The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 75: Ant Quest

Now that Ravyn was a Diviner and a Necromancer, she was able to manipulate holy- or should I say divine energy now? Anyway, possessing these traits even though she was undead.

Celestia said that she was going to look in on how she was able to do this but for now, she told Ravyn not to use divine energy so unwisely as there could be some side effects.

There was a difference between holy and divine energy, which I really didn't get since the meaning of the words is the same. But anyway, holy energy is drawn directly from light energy, while divine energy is borrowed and siphoned from the heavens... which I still don't get.

It's... pretty confusing... but all I can say is that Holy Resistance won't protect me from divine energy. Basically, it's a stronger version of holy energy.

Celestia told me to go on a quest with Ravyn so I can help her control her new powers as her mana accumulation rate with both dark and light magic is very unstable. I need to help her equalize the two as she attacks. Ravyn will also be unable to activate her new active skill, since that requires proper usage of divine energy.

Anyway, I agreed, as I also needed some time to stretch and to test out Raiden.

I told Ravyn to pick a quest while I head back to the inn to check up on Kiyomi and Akane. Sure enough, when I got back, they were still sleeping.

I sighed and smiled as I gave them both a kiss on the forehead before I left. I commanded my shadow servants to watch over them while I'm gone. I also left a note on the table saying I'll be gone on a quest.

By the time I returned to the guild, Ravyn still hasn't chosen a quest.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Huh? Well-"

"Just pick one, it's not that hard," I said.

"Yeah, but-"

I sighed and just took a random poster off the task board.

"W-wait! Nero, that's-"

"We just need to do one to test your strength. If you are ever in trouble, you have me."


I walked up to one of the ladies at the counter and handed in the poster while giving her my adventurer's card.

I turned to Ravyn and I noticed the fearful look on her face.

"Ravyn? What's wrong?" I asked.

"C-can we do a quest on… another day?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, umm-"

She was stuttering, and I was genuinely confused until the receptionist started talking.

"Bug exterminating, huh? Well, good luck with that."

I noticed Ravyn jump when the word "Bug" was mentioned. Aah… I see.

"Little Ravyn scared of bugs?" I queried and teased.

"O-of course not!"

Her face was flushed as she turned away and stomped out of the guild.

"Hey now, I need your card! Damn it, I'll be right back." I said to the receptionist as I darted towards Ravyn to drag her back in.

We eventually got everything done and we were finally on our way.

We were tasked to exterminate a colony of Tri-horn ants that have been terrorizing travelers along the road.

Now, I understand why Ravyn has a fear of bugs. Insects are... well, really big in this world. Well actually... that's pretty obvious. I think I had the same fear, but I'm pretty much unfazed by any bugs now since I did devour a demonic critter which was in the form of a foot-long centipede.

Since I was able to fly now, we were able to get there quicker. Ravyn was pretty light, so I didn't have much difficulty carrying her.

We eventually arrived at a giant pit, the entrance into the ant nest.

I made a tiny orb of light and dropped it down into the seemingly bottomless chasm. The orb eventually reached the bottom. Judging by how long it took to get to the bottom, it is... a pretty deep hole.

"Now then," I said, stretching my arms before levitating off the floor. "You ready?"

I looked at Ravyn, who was still nervous about this whole thing.


I sighed and grabbed her hand.

"As long as I'm here, you don't have to be afraid. Though I have to say, why are you scared of bugs and not dead things?"

"Dead things and bugs are completely different things!"

"Right... Anyway, just be sure to follow me using Shadow Shift. This hole is practically covered in shadows."


I'd let go of her hand and hover above the hole.

Now then... how about a flashy entrance?

I would cancel Flight and begin falling down the hole.

"Eh? Nero!?"

As I plummeted down the hole, I equipped Osiris and began amassing Dragon Fire at the bottom of my feet.

Then as soon as I landed, I used Dragon Volcano Explosion, flooding the bottom of the cave in lava.


I watched as lava entered the ant tunnels. I heard squealing sounds, indicating that the ants were being burnt alive.


"Are you crazy!?" Ravyn yelled at me as she caught up.

"What? This is an effective strategy. As long as I continue to-"


Another explosion erupted and I decided to back off a little.

It was a pretty loud explosion.

"Anyway, as I was saying, as long as I continue to flood lava into the tunnels, they will die and eventually the queen will get caught, right? Am I missing something?" I asked her.

"Yes... that's not where the queen is."



"It's not?"


"So... where is it located?"

"Behind you."

I turned around and there was a large tunnel in front of me.

Oh wow... how... convenient.

I landed inside the tunnel with Ravyn following me. Then we entered together.

In order for Ravyn to practice accumulation with divine energy, I had her stop using dark energy and use divine energy now. Then I remembered what Celestia told me, so I told her to balance them instead.

As we walked deeper, we encountered two pathways.

From the information that Ravyn learned when she was still alive at the time, it's that the queen isn't very well guarded as they are only defended by 5 elites and a small legion of other ants. Well, if you aren't weak and stupid, then it would be light work.

Now that I think of it, I didn't give Ravyn and the other two levels. I'll max out Ravyn's level now and the others when I get back.

[Levels in Store: 17300]

[Level 923; Class: Necromancer/Arcane Mage/Diviner; Level Cap: 1619]

[Party Member Ravyn has leveled up!(696)]

"Whoa, what was that?" I heard Ravyn say.

I looked around and heard nothing. Is she crazy?

"Tsk, you are just being paranoid."

"Ants can dig faster than normal tiny ants if you didn't know. Can't you just use your sensory skill or something?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around before activating Dragon's Blood.

I felt the blood around my body rushing violently through my veins before I saw figures through the wall. So this is how Dragon's Blood works.

Blue figures meant that they were weaker than me, purple meant they were equal, and red meant that they were stronger than me. It was actually much simpler than Wolf's Blood, except that my body kind of itches from using this. Probably because my blood is accelerating at too fast for my body to handle.

But anyway, most of the figures I saw were blue, so nothing to worry about there. I eventually spotted the queen and the elites. The elites were dyed blue and violet while the queen was dyed red.

Most of the other ants were in the walls, which is a pretty bad spot to be.

Why? Well...

Atomic Fission is a really handy skill to have.

"Uhh, Nero? What are you-?"


Atomic Fission created a massive hole in front of me and now all the ants that were hiding in the walls were now in view. I think I even took out a few.

"You know... I could've just spread out my Bane Mist, right?"

I turned and shook my head.

"Nope, the reason we are on this quest is to help you practice using divine energy. No dark energy from here on out until you've mastered divine energy."


"Good, now, start taking some of them out. Remember to circulate dark energy while you use light energy." I said, pointing to the hundreds of ants.

I smirked as I saw a fearful look on Ravyn's face. It's fun teasing her. Maybe I should tease the others too. Only when I find out what they are afraid of, obviously.

But anyway, I stepped back and allowed Ravyn to do whatever.

She took deep breaths before throwing a Holy Bomb at the many ants in front of her.

After a flash followed an explosion and once the smoke cleared, I saw ant corpses scattered everywhere.

Hmm, interesting... maybe I could get ahold of such power...

But for some reason, I'm highly sensitive.

Her Holy Aura... it's sending chills down my spine. I should probably keep my distance from her for now.

"Alright let's move ah-"


Ravyn ignored me and continued throwing Holy Bombs at the ants, even though they were already dead.


Alright then, ignore me and continue bombarding them with Holy Bombs. I was planning on taking their levels but go ahead and destroy them, I guess.

Now that I think of it, eating ants sounds kind of... disgusting.




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