The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 54: Wrath

"Hehehehe… AHAHAHAHA!!!!"

I couldn't stop the laughter… the laughter of pure joy, that is. In other words, I went completely insane.

I've held myself back for so long, I've never experienced such a feeling!

I'm free… free from holding myself back! The hidden wrath I've held back will bring hell.

I charged towards the Ice Gladiator. It swung its large hammer at me but I ducked and grabbed onto it. I was pulled away, but I managed to use that force for my own use.

I was flung into the air which was exactly what I needed.

Activating my Aura Domain, I smiled confidently.

"Get them," I said before activating my skill Boneyard.

The floor glowed a dark color and popping out from the floor were countless skeletal arms. Moments later, the floor was polluted by skeletons with swords in their hands.

Since I haven't leveled them up, they'll be weak. Well, I only need them to distract them for me.

The skeletons tackled the Ice Gladiator while the Summoner and dealt with them easily using their Frozen Land spell.

However, it's powerless when you are fighting someone who has the ability to manipulate fire.

I landed on the ground and activated Inferno and Flame Pillars, plunging the entire forest and the field into flames.


The flames erupted around the Ice Gladiator who was pinned down by my skeletons. It attempted to escape but it was no use. As it melted, my skeletons were turned to ashes due to the temperature of the heat.

I could see that the summoner was shaking as it watched the flames spread. Using Flash Step, I appeared in front of it and pointed my fingers at it.

"You should've known better than to attack me."

Activating my aura, I performed Shadow Blade Assail, bombarding the Summoner with countless numbers of shadow blades.

It managed to block using an Ice Shield but it eventually broke due to the overwhelming amount of shadow blades it received.

However, once I thought I had gotten it, I felt a chilly presence from behind and quickly Shadow Shifted away.

Up in the air was the Summoner who was an ice elf had they had some kind of monstrous ice arm. They were giving off a cold heavy aura but that didn't affect me.

Why? Because only the weak will fret. I on the other hand…

-Am past that.

I pointed my finger at them as I activated my Aura Domain.

"I've been meaning to test out a combo, so I'll use you as a test subject."

The Summoner dashed towards me while summoning another Ice Gladiator. When they got in 5-meters of my range, I began the combo.

Using Flash Step to move around repeatedly, I filled up my entire domain with Volatile Orbs, trapping both the Summoner and the Gladiator.

I escape from my own domain so I wouldn't get caught in the explosion.


I snapped my fingers, detonating my Volatile Orbs.


The explosion erupted and after the smoke cleared up, the only thing left was a giant crater.

I laughed. I laughed because I was surprised how the Summoner actually managed to escape it.

I bent back and glanced at the Summoner whose entire body was covered in bruises and burns. I noticed they were androgynous, so I couldn't tell whether they were female or male. All I can say is that they were my enemy, regardless of gender.

"Is that all? I expected more," I said as I activated my aura and prepared another wave of shadow blades.

The ice elf didn't speak, but instead, it slammed the floor with its ice arm and the entire field was covered in ice once more. This time, emerging from the ice was countless soldiers encased in ice.

I see, so even some Active Skills can be activated without an incantation. That or they just chanted the entire thing in their head. Maybe that's something the mute could do.

Well, it doesn't matter.

I regained my composure and stomped the ground, summoning thorns made of large bones from the ground which impaled half of the soldiers.

I did the exact same thing while launching my shadow blades, killing every single one of the soldiers.

Looking around, I noticed the Summoner had disappeared. Now where have they gone off to?

That's when I noticed that they were floating in the sky. What the-?

[Notice: The enemy has the skill, Flight]

Is that so…? So if I kill them and devour their blood, I'll get the skill?

Interesting… how interesting…

I cackled and glanced at the Summoner.

"You… time to die."

The Summoner activated their aura which was a light blue color. He then formed what looked like ice blades and launched them towards me. I did the same with my aura, launching shadow blades.

Our blades clashed and I took that as a chance for me to get past them without them noticing.

I quickly activated Stealth while using Shadow Shift to get below them. Once I did that, I punched the ground and used Grim Dragon Maw.

Amassing all my energy and turning the life around me into bones with my ability to create bones, I could create a maw ten times bigger than its normal size.

My maw was massive and when it closed its maw, it managed to trap the Summoner within.

The Summoner quickly got up and it attempted to use Cocytus, the domain of ice.

There was no need to worry since it takes a long time to activate.

Now then…

There are three ways to activate an Active Skill. One, to chant the entire incantation. Two, chant the incantation in their mind. Or… summarize the incantation into a simple sentence, like how Akane did.

So then… by accumulating the energy required to activate Shadow King Domain, I just need to say the incantation and destroy him from the inside.

"By the power of eternal darkness, disappear into the abyss that is the Domain of the Shadow King."

Then the interior of the Grim Dragon Maw was engulfed in darkness and there was nothing left except black.

The Summoner braced itself for any attack that would head for its way. It attempted to activate its aura but it didn't even get the chance to materialize.

"Quit trying, I've already set my Domain to devour any mana lying around. I am already gaining mana as we speak, or should I say just me?"

I was shifting around in the shadows. As this was my domain, I could move around freely without limitations. I can also command my domain to do whatever I want it to do.

I faced my palm towards the Summoner and the walls formed into spikes. The spikes instantly headed towards the Summoner.

The Summoner jumped, avoiding the incoming spikes but when they landed, their feet sank into the floor which was my shadow. They tried to escape but to no avail.

"Meaningless, you can't escape my domain. Now then… I'm getting hungry, I think I'll kill you now."

I appeared below them and uppercut them before pinning them to the floor.

I began pounding them while they were pinned to the ground. The more I struck them, the more I felt myself losing control of my body. The more I lost control, the more I forget about who I am.

"Hehehehe… hehehehe… hahahaha-!"

I continued to cackle as I pummeled the Summoner into pieces. Then to finish it off, I ripped their head off from their body. The spine also came along too.

Blood splattered everywhere and some of it went into my mouth. I gulped it down, receiving my reward.

[Levels in store: 1673]

[Passive Skills: Warhammer Proficiency, Curse Resistance, Ice-Augmented Arm, Spirit Soul]

[Skills: Flight, Frost Blade Assail(Lvl.5), Ice Weapon Creation(Lvl.5), Ice Shield(Lvl.5)]

After that, I canceled my domain, letting the crimson moonlight make contact with my body.

I stared at my hands stained with blood and my fingers were broken, some even hanging by the flesh. It seems that I must've deactivated Osiris without noticing and continued my rampage. The pain was trivial, so it was practically nothing.

Healing my hands, I walked under a tree and fell to my knees before my face kissed the burned floor.

[Status: Gravely Fatigued]

It seems going all out drained my energy. I can't move a muscle. Well... I was just going to sleep anyway.

Now... to sleep...


I was woken up by the blinding sun and Ravyn slapping me across the face.


"Well, it's pretty obvious by the ice elf. Also, stop shaking me, I don't feel so good."

I felt like throwing up. No, I actually needed to throw up.

I pushed Ravyn away and ran to a tree before puking blood.

I stared at the blood that I had just puked out. What the hell? What's going on?


[Title Obtained: Sin of Wrath]

[Sin of Wrath: Your power will significantly increase when you let loose, however, you will temporarily lose a part of yourself when you are enraged. Host will also experience symptoms of illness for a day or two after this is active| Effects: Strength x10; Status: Ill after Free from Shackles is activated]

[Active Skills Unlocked: Free from Shackles]

[Notice: The Active Skill, Free from Shackles will automatically activate when the host wishes so]

[Status: Ill]

I see. So that's why. It's only a day or two, right? I guess I can deal with that for now.

I walked back to the girls but stumbled. Luckily, Kiyomi caught me before I hit the ground.

"Aah... thank you, Kiyomi."

So soft... my vision is too blurry to see what I buried my face into, but this sensation can only mean one thing.

I need to rest, I still feel fatigued even after sleeping for who knows how long.

As I slowly fell unconscious, I could hear Ravyn's complaints fading into nothingness.

Then I fell asleep.




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