The Kind Older Sister Is No More

Chapter 110: Duke’s Cruelty


Following Noel’s order, the mercenaries and soldiers who returned to the duchy first from the snowy forest closed all the gates. They did just as he ordered, so not a single ant could escape. Then, all the servants in the castle were gathered in the central hall to make sure that no one was missing. Out of the blue, the workers were all summoned by a group of people covered in blood. Hence, they could not help but tremble constantly as they stole sneaky glances at the savage-looking men.

“There is no one missing, is there?”

“Uh, no.”

When the commander of the mercenary corps asked the head butler, he answered, quivering.

What in the world is going on here?!

The Duke and the Duchess were nowhere to be seen, while those who were supposed to escort and protect them came back stained with blood, closing all the gates without any explanation.

Could it be that they have been attacked and betrayed by these people?

It was quite a plausible speculation. Noel, who went out with them, disappeared without a trace. Meanwhile, those who had to protect him returned and closed the gates on their whim without a word of clarification.

If it is true, I must tell the Grand Duke this news.

Unaware of the fact that it was Noel’s command, the head butler with his loyal heart decided to act at once. Suppressing his fear, he secretly called out to a servant when the mercenaries and knights were averting their gaze from them.

“I will draw their attention. In the meantime, you go and inform the Grand Duke of the present situation through the messenger…”

“Hey! What are you whispering about? It’s suspicious!”

However, it was not easy for the old butler to avoid their observation. Eventually, the mercenaries found the two people whispering and approached them with a grim face.

“What did you say?!”

“I-I can’t tell you!”

“What? It’s even more suspicious! Come on, just spit it out!”

“Don’t you dare do this! What have you done to the Ducal couple?! Aren’t you supposed to protect them! Then why on earth...!”

“You are too noisy! I have no obligation to tell you! Come on, just be honest and say it outright!”

The butler confronted them to fulfil his duty as the head servant of the Kreisen Castle. Instantaneously, the mercenaries hid the fact that Noel was coming so as not to trigger the urge to escape in the lurking assassin. As misunderstandings piled up, the argument escalated.

“What were you all doing just now?”

The door to the hall swung open, and Noel entered. His sudden appearance garnered the attention of all the people in the hall. The head butler, who was arguing hard, widened his eyes.

“Y-your Grace! You are safe and sound!”

The butler, convinced that Noel had been ambushed by his own soldiers, exclaimed in bewilderment. Looking at him coldly, Noel replied.

“Why can’t I be safe?”

“Oh, no. It’s just that I thought something may have happened along the way because you did not come back with these men. Plus, they abruptly ordered us to close all the gates…”

“I encountered...a mishap. A significant one.”

As Noel’s expression grew colder, the butler slowly realised he had made a mistake.

Looking around at the bleak atmosphere, Noel spoke to the butler.

“You must have memorised all the faces of the servants. Every single one of them?”

“Yes, I do, but…”

“Good, then I will go through the investigation right away. Who is the maid who prepared tea for my wife?”

“Pardon? Oh, it must be Lina...Lina! Come on out.”

The head butler’s cry stirred the surrounding area for a moment. Among them, a maid came forward trembling. Noel glanced at her. She was an ordinary maid who looked nothing special.

“I-I did serve her tea frequently, but…”

She shuddered and clenched her teeth at the frightening situation. Noel looked at her silently for a moment and spoke to the butler.

“There is a person in here who tried to assassinate my wife and I.”

“Oh-oh, dear! Who would do such a terrible thing...!”

“Then, head butler, may I ask for your cooperation?”

“Yes. of course! Please tell me anything you wish for!”

The head butler, who was startled by the word assassination, immediately answered with a determined face. Noel lowered his gaze and spoke in a calm voice.

“Until I announce the case is closed, no one should be allowed to take one step out of their room.”

“...Pardon? What you mean is…”

“If any of you leave your room even for a split second, I will automatically identify you as an assassin and punish you.”

His voice, which was like frost, froze the air. It made not only the servants but also the mercenaries, tremble.

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