The infinite base of the heavens

Chapter 7 A world out of control

Chapter 7 A world out of control

7. Out of control world
Chunyuyan stood quietly in front of the dying man, watching his reaction.Now the big man looks very miserable, his mechanical arm has been destroyed, and his body is full of scars.

And the kick that Chun Yuyan kicked his lower body just now caused serious internal injuries. You must know that Chun Yuyan had undergone physical strengthening, and the strength of this kick was unimaginable.

But the most deadly injury came from his face.In the end, Chun Yuyan pushed him whole on a cluster of Tiberium crystals. The hard crystals smashed his face to pieces, and the shards of green crystals covered the wounds.

In just one or two minutes, the big man convulsed violently. He wanted to roll over and stand up, but the paralyzed robotic arm was now a heavy burden, so he could only lie on the ground and howl.

Immediately afterwards, the blood vessels on his face burst out and gradually turned green, and his screams became more and more horrific, but he couldn't move under the pressure of the mechanical arm, so he could only turn over and scream into the sky, looking miserable Incomparable.

Gradually, those green blood vessels began to spread to the whole body, and the wound on the big man's face also began to crystallize, cracking, slag, and falling off with his screams.After a while, his screams gradually weakened, and finally there was no sound.

At this time, Tiberium crystals had been eroded all over his body, gradually spreading from the blood vessels to the surface of the body.

Seeing this horrific way of dying, Chunyuyan raised his hand to look at the wound on his hand, but what surprised him was that the wound on his body gradually began to heal!

What happened to my body?Why is it not corroded by the Tiberium crystal, but it seems to be quite useful?

[The experimenter Chun Yuyan triggers the hidden condition and will unlock the first part of the remaining pages of "Document Zero". 】

Hearing the system's voice, Chunyuyan froze for a moment, file number zero?what?What does it have to do with the abnormality of your own body?
"" Suddenly, the man who had been knocked unconscious by Chun Yuyan's bullet in the calf at the beginning let out a groan, and he slowly opened his eyes.However, when he saw Chunyuyan, who was covered in blood, his face turned pale with shock, and then he saw the grisly dead body of the big man, and he shouted, "Wow!'t come over!"

Chunyuyan took the assault rifle used by the big man from the ground just now, walked over and put his foot on the man's shoulder, and exerted force slowly. His strength after strengthening his physique was by no means comparable to this man's. He just stepped on the man and lay on his stomach.He asked coldly, "How many years is it now?"

" many years?" The man asked submissively.

"I ask you how many years are you now!!" Chunyuyan stomped down viciously, causing the man to eat a mouthful of mud.

"Pfft... 20... 2030! Ah puff..." The man replied loudly while spitting out the sand in his mouth in embarrassment.

"When was this city destroyed?" Chunyu Yan continued to ask.

"No... I don't know, it's been decades at least! That was about the last war, and I haven't been born yet..."

"The last war?"

"Don't you know? The rise of the Brotherhood, the establishment of the Global Defense Organization, and the formation of various countries, it's almost a world war..."

"and then?"

"And more..."

Boom!Chunyu Yan kicked again, and the man's face came into intimate contact with the concrete floor again, and he immediately yelled like a butchered pig, "Wow, ah,'s true, it's true! Then there was nothing The country is gone, the country is gone! Although the Global Defense Organization says they have won, in fact the world is almost destroyed!"

"What's the situation when the country is gone? Could it be that a nuclear war broke out?" Chun Yuyan asked with a frown.

"No... there was no nuclear war, it was Tiberium mines, and Tiberium mines were everywhere. In addition to natural disasters and ion storms, many cities were uninhabitable, and the country disappeared afterward..." the man lay on the ground and said.

"Tiberium? What is Tiberium? What is Ion Storm? Why does Tiberium cause the country to disappear?"

The man's emotions were a little broken. He lay on the ground and cried, "Tiberium is this kind of green crystal. After refining, it becomes liquid...I'm just a driver, I don't know so many things!!"

"Then tell me about your Black Wolf tribe!" Chunyu Yan asked sharply while observing the surroundings vigilantly.

"Our boss is Qi Wei. He controls a Tiberium refinery just to the north of the city. He pulls the refined liquid Tiberium out to exchange for weapons and food. There are more than 200 of us, and we cover the three surrounding settlements. ...Brother, you are a ruthless person, you can join us, with your ability, you can become the captain casually, and you have no shortage of money and women!" The man said everything he knew in one go.

"Where is the nearest settlement from here?" Chunyu Yan asked.

The man lay on the ground with his ass pouted like this, raised his finger and said, "There is a settlement of 3 to 400 people called Xingfu Village over there. They grow crops on the land of a park... walk two It'll be there in an hour."

Chunyu Yan nodded, put away his pistol, kicked his ass and said, "Okay, stand up."

The man stood up obediently, looked at Chunyu Yan cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Big...Big brother...We were blind to Mount Tai just now, you...don't mind. I'll take you to the Black Wolf Tribe, Qi Wei will definitely appreciate you very much! It doesn’t matter if those trash just now died, it doesn’t matter!”

"What's your name?" Chunyu Yan's tone softened.

"Hu Ao, my name is Hu Ao... come here, big brother, smoke." Seeing that there seemed to be hope of surviving, Hu Ao quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over.

After taking the cigarette, Hu Ao hurriedly turned on the lighter and lit it for him. Chunyu Yan took a deep breath, then exhaled a stream of smoke, and said flatly, "My name is Chunyuyan, remember this name."

"Yes... yes..." Hu Ao stood there anxiously looking at Chunyu Yan, not daring to show his breath, "Brother...Brother, shall I take you to our base?"

"No need, I'll tell you my name, mainly to thank you for telling me these things. Now, go on the road with peace of mind, and be a sensible ghost." Chunyu Yan said calmly, raising his hand with one hand without looking back. He fired the rifle and pulled the trigger before Hu Ao could react.

boom!The bullet was accurately shot between Hu Ao's eyebrows, and then exploded from the back of his head, a mixture of blood and brains sprayed out!Hu Ao fell straight to the ground without moving, his face full of disbelief.

Chunyu Yan dragged several corpses to a corner and hid them. After thinking for a while, he asked, "System, what is file number zero?"

[It is a real document, related to you, but the specific information needs to be found by the experimenter. 】

Chunyu Yan took a deep breath and said slowly, "Then the system, please show me file No. [-]."

Immediately afterwards, only a page of A4 printing paper appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky. Chunyu Yan took it and saw that it was a document, which should have been photographed and then printed out.

The document has a lot of damage, but the photographs are clear, so the writing is still legible, though a number of important areas have been smeared over.

After seeing the contents of the document clearly, Chunyu Yan's expression gradually turned serious...

(End of this chapter)

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