Chapter 30
The northern frontline.
To the northerners, it’s both a source of pride and an area known as a lawless zone.
Due to the characteristics that the term ‘northern’ has brought throughout history, the northerners hold combat in high regard.
However, no matter how peaceful an era may be, the frontline remains the frontline.
The tension can never completely disappear.
Moreover, the number of monsters has been steadily increasing, often putting lives in jeopardy.
Pride and life.
The warriors of the north took pride in bridging the gap between the two.
Not long ago, a new face appeared at this frontline.
And it wasn’t exactly ‘new’; rather, it was someone rarely seen at the frontline.
There is no northerner who does not know the name Serasie Hiart.
Recently, a makeshift barracks were established at the frontline.
Though Serasie could spend time with those on her side right now, such a statement reveals ignorance about the north.
For a woman to become a renowned knight is an arduous journey, especially to be stationed at the frontline—it’s exceedingly rare.
Of course, it’s natural that the frontline is filled with men alone.
Even after undergoing her coming-of-age ceremony, Serasie’s presence among men is inevitably difficult.
Hence, the hastily built temporary barracks had their shortcomings, particularly when it came to accommodating anyone besides Serasie.
“Master Toren has the responsibility of frontline duties but keeps going back and forth from the mansion. Shouldn’t that be prohibited?”
“That could work if we had someone to command the remaining frontline forces. I was able to send my faction’s troops because I had a condition to remove that commander-level person.”
“So, Miss Serasie has now taken on that role, right?”
“Yes, exactly. It seems like I’ll have to stay at the frontline for a while…”
Serasie sighed faintly as she looked around the tent.
In the name of privacy, there wasn’t much around the newly built barracks.
Like a place for Kalen to rest or close his eyes, for instance.
Moreover, the tent was far too cramped to invite anyone else inside.
“I’ll ask Makbel or Crathers.”
Makbel and Crathers were individuals worthy of being called Serasie’s closest allies.
It was natural that they had come to the frontline with her.
Crathers had been back and forth to the frontline and had a place he could stay, while Makbel had accompanied him there.
Ultimately, this left Kalen in an awkward situation.
As she said this, Serasie was about to go look for the two.
“It’s fine. Just remove a chair for me, Miss.”
“Huh? A chair?”
Upon hearing Kalen’s words, Serasie, despite being slightly puzzled, soon retrieved a chair from inside the tent.
Kalen took the chair, placed it roughly in front of the tent, and sat down.
“I’m your bodyguard, right? I should always stay close to you. It’ll just be tiring to follow them.”
“Are you sure it’s okay?”
Serasie murmured to herself, tapping her chin with her index finger.
“Anyway, aren’t we not going to stay here for long? You said the frontline duties are busy, right?”
“Yes, that’s true.”
With a gentle smile, Serasie nodded and walked past Kalen.
“Let’s go, Kalen. There’s a mountain of things to do.”
And just like she had been doing since Kalen’s arrival, Serasie started walking ahead.
The resounding presence of a bodyguard.
The feeling of someone being behind her provided a small sense of reassurance.
Surely this is the frontline.
Serasie’s words were entirely accurate.
First, gather the troops within the faction and receive reports on the various happenings.
Then adjust the personnel in response to the changing situation and deal with any issues that arise during the process.
Crathers and Makbel, who had joined her at the frontline, were a great help.
Of course, there was also some bad news.
Since Serasie hadn’t previously been deeply involved in frontline affairs, the change of heart wasn’t surprising.
All those who set out to the frontline are valiant knights.
Especially those shining under the Hiart name are, ironically, prone to wavering.
Toren, who constantly moves back and forth at the frontline.
Serasie being a woman and her previous lack of frontline involvement played significant roles.
The already shrinking faction had turned their backs on her.
The expression on Serasie’s face as she learned of this fact was impossible to describe as simply “good.”
Is this what they mean by not having one’s people?
Serasie began tapping her chin again with her index finger. The shorter intervals between taps suggested slight anxiety.
“Yes, Miss Serasie.”
“What should we do?”
Makbel, the one who had directly reported this situation to Serasie, remained silent for a while, stroking his short moustache, before carefully speaking.
“How about clearing out the monsters at the frontline, Miss?”
“Yes. Ultimately, those who left probably thought that you, being a woman and distant from the frontline, wouldn’t have much knowledge. Since you haven’t personally experienced it, perhaps they think Master Toren, who is directly involved, would be better suited.”
Serasie, standing behind him, flinched at that moment.
The people involved in the meeting were all focused on Makbel’s words, and even Makbel himself didn’t notice the slight movement of the boy standing behind Serasie.
“I’ve organized records of monster appearances.”
From the start of the meeting, Makbel had glanced at the documents piled on the desk.
“Originally, there was a gradual increase, but within the recent five years, it has grown to quite significant levels.”
“We already knew that the number of monsters was increasing.”
“No, we only knew part of that fact.”
Peace had come to the empire, but the northern duties hadn’t changed much. After all, it’s still combat, the only difference being whether the opponents are hostile nations or monsters in an endless fight.
In the last five years, the surge in monster numbers has been gnawing away at the north in a different way. Although it is currently manageable, one can’t predict future events; uncertainty is enough to leave one uneasy.
“And the center seems to be Hiart Mountain.”
“Are you saying that monsters are being created at Hiart Mountain?”
“I cannot say for sure, Miss. Because it’s something I haven’t personally verified. However, based on available information, it seems likely.”
Makbel slowly tilted his waist, gazing intently into Serasie’s eyes as if gauging her intentions.
Serasie was still tapping her chin with her index finger, deep in thought.
“You have to show them. That you possess the qualities of a ruler. If you accomplish something that Master Toren couldn’t, many will surely pledge their loyalty.”
Serasie flinched yet again.
In silence, she carefully considered. Behind her, the boy shifted slightly, unnoticed.
Once more, Makbel caught sight of the movement but disregarded it, maintaining his focus on Serasie.
And after a long while, Serasie slowly nodded.
“Ultimately, it’s a battle where we must seize the initiative.”
“Yes, Miss.”
“To Sir Crathers, with my presence, hunting the monsters carefully without taking unnecessary risks should be perfectly possible. If we approach this with time and caution, it won’t be dangerous.”
Serasie stood up carefully so as not to knock over her chair.
“I thank you all for not turning your backs on me. And I apologize for asking you to take on dangerous tasks. But please help me. I cannot stand to see this trash destroy the north.”
Facing each person gathered in the meeting room one by one, Serasie held their gaze and spoke firmly.
There was no opposition.
The knights hesitated, exchanged glances, and then each nodded.
That’s good enough.
Serasie doesn’t expect unwavering loyalty.
To dream of such illusions would be too distant from reality; the north is as cold as it is.
For now, it’s sufficient that they follow her for her purpose.
As long as…
The festering wound doesn’t worsen any further.
She could only silently wish for that.
By the time the late-running meeting concluded.
Everyone had left the meeting room, leaving only Makbel, Serasie, and her bodyguard Kalen inside.
“You’re not going, Makbel?”
“There’s a bit of cleaning up left, Miss.”
“Thank you for your effort. Still, please don’t overwork yourself.”
Everyone left the meeting room.
Due to the prolonged meeting, the day had darkened considerably. While there was light illuminating the meeting room, its insufficient strength to fend off the overwhelming darkness was a given.
In the quiet meeting room, a small, bright light flickered.
-Makbel? How did it go?
“I’ve successfully guided Serasie to Hiart Mountain, Master.”
-Haha! As expected from Makbel!
The small object held in his hand was a communication magic tool.
Being very expensive, it wasn’t something just anyone could possess.
Unless it were the eldest son of the northern duke’s family.
-Our foolish brother is walking right into it. Anyway, well done, Makbel. Any hints that we’ve been found out?
“No. All the grounds used are based on real facts, making it hard to doubt.”
-Good, good. So, Makbel, you keep hiding until you isolate Serasie at Hiart Mountain.
A sly laugh echoed within the communication magic tool.
-I didn’t expect your planting would result in this. Who would’ve thought Father would permit frontline activities, but this works in our favor.
For some time in the dimly lit meeting room, a prolonged conversation continued.
The faint light buried in the darkness didn’t dim even as sounds of conversation kept going, and it was only when a satisfied laugh was heard that it finally ceased.
-Ah, by the way. Be careful of that bodyguard guy. Father was surprised by him, so there must be something about him. Also, it’s unlikely she’d suddenly bring in an outsider, no matter how stupid she is.
“I will keep that in mind.”
-Well, good job, Makbel. I’m off to sleep.
“Rest well.”
With Makbel’s voice fading into the quiet once more,
“Master Toren.”