The Infinite Uchiha

Chapter 3 Lone Wolf

There is endless white in front of me.

Fang Xiu stood on a low slope covered with ice and snow. The cold wind blew like a knife. The chakra flowing smoothly in his body resisted the low temperature, making him the only alien in the whaling station.

At this moment, members of the expert team from various fields are braving the wind and snow to collect specimens in the surrounding areas, while the engineering team is guarding the entrance of the ice cave to make use of this mysterious passage.

As for the security team?

Teams of two or two were on guard at the watchtower of the abandoned whaling station and in every corner, guarding against the uninvited arrival of other forces - even if this possibility was only true in theory.

And actually...

Space, low earth orbit.

Inside a stealth spaceship.

"This human... is so strange."

"He looks very powerful. He doesn't need any tools. The original energy in his body is enough to withstand the harsh environment. I want to collect his skull."

In the suspended three-dimensional image, a young man standing on a high place appeared. The red light representing heat was extremely exaggerated, like a small boiler running.

On both sides of the screen, there are three masked weirdos who are more than two meters tall and wearing strange armor.

As if feeling something in his heart, Fang Xiu raised his head and looked up at the sky.

"The Predators, with their remote monitoring capabilities... should have discovered me."

This is a very interesting ethnic group that highly advocates primitive hunting culture, but has also developed a high-tech civilization, is able to fly spaceships, and constantly fights against various strange creatures.

"Perhaps, if I have the opportunity in the future and my strength becomes stronger, I can try to get in-depth contact with the Iron-Blooded Civilization, exchange it for the equipment I can use, and reclaim the relevant world."

"Now... let's pass the trial first."

With his mind restrained, Fang Xiu quickly formed the seal according to the prompts in the memory fragments——

not yet.

Immediately, the eye-catching ninja outfit disappeared and was replaced by an ordinary polar cold-proof suit.

In the world of Naruto, ninjas will form seals with their hands in advance before launching an attack, so that the chakra in the body can be converted into techniques and released.

In addition, most seals require both hands to perform, but there are occasional exceptions. A very small number of talented elite jounin and even shadow-level experts can perform one-handed seals.

The Senju Hashirama who founded Konoha Village and started the Gundam battle with the Senjutsu Wood Release, in many cases, did not need to form seals, and just shouted whatever he wanted.

And just now, the transformation technique used by Fang Xiu, as the name suggests, changed his appearance to deceive others!

In various scenarios, such as fighting, espionage, or luring the enemy, you can gain maximum benefits by becoming a third party.

At present, Fang Xiu, who couldn't see anything unusual, had arrived at the entrance and met the characters in the plot.

"We have fixed the wire rope fixing pole. Should we send the scientific instruments of the expert team first, or let the security team explore the path? I always feel that something bad will happen."

"After installing the lights along the way, it's pitch black inside, like the mouth of an abyss. Can it not be scary to look at?"

"So, get the generator running..."

Around the ice cave, the construction site was noisy.

Amid the noisy exchanges, Fang Xiu came to the corner and silently put his hand on a man's shoulder:

"Dude, can you tell me how the current time is represented on the Mayan calendar in Aztec language?"

Professor Sebastian, who was in a daze, was frightened. After calming down, he turned to look at Fang Xiu and said helplessly: "Man, you are a ghost, you don't make any sound when you walk."

"..." He was answered with silence and a pair of Sharingan eyes.

In the left and right eye sockets, there are three black magatama rotating in each eye socket.

The illusion inherent in the bloodline was activated.

There is no need to consume much chakra, after all, the target is just an ordinary human being.

The next moment, this expert on the history of ancient civilization took out the pen and paper he carried with him and started writing.

It is true that after a long time, Fang Xiu has a strong sense of fuzzy feelings about many details of the plot, but the key nodes can still be recalled.

The equipment room where the plasma shoulder cannon is located is located directly below the main sacrificial tomb chamber. The latter can be reached by just walking along the center line of the pyramid!

The main question is how to get the equipment?

The symbols written on paper are key.

"Use Aztec language to adjust the time on the Mayan calendar to the current date, October 10, 2004, and you will get..."

While taking the paper, Fang Xiu breathed a long sigh of relief, withdrew the illusion, and his pupils returned to normal.

In fact, people with Uchiha blood, even if they are not very proficient in illusions, can easily control ordinary creatures with the help of their eyes.

Because going one step further, after upgrading to the Mangekyō Sharingan, even giant tailed beasts can be controlled.

At this moment, looking at Fang Xiu's back, Professor Sebastian's expression was empty and he was still in a daze. Even if he was woken up by his companion soon, he would not remember what he had just done.


The engineers responsible for erecting the steel cables saw Fang Xiu approaching and were about to say hello when they noticed a dark shadow flashing in front of their eyes.

Look again, there is still Fang Xiu’s shadow anywhere!

"He, he jumped?"

"No way... I remember that this guy is a member of the security team."


Fang Xiu, who had no intention of borrowing the wire zip line and got the key to the ancient language as he wished, slid directly into the depths of the ice cave.

Not long after.

A kunai was inserted into the ice surface with a 30-degree tilt, removing most of the potential energy. Then there was a muffled sound, and Fang Xiu stood on the ground like a javelin, looking up at the front -

The pyramid came into view.

It was extremely magnificent, and the arch at the front alone was 30 meters high.

At the same time.

The reincarnations who stayed on the surface trembled and came to the entrance. They had to come.

Because the latest update of the Lord God's Watch showed that if you don't enter the ice cave within ten minutes, you will be wiped out!

"That senior is too ruthless. He is obviously very strong, but he doesn't take care of us newcomers."

"Yeah, without the protection of the strong, relying only on a pistol... let alone the alien, even the facehugger can't be killed."

"What a bullshit Lord God, damn! He gave everyone a new life, and then cruelly took it away. He must be a psychopath!"

"I finally got a new life. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. That feeling is too painful!"

"The alien broke out of the chest..."

"Oh, go down! Go down! I know why that guy is in a hurry to leave. He wants to take the weapons of the Iron Warrior to increase his chances of survival!!"

As the last batch of humans entered the ice cave, three missile-like aircraft were ejected from the invisible spacecraft docked in outer space.

They headed towards the Antarctic Proving Ground at a very fast speed, and they never splashed any tail flames. They were highly concealed, which was a technology that humans could hardly imagine.

The hunt is about to begin!

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