The King of the Underworld is Tired

Chapter 52: The Story of Hephaestus – (3)

Did Hephaestus tell the gods of Olympus that he was going to Lemnos Island for a few days, only to participate in the festival instead?

Something smells fishy…

I looked closely at Hephaestus, who was standing on the podium.

“If you all would follow me for a moment, you’ll be able to admire my art!”

“Art? A work made by the god of blacksmithing…”

“Hephaestus is great at making weapons, but art?”

“Could it be a large piece?”

As the gods whispered with curious expressions, Zeus, who had been eating ambrosia, spoke to him.

“Hephaestus, with you being this confident, can we look forward to it?”

“Of course, Father. Even Apollo won’t be able to surpass my work!”

What on earth did he make for him to say that? It can’t be a weapon like my bident…

Such confidence, no, arrogance, in claiming to have made something better than the god of art himself.

As the murmurs grew louder around us, Apollo only smiled with curiosity, seemingly more intrigued than concerned.

“Really? Since you’ve said that, let’s go see it. Lead the way.”

“Yes, Father. Those who wish to see it, please follow me!”

Zeus stood up, and Poseidon also walked forward, showing interest.

Though I wanted Hephaestus to gain fame as a blacksmith, I never imagined he’d attempt something in the realm of art…

As I hesitated for a moment, the goddess Styx approached and whispered to me.

“Hades, Hephaestus is inviting us, so let’s go see it.”

“Something feels off… But yes, let’s go.”

The gods who followed Hephaestus arrived at his residence on Olympus.

Could his art be inside his own quarters?

Soon, standing in front of his room, Hephaestus turned to face us.

After clearing his throat for a moment, he grabbed the door handle and spoke.

“This is modern art, no, Greek-style art. The title of the piece is 'Love and War!'”

And with that, the door swung open…

Revealing his artwork.

* * * 

Inside Hephaestus’s bedroom, behind the open door, lay…

Two entangled figures on a bed, seemingly having just finished a bout of passion.

Aphrodite and Ares.

“No... No way!”

“Hephaestus…?! You said you were going down to Lemnos Island…”

The two naked adulterers, seeing Hephaestus, tried to flee but failed.

A thin bronze net surrounded their bodies, preventing their escape.

“This... Why won’t it break…?”


“How do you like my artwork? Isn’t it surpassing even Apollo’s?”

Everyone was struck silent, stunned by the scene.

The bronze net, strong enough that not even Ares, the god of war, could break free of it, was one thing…

But the breathtaking figure of Aphrodite entangled beneath it was utterly mesmerizing.

The beautiful goddess of love, her body intertwined with Ares, naked.

Her flawless skin, every inch of her body perfect, writhing as she struggled to escape the net.

Her face flushed with a strange mix of shame and arousal, feeling both the disgrace and embarrassment of being caught in such an illicit act before so many gods.

Desperately avoiding eye contact with anyone, trying in vain to cover her breasts and lower body with her hands.

All of this showcased her absolute beauty.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Suddenly, the sound of applause filled the room. It was Apollo, staring blankly as he clapped his hands together.

Golden ichor, the blood of the gods, dripped from his nose.

We gods don’t bleed just because we get excited like humans do…

So it seemed his divinity had taken a significant blow as his artistic sensibilities shattered.

“I admit it, Hephaestus. I could never surpass your art.”

“Hmm. If you keep trying, I’m sure you could.”

Apollo, no longer the god of art, remained dazed, unable to tear his eyes away from Aphrodite’s figure.

Watching him wipe the ichor from his nose and acknowledge Hephaestus, I felt a headache coming on.

“Haa… This madness…”

The other gods, finally snapping out of their daze, started commenting as well.

“Didn’t Lady Hera recently say something about stopping all these affairs…?”

“They already had Harmonia, but still…”

“Quite a fitting spectacle for an artistic festival.”

“Zeus, what do you think?”

“They should’ve known when to stop. Tsk tsk.”

Apollo, still dazed from clapping, turned to Hermes, who looked equally stunned, frozen in place.

But neither god could look away from Aphrodite.

“Hermes, are you envious of Hephaestus? Or of Ares?”

“Brother Apollo, what are you talking about?”

“I’m asking if you envy Hephaestus, who’s jealous, or Ares, who’s humiliated.”

“Of course, I envy both of them. The net is so sturdy, I wish I could be trapped there forever…”

Listening to their conversation only made my headache worse.

Do the mortals who worship us in the lower world know this side of the gods?

“Ugh… How disgraceful…!”

The goddess Styx, who had been standing next to me, looked like she was about to explode and quickly fled the scene.

Judging by the fading sound of her presence, she seemed to have hurried back to the underworld.

“Ares, Aphrodite. After having Harmonia, don’t you think it’s time to stop?”

Zeus sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

Poseidon, looking at the scene of infidelity Hephaestus had exposed, spoke to the blacksmith god with a very reluctant expression.

He, too, didn’t seem too thrilled about the whole situation.

“Hephaestus, I’ll personally make sure they apologize and compensate you properly, so let them go…”

But even Poseidon couldn’t tear his gaze away from Aphrodite’s body.

“…Yes, well, since you say so, I’ll stop here.”

As Hephaestus approached the bed and adjusted a few mechanisms, the net naturally unraveled.

He must’ve predicted that Aphrodite would call Ares while he was away and spread false rumors to set this up.

No wonder the gods were all flustered, thinking Hephaestus had gone to Lemnos Island…

* * *

As the bronze net unraveled, Ares fled to Thrace, where his temple was located.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, left for the island of Cyprus.

There, on Cyprus, lies the Spring of Virginity, where a woman can bathe to restore her virginity.

She probably intends to bathe there and regain her virginity.

But isn't it meaningless, since her virginity will break again the moment she lies with another man?

Anyway, I followed Hephaestus, who had promised to inspect my armor as agreed.

As he turned his back to me, concentrating on examining my bident, I threw out a comment.

"Hephaestus, won't today's events make Aphrodite dislike you even more?"

The god of the forge's back trembled slightly.

"I have… half given up, to be honest. Sob..."

"In that case, why not look for another goddess? Perhaps you could speak with Zeus…”

At this point, their marriage is essentially over.

Even though it was Zeus who officiated the wedding,

Perhaps witnessing today's events may have changed his mind as well.

If I offer my input and both parties express a desire for a divorce, wouldn’t it be possible?

If the issue is a potential fight among the gods competing for Aphrodite's favor, I could actively intervene…

“But the other half… I can’t stop thinking about Aphrodite's beautiful form!”


"I desperately want to win back Aphrodite's love, but I see a future where that seems impossible! She has already fallen for that scoundrel Ares and even bore Harmonia! Am I truly destined to be abandoned by my wife simply because of my appearance, left to plot petty revenge...?"

Now, what on earth am I supposed to do?

Should I arrange for them to confront each other?

“Someday, I will burn that Ares' face in flames!”

It looks like things are about to spiral completely out of control because of this woman.

I can't stand by any longer.

"Come with me to meet Aphrodite."


"Why don't we ask her directly what exactly it is she finds so displeasing about you that she keeps meeting with Ares?"

I'll have to make sure they have an honest conversation.

* * *

As soon as Hephaestus finished inspecting my armor, we headed straight to the island of Cyprus.

I told a nymph, one of Aphrodite's attendants, to let her know we were waiting.

After a short while, the goddess of beauty emerged from her bath.

Giving Hephaestus a nudge, he awkwardly began to speak.

"What is it that displeases you so much that you keep calling for Ares?"

"Hmph… What displeases me, you ask?"

Aphrodite's face contorted.

"Of course, it's this marriage itself! From the beginning, I wanted to marry someone I loved!"

"You married me by your father's will, yet even after bearing a child with Ares, you still behave like this? Isn't that too much?"

"You, Hephaestus, are always so absorbed in your work at the forge that you rarely even come home! How can we build any affection that way?"

Aphrodite isn't entirely in the right, but…

Shouldn't he, at the very least, pay more attention to his wife?

"I'm a god of the forge; I can't help it. But ever since we married, I’ve been trying in my own way."


Aphrodite, perhaps feeling a twinge of guilt, turned her head slightly.

While Hephaestus is busy day and night crafting the items the Olympian gods request,

He did make an effort to spend more time at home after marrying the goddess of beauty.

Though it seems it wasn’t enough to satisfy Aphrodite…

"But how can you avoid me even in official gatherings like the Olympian Council? Last time, I asked you for a favor, and you acted like you didn't even hear me! Is this some kind of deliberate slight because everyone knows you love Ares?"

Their grievances had clearly been building up, and despite my presence, their words were becoming increasingly harsh.

But these were matters that definitely needed to be addressed.

"You only seem to seek me out in such settings to save face. This attitude of yours proves that you only married me for my looks!"

“What did you say?! Are you done talking? You’re the one who only comes to me when you need something made…!”

Their emotions flared, and their powers began to clash.

The island of Cyprus shook, and divine energy that mesmerized all living things spread in all directions.

From under Hephaestus' feet, flames rose and heated the surrounding space.

If this continues, the island's inhabitants will die, so I must intervene.

"Enough, that's far enough."

I stepped between Hephaestus and Aphrodite, calming the situation around us.

With the scent of burning filling the air and an intoxicating fragrance swirling around us, the chilling aura of the underworld disrupted everything.

"Hephaestus, no matter how busy your work as a blacksmith may be, it would be wise to pay more attention to your wife. If any of the other gods complain, tell them to find me in the underworld."

"Yes… I understand."

Hephaestus calmed himself and stepped back a little.

Next, I turned to the goddess of beauty, who was scowling fiercely.

With a sigh, I placed a hand on Aphrodite's shoulder and met her gaze.

"Aphrodite, are you not the goddess of love? And yet you cannot fulfill the simple request of a man who yearns for your love? Even after bringing another man to your bed and bearing a child, Hephaestus, who loves you, still stands here."

"That… I…”

Aphrodite tried to retreat, but

If I don't ensure that they have a proper conversation this time, their conflict will never be resolved.

"While I can't force the goddess of love to love anyone, at least make an effort to behave like a married couple in public."

“Ugh… Fine, I understand…”

For some reason, with tears welling in her eyes and her face flushed red, Aphrodite hurriedly left the scene.

Having said what needed to be said, I thought things might finally settle down, so I turned back around…


Hephaestus, looking more sorrowful than ever, was shedding tears.

“So, in the end… It’s all about looks, isn’t it… Oh, father Zeus…”

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