The infinitely powerful man mixed in the comics

Chapter 54

Jiang Jing was stunned for a moment and said uninterestedly: "No, I'm too lazy to leave. It's a rare holiday and it would be nice to just stay at home."

"No, I have to go. Today is very important to Sorata." Mashiro Shiina shook his head.

"Uh... it's really not important." Facing the stubborn Mashiro, Jiang Jing wanted to tell her that he didn't care about Long and Tiger's grades. No matter how bad they were, they couldn't be any worse.


"Meow..." Xiaoguang lying on the ground called softly. A pair of amber cat eyes looked dissatisfied at the interrupted Shiina Mashiro. The cat's claws grabbed Jiang Jing's fingers, and its tail flicked in a coquettish manner.

Noticing Xiaoguang's gaze, the sleepiness in Shiina Mashiro's originally sleepy phoenix eyes instantly disappeared. She calmly looked at Xiaoguang on the ground, and Xiaoguang's agile tail suddenly froze.

"Hahahaha... Junior brother, wake up."

At this moment, accompanied by energetic and happy laughter, Misaki Kamuigusa, who lives in the river view building, fell from the sky again, pulled a rope and jumped in through his open window.

"Be careful, senior." Jiang Jing, who was just squatting under the window to scratch Xiaoguang's belly, said quickly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to catch Misaki Kamuigusa who jumped down.

Jiang Jing, who had his hands around Misaki Kamishugusa's waist, put her aside and said helplessly: "Senior, you seem to be a little heavier. Also, please don't jump down from above all the time. It's very dangerous."

Misaki Uekusa lowered her head and looked at her waist: "Where is it? I just measured myself and Mashiro-chan last night, and my waist hasn't gotten thicker."

"But junior fellow student, I found that little Mashiro has grown up a bit, are you happy?" Misaki Ueizusa said the matter carelessly, and there was no shame in her head.

The other Shiina, who also had no common sense, heard this and looked down at the back of his chest. He looked at Jiang Dingding and nodded in affirmation: "Yes."

"Well, you're big." Jiang Jing said angrily.

After saying that, Jiang Jing stood up and gave each of them a bomb, "You don't even sleep so early in the morning."

Bang bang! !

"Ouch, junior, it hurts."

" hurts sora."

Shiina Mashiro followed Misaki's example and covered her forehead with both hands, shouting in pain, but there was no expression of pain on her face, and she looked very cute in her dazed look.

After such a noise, Jiang Jing knew that he couldn't do anything today. He shook his head and held Mashiro in hand: "Okay, go up and change clothes and clean up."

By the time Jiang Jing finished drying Mashiro's hair and found some clothes for her to change, it was already late. After a brief breakfast, Misaki pulled her out of Sakurasou.

As for the other people in Sakurasou, Mitaka Jin seems to be very busy these days, not to mention Chihiro Sengoku, who also rarely gets a holiday. There is still one person who refuses to go out.

After appearing that day, Akasaka Ryunosuke returned to extreme squatting mode, eating and going to the toilet separately from everyone else.

"Wow, it's so lively, junior, let's go, let's start our spy war." Misaki urged excitedly as soon as he got off the taxi in the commercial street.

Today, Misaki is wearing a very convenient red T-shirt, casual pants, and white sneakers. She exudes youthful vitality and always has a happy smile on her beautiful, slightly round face.

It seems that for her, there are only happy things in life.

"Don't worry, the release has started at this time, so just walk over slowly." Jiang Jing, who was also wearing a white T-shirt, gray casual pants, and flat shoes, got out of the back seat of the car and held Mashiro's hand to warn her to be careful. .

Today, Mashiro is not as dressed up as last time. Her long light yellow hair is neatly combed and draped over her shoulders. Her beautiful face has a calm expression and her temperament is quiet and elegant.

She is wearing the same white T-shirt as Jiang Jing, underneath is a knee-length blue skirt and pink sneakers, very cute and pure.

When the three of them arrived at the largest Dengeki Bunko bookstore nearby, there was already a crowd inside. Countless men and women were coming in and out, discussing topics enthusiastically in groups of twos and threes.

"Hey Murata, are you here to buy new products too?"

"Yes, isn't the full version of Teacher Masamune's Cutest Sister released today? I came here specifically to buy this copy."

"Yes, yes, me too, let me tell you..."

"It's Haruki and Yosuke. If I had known you were coming, we would have made an appointment. Do you have a goal today? I remember you like watching hot-blooded battle series."

"No, I'm here today to buy the confession book written by Mr. Senjumura Sei. I heard that although it lost the first place qualification because it was too long, it was also published today."

"Ms. Murasaki's debut romance novel. Even if it's not good-looking, I would still buy it and collect it. Not to mention that I was deeply moved after reading it that day."

"I'm not, I'm here to buy the fifth volume of Love Metronome."

"Metronome of Love? Is that a popular work a few months ago? I haven't watched it yet."

In the center of the hall on the first floor, there is a circular bookshelf at the entrance. In front of it are piles of various works discovered today, and the spacious second floor above is also crowded with people.

In this era of otakus and light novels, it is not a matter of discrimination to like the second dimension, so these young people talk freely and exchange their favorites when they meet acquaintances.

"Junior, something is not right." In the corner, Misaki, who came in to observe for a while, touched his chin and made a detective-like expression of deep thought.

Just as she said, there were more than ten small piles of books pushed around the central circular booth. Dragon and Tiger were in the middle, surrounded by Izumi Masamune's The Cutest Sister and other award-winning works.

On the screen hanging above the head, the three models released today are also played in turn, the Dragon and the Tiger, the cutest sister in the world, and the pictorial of Senjumura Sei's new work.

One is strongly recommended by the Internet Publishing Department, one is a martial arts competition champion, and the other is a highly popular author with tens of millions of dollars.

However, most of the other books have been sold, and Dragon and Tiger have only bought less than half. The people who bought it were because the colorful cover drawn by Mashiro was so beautiful, and many people bought it just for the cover.

Of course, this result is actually quite good, but it is much lower than other well-known and popular authors, and my sister who has participated in martial arts competitions and exposed her content.

"How about we buy them all." Looking at the pile of books, Mashiro Shiina suddenly said.

"I think it's okay." Misaki's eyes lit up.

"It's okay for you guys." Jiang Jing pulled the two of them out angrily.

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ps: The first update is here, brothers, remember to vote with your votes.

I found the picture-posting function of Hedgehog Cat so fun ^-^

Chapter 55 Winner in Life

"We have already finished visiting Akihabara. Our books are selling very well in the bookstore there. Let's go to the big bookstore in Ashikaga District now."

In the crowd, Izumi Masamune, who has rare short green hair, is holding a folded notebook and chatting with Izumi Sagiri opposite the notebook while walking.

"Hmm... Go, go, go, I want to see the sales of our works." Izumi Sagiri's unique and cute voice came from the notebook video, urging her very excitedly.

"Have you not seen it before? You are still so excited." Masamune Izumi lowered his head and said to the microphone of his notebook.

But having said that, Izumi Masamune was also very excited and excited at the moment, mixed with a little uneasiness. He did not expect that one day his work would be so popular.

In the past, his best sales record was only Reincarnation Silver Wolf, which sold more than 200,000 yuan. This time, he switched to daily writing, won the martial arts championship in one fell swoop, and received all-channel publicity from Dengeki Bunko, which he never expected.

Moreover, the sales volume of his work was beyond his expectation. Half of the thousands of books piled up in the large Akihabara bookstore in front were sold in just over an hour.

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