The host, she is becoming beautiful every day

Chapter 82 I'm a scumbag, a paranoid boss in the last days (9)

Chapter 82 I'm a scumbag, a paranoid boss in the last days (9)

The yellow-haired young man had no supernatural powers, fearing that Ning Simo would take away his place in Sister Hong's heart, he hugged Zhao Yinghong's arm obsequiously.

"Sister Hong, it's better not to take them on the road together, we don't have enough of our own things."

This person's coquettish voice was more masculine than a girl's, which made Su Qinghuan's skin crawl, and unconsciously moved a little closer to Ning Simo's arms.

Most of Ning Simo's attention was on Su Qinghuan, and he naturally noticed the girl's unconscious closeness.

The man stroked her hair uncertainly. It was strange that Su Qinghuan hadn't washed her hair for three days, but it didn't look greasy at all, but could still smell a faint fragrance.


"Hey, what do you two think? If you really can't help at all, then we won't take you for free."

Zhao Yinghong stared provocatively at Ning Simo's whole body, and the salivation in those eyes could hardly be concealed.

Probably in order to suppress the evil fire that sprang up in her heart, Zhao Yinghong's arm was still touching the yellow-haired face in a very irregular manner, which looked extremely grotesque.

The other members of the supernatural team knew what Zhao Yinghong meant. Even if Ning Simo and Su Qinghuan wanted to run away, the leader would probably try his best to get this handsome man.


Everyone looked at Ning Simo sympathetically, but he didn't seem to feel the strange atmosphere at all.

The man stepped forward and firmly held Su Qinghuan's hand in his palm.

"Okay, my girlfriend and I are going to the safe area of ​​City A. You can just give us a ride along the way, and we are responsible for the meals."

"Although my space is small, things won't rot in it. I can serve as a mobile warehouse for you."

When Ning Simo said this, he almost didn't look at Zhao Yinghong, but just played with Su Qinghuan's hair very intently, as if he couldn't care about other things at all.

Zhao Yinghong stared at Ning Simo's sharp-edged side face, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt satisfied.

"Okay, that's it."


Ning Simo's eyes were as deep as a cold pool, and he turned his face away, and nodded to Zhao Yinghong casually.

Out of the intuition of someone with supernatural powers, Zhao Yinghong felt a little apprehensive when she saw Ning Simo being so inexplicable, and always felt that the other party was not as incompetent as he described.

But when I looked more closely, I felt that I was thinking too much.

The two of them looked like students who hadn't even graduated from college, and their social experience was very shallow. In addition, Ning Simo's abilities were so shabby, Su Qinghuan also looked like a sick child, and there was nothing to be afraid of.


Huang Mao was even more upset when he saw Ning Simo's indifferent attitude, not begging for help at all.

"Sister Hong, why do you insist on taking those two trash on the road together? What use do they have besides taking up space in our truck?"

"It's not just five square meters of space, even if it can keep food fresh, we won't leave things spoiled when we arrive in the safe zone of City A."

Zhao Yinghong used to see that Huang Mao still had time to accompany him to act coquettishly for fun, but now that she has an even better, top-quality handsome man in front of her, she suddenly lost her patience.

"Don't bother me, you can't even provide five square meters of space!"

After Sister Hong finished speaking, she took the two supernatural beings to the east side of the supermarket to search for things, and arranged for others to stay at the door.


Huang Mao felt extremely wronged when he saw the back of Miss Hong walking away. He swept Ning Simo resentfully, and inadvertently saw the girl standing beside the young man.

These two people are really as beautiful as jade dolls, even before the end of the world, they are one in a million beautiful.

Huang Mao was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly he was not in a hurry to drive them away. Anyway, Sister Hong fell in love with that guy, and it was impossible for him to pamper herself again, so why don't he just accept this girl?

As if aware of Huang Mao's covetous eyes, Ning Simo cast his cold gaze.

The yellow hair inexplicably emitted a chill from the soles of his feet. Ning Simo looked gentle, but at this moment he was like a lion in a slumber, ready to tear people to pieces at any time.

The yellow-haired evil started from the heart.

"Hey, that person with spatial abilities, why don't you go to the west side of the supermarket to see if there are any leftover goods, why are you still standing there like a wooden stick!"

If I remember correctly, there are many more zombies on the other side of the supermarket than here, and Sister Hong hasn't cleaned them up yet.

Huang Mao thought that Ning Simo would go alone. After all, Su Qinghuan looked like a sick Miss Jiao like Lin Daiyu, and she would only hold her back.

He was about to run up to flatter him, but he saw Ning Simo stretch out his hand and took Su Qinghuan to collect supplies.

"...Damn, the little boy is still very attractive."

Huang Mao spat, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes, and he didn't dare to follow.


Su Qinghuan and Ning Simo walked around the supermarket, basically taking whatever they had.

In fact, this place has been raided a long time ago, but probably because of the zombies, the items left behind are much more than the small supermarket before.

Su Qinghuan only saw that Ning Simo stretched out his big hand, and the goods on the shelves disappeared row by row.

If there are members of the supernatural team here, they will be surprised. Ning Simo has stored far more than five square meters of things in the past 10 minutes.

"Si Mo, do we really want to go with them? Or should we run away?"

The girl's eyes were shining, she still hasn't given up her plan to let Ning Simo run away with her.

If she was with Sister Hong's group, it would only double remind Ning Simo of her hatred for her, and she didn't want to die young.

Ning Simo glanced at Su Qinghuan's eyes as pure as a little fairy, his pupils darkened, but his movements gently stroked the girl's messy hair on the sideburns.

"Hey, we're just hitchhiking to the base, and we'll separate from them when we get to the safe zone."


Su Qinghuan was anxious, and when she was about to say something, an extremely disgusting zombie emerged from the shelf next to her from nowhere.

The monster smiled ferociously, its empty eyeballs were extremely terrifying, it stared directly at Su Qinghuan, and quickly ran towards Su Qinghuan with stiff steps.

I go!

Su Qinghuan's scalp tingled when he heard the roar.

The little fox is not afraid of anything, but the creature with sharp eyes is the most disgusting.

"Woo! Si Mo, save me!"

Su Qinghuan couldn't take it any longer and turned into a koala, jumped onto Ning Simo's back with a wow, and wrapped her legs around the other's waist.

The man was startled, obviously he didn't expect Su Qinghuan to entangle him so actively.

The girl's body was trembling, and Ning Simo felt that he could still feel Su Qinghuan's rapid breathing from his neck, which was crisp-numb.

— Tsk, it seems more delicate than before.

Ning Simo had the urge to throw Su Qinghuan off, but for some reason, thinking of the girl's moist eyes, he moved his throat and pushed the shelf onto the zombie.


The zombie fell to the ground, and the wind blade quietly entangled the zombie, and quickly smashed it into powder.


Ning Simo saw Su Qinghuan's eyes completely closed, and was too frightened to open them. The man's throat moved, and a chuckle overflowed.

"Susu, are you so scared? Huh?"

The man deliberately whispered in the girl's ear, as soft as a feather, with a tantalizing itch.

(End of this chapter)

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