“The Human Who Helped the Demon Princess Reclaim Her Kingdom”

##World View

World View

Original Stone Tablets:
Ten thousand years ago, a legendary craftsman created a series of magic cards approaching the Epic quality of Red Light to protect the world. The material for each tablet comes from the divine realm and can provide powerful enhancement to its corresponding attribute.

Magic Cards:
1. They are encapsulations of skills, equipment, or summons, characterized by portability and tradability. Additionally, in high-difficulty game instances, players can only bring their bound cards and no other items.

2. There are three types: "Equipment Cards," "Summon Cards," and "Spell Cards."

3. Each person can only bind cards totaling 10 times their "rank" in levels, and cannot bind cards exceeding their own "rank" level.

4. Magic cards generally have five quality levels: [White Common], [Blue Rare], [Purple Precious], [Pink Divine], and [Orange Epic].

Unbinding [Pink Divine] cards requires complicated procedures and comes at the cost of self-harm, while [Orange Epic] cards are difficult to unbind even with a significant cost.
Generally, cards with higher "rank" and [quality] are more powerful, but some low-rank, low-quality cards have additional effects, requiring users to choose carefully based on their own circumstances.
Directly obtained magic cards can be used immediately upon binding.
Users can also adjust their skill structure at any time based on the strong enemies they need to challenge.

Shadow World:
Shadow Worlds appear without warning at fixed or random entry points in this world. They are projections of historical fragments of the world or alternate world histories.
Completing a Shadow World yields substantial rewards, including core materials for crafting magic cards and natural magic cards. Ignoring or failing to conquer a Shadow World can lead to natural disasters in certain parts of the world.
When entering a Shadow World, people acquire unpredictable new identities to reenact historical fragments. Only magic cards can be carried, which is one of the reasons why they are so important.
"An Introduction to Shadow Worlds" once pointed out that Shadow Worlds are miraculous spell barriers created before the gods disappeared, capable of autonomously recording key historical points of many worlds and alternate worlds, copying and preserving fragments, and transforming them into projected forms.

There are nine ranks in total. One can bind magic cards with a total rank equal to 10 times their current rank, not exceeding their current rank. For example, if Lanqi is currently rank two, he can soul-bind magic cards with a total [rank] of 20 at most. He can only bind up to rank two magic cards. If he reaches rank three in the future, he can bind magic cards with a total [rank] of 30, and can bind rank three magic cards. If a rank two Lanqi binds only rank two magic cards, he would reach his capacity limit with just 10 cards. However, if he binds some rank one magic cards, he can bind more cards.

Card Makers:
The minimum requirement to apply for registration as a card maker is rank three.
They can create three types of magic cards, including [Summon Cards], [Spell Cards], and [Equipment Cards].
Only by becoming a registered card maker and obtaining certification can one receive patent protection.
The card maker levels also follow a system similar to the Shadow World Management Association, with seven levels: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Magic Crystal, and Master Craftsman.

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