaia trembled like he had caused a hiccups. Your complexion is white. I’m having trouble breathing, and the neighbors rush.

The first of the royals to regain their calm was His Majesty the King.

“Celesta… is that the daughter who draws my blood”

“Yes, Father. Nice to meet you.”

“I can’t find the words to call. But I ask you first, knowing your disrespect. What happened to the real Halemine?”

Celesta had a compelling grin and shrugged her shoulders.

“I stubbornly said that if you were that incredible sister, everyone wouldn’t mind looking for Rosé. When I suggested, ‘You should disappear too and let them worry’, it was a nori. I took you to Castle Town, so you’re playing with relaxation by now, aren’t you?

“… look for him and bring him back immediately”

Several left by order of the king.

“My story, you believe me.”

“You have to believe, you’re more right. Yes, Celesta. What are you doing, turning into Halemine and showing up here?”

Celesta looked over at the person in the room. Just me and Ville. Avoid it on purpose.

“I was going to ask you all to decide. Who do you want me to sacrifice as an angel, me or Roselint?


“A real princess who should have been sacrificed and a fake princess built to sacrifice. I’m asking you which one to choose. Or throw away the name of paradise? Without angels, a lot of people will die.”

The field was completely dominated by Celesta.

The choices poked at are cruel and extreme. That’s right, His Majesty the King, too.

“… If we were to die, would you give that life to an angel instead of Roselint?

Celesta nodded joyfully when Astral asked in a low voice.

“I don’t care if you want to. What, I knew your brother was cuter in Roselint?

“It’s not a matter of cute cuteness. But the contract with the angel Ruin Alin would have been shelved by the contemporary royal family. Then it is strange to bribe Roselint with his life. I just thought it would make sense for you, the real princess who draws my father’s blood, to give yourself up.”


If Master Ecliffe groaned bitterly, Olivia looked at him the same way.

“Yes. I don’t hate its chillness, its clarity and all. With you, I could have been a good brother and sister.”

“Right, Celesta. I think I feel so much better than Halemine or Roselint. Too bad.”

As Celesta and Master Astral stared at each other in some sense of understanding, His Majesty the King broke in to see just how silent they could no longer be.

“Wait. Don’t take it personally. Celesta, there is no way we can immediately draw conclusions on such an important issue. Besides, there might still be another way.”

“Even if they say that, I can’t help it because I don’t have time. I’ll tell you because you might not know. At twelve tonight Roselint turns twelve. Tomorrow is Roselint’s real birthday.”

From the day it was created as an artificial life by Melissa, there were several days of time lags on the day it was brought to Master Yulaia. That’s why Rose’s official birthday isn’t the same as her actual birthday.

“If the date changes, she is the official royal family of Luziaro. Become recognized as a sacrifice by angels. Roselint and his squire are already inside the door. If we don’t get there soon, we won’t make it, will we?

No matter how much you look for Rose and Tiga, you won’t find them.

I can’t believe I’m already in The Garden of Angels.

“… what do you want? Isn’t it you who took Master Roselint out of the hall and guided him inside the door? Are you going out of your way to bring that back?

When I accidentally spoke, Celesta said carelessly.

“‘Cause I said Roselint would sacrifice himself. I just made her hope come true. And now I will grant you the wishes of your father and your brothers. Is something wrong?

You’re scratching.

“You would also be the one who told Master Roselint the truth in the first place. I could have expected this to happen.”

“Well. But because it was pathetic not to know anything. Neither Roselint, nor I, are someone’s puppets. Even if it is used, it moves by its own will”

“You’re certainly not a puppet. If it was your will to kill the witch Melissa.”

The place squirms again.

Though I and Ville had expected it from the beginning, it would be a surprise to the rest of us. It doesn’t immediately tie that the witch Melissa killer was this second princess.

“Melissa was a kind good master to Roselint. But he was a cold, nasty master to me. Something that dumped me as soon as I found out I couldn’t use it. Looks like she was telling her mother she was safe…. I don’t know how many times I’ve been dying. I just let you give me that back. Happy to kill well.”

Celesta laughed calmly by the time she was clear. We were all at war that dust didn’t make us feel guilty.

This princess, no, this witch is dangerous.

“I will no longer be remembered by this country or the world. So you can sacrifice an angel. That would be more convenient for you, wouldn’t it?

“No, wait. I still don’t trust you. If you go into” The Garden of the Angel’s Sitting, “you’re going to do something wrong. Not if they use the power of angels.”

Celesta laughs bitterly at the words of Master Astral, who has neither body nor lid.

“Ahhh. Then why don’t you put it on the lookout?… Sonia and Ville can follow you.”

“… why give the name of a Mistrian guest”

“Because the others don’t make sense. The ruins are full of danger, and Sonia and Ville are the only ones who can kill me when it comes to trouble. Don’t you even know that?

His Majesty the King’s escorts were annoyed, but did not come, especially with his mouth pinched. Maybe you’re not sure the witch will be the one against you.

Nevertheless, I didn’t expect you to get involved in this way.

I’m totally behind you. A little regrettable.

But fine. There is no reason to pull.

The only way to go to help Rosé is to get on with Celesta’s story now.

“I don’t mind. Let me help you. I’m sure I’ll bring Master Roselint home safely. And I won’t let Princess Celesta do anything unsolicited.”

Master Astral softly, His Majesty the King snorted reluctantly.

Thus me and Ville were also to head to the ‘garden where the angels sit’.

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