The host, she is becoming beautiful every day

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

The red-haired Demon Lord stared at Su Qinghuan's hand, his heart was extremely complicated, and an inexplicable emotion rose up.

It's just that Jun Jiuyou, who has always been responsible to the world and not to the world, does not know that this kind of emotion is called guilt.

Uh...Of course, Jun Jiuyou didn't understand what it means to be sympathetic to women, otherwise so many beauties would not have died tragically at his hands.


"What are you looking at me like that for?"

Seeing Jun Jiuyou's weird gaze, Su Qinghuan felt her hair stand on end, and she couldn't help frowning.

When Jun Jiuyou heard the words, he suddenly recovered from that weird emotion, and he pushed Su Qinghuan away indifferently, with a very unhappy expression on his face.

"Su Qinghuan, you majestic Nascent Soul, why are you so coquettish? Just pinch me casually, and you will become like this? I'm afraid it's worse than ordinary people!"

When he was in the mortal world, if he was as delicate as Su Qinghuan, he would have been murdered thousands of times!


Hearing the words, Su Qinghuan really wanted to hammer Jun Jiuyou into a dog's head.

It's true that she is a Nascent Soul, but she is not a physical trainer!
Which girl who loves beauty hopes that she has rough skin and thick flesh!


Su Qinghuan was feeling aggrieved, while Jun Jiuyou was extremely irritable.

He tried to sort out where his sense of guilt came from, but he didn't want to face Su Qinghuan, a woman who meant so much trouble.

So, the man threw a bottle of Danhong pills to her.

"This thing can heal the wound, and it is a hundred times better than the muscle-creating ointment in your righteous way. You can use it to apply it, so as not to hinder my eyes."


Jun Jiuyou looked very impatient when he threw the elixir, but before Su Qinghuan opened the elixir bottle, his spiritual sense detected a powerful spiritual force.

System 233 exclaimed even more.

"Mistgrass, this is Tianpin's elixir! Host! You have developed!"

"Jun Jiuyou, the snake spirit demon, is too rich! I don't know how much manpower and material resources it will take to condense such a small bottle of wound medicine, which can immediately take effect even if a bone is broken, but he actually let you use it to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. ?”

As for Su Qinghuan's small bruise, to put it bluntly, if the medicine is applied later, it will heal on its own.

"...Tong'er, maybe someone is rich and self-willed?"

Su Qinghuan also felt incredible in her heart. It was too wasteful to use this medicine to apply her bruises. Although her physique was a little weak, it would definitely dissipate after a day or two. How could she use such a precious medicine? Tianpin elixir!


"If I didn't know that this guy kills people without blinking an eye, I would almost think that Jun Jiuyou has a cold personality on the outside and hot on the inside."

Su Qinghuan felt so emotional in his heart, and then sincerely nodded to the red-clothed Demon Venerable in front of him.

"Thank you."


Seeing Su Qinghuan's sincere eyes, Jun Jiuyou felt even more irritable for some reason.

When she saw Su Qinghuan's indifferent face before, and wished she could stay away from him for thousands of miles, Jun Jiuyou felt unhappy in her heart.

But at this moment, being looked at by Su Qinghuan with such sincerity, as if others regarded him as a good person, Jun Jiuyou felt even more uncomfortable.

The man flicked his sleeves coldly.

"There is nothing to thank, it's just a bottle of elixir."

"You rest well first, and I will come to see you tomorrow."

"……it is good."

Su Qinghuan, who was lucky enough to escape, was even more relieved.

It's good that she has a little sympathy for Jun Jiuyou, but it doesn't mean that she really wants to dedicate herself to this snake spirit!
It's better to be quiet.


Seeing the woman nodding her head happily, Jun Jiuyou's eyes were slightly lowered, and a gloomy light flashed across them.

She didn't hold back at all.

If someone else knew that she was going to be his queen... I'm afraid I would have long wished I could offer myself to be my pillow seat today.

Jun Jiuyou's inner unhappiness deepened, he nodded indifferently, then pushed open the door heavily, and disappeared from Su Qinghuan's sight.

"Where did I provoke this snake spirit?"

Why is the door so heavy, what if it breaks? !

Su Qinghuan looked at the door made of deep-sea pearls and ten thousand-year-old black jade with distress, and there was a trace of heartache in the eyes of a money fan.

"Uh...but Tong'er, I remember that the elders of the demon world said that this Chonghua Palace is the residence of the demon kings of the past? How do you think Jun Jiuyou means that he won't live with me?"

"Why, host, do you really want to live with him?"

"Bah bah bah, am I worried that I will become a cauldron for him to refine the power of pure yang? If I am attacked in the middle of the night, that would be too scary!"

Su Qinghuan clicked her tongue in concern.

However, System 233 quickly answered her doubts.

"Don't worry about this, Jun Jiuyou usually doesn't sleep in this Chonghua Palace. After all, he is a cultivating madman, and he has been retreating and meditating in the cave all year round."

"Oh, that's good."

Su Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief, she stood up, and swept towards the beautiful and charming furnishings around the bedroom.

There are a lot of pearls and jades everywhere, and the treasures are shining, and there are a few manjusawa in bloom in the vases in the distance.

The bright vermilion is intertwined with the atmospheric and mysterious black, which makes the little fox can't help but feel that this devil world is gorgeous and beautiful, but it also carries a trace of indescribable decadence and decay.

It is better for her to be in Qing Yunzong's Taiqing Hall, the layout is simple and simple, but it looks like a bone fairy.


"Host, stop bragging. If you were really given a chance to choose, would a money fan like you want to live in a ghostly place like Qingyunzong Liuli Peak?"

"...Uh, the layout of the main hall of Liuli Peak as the peak owner is not bad! Anyway, there are also soft pillows on the cloud bed and coral silk, but it is not as gorgeous as this magic palace, but the layout of the Chonghua Palace They are all made of spirit stones, and they are all money, what do you think!"

Su Qinghuan sighed twice.

She was not short-sighted enough to break the Ye Mingzhu in the Chonghua Palace, and the collapse of the person is the next best thing. If Jun Jiuyou's spiritual consciousness is still watching her secretly, wouldn't her image be ruined!

Su Qinghuan was concerned about her own image, and sat on the soft couch in a somewhat melancholy and cold manner, while continuing to communicate with System 233 in her heart.

"Tong'er, how do you think Yan Hanzhou is doing now? If he can't see me after retreating, he might go crazy, right?"

"...Host, speaking of this..." System 233 coughed in embarrassment, and reminded weakly: "Do you still remember something I wanted to tell you earlier? Just like Yan Hanzhou and that snake spirit Is it related to the disease demon?"

"Why, didn't you upgrade the system? Have you discovered some hidden plot of this world?"

When Su Qinghuan heard this, she immediately became interested.

"Tell me quickly, why is Jun Jiuyou so hostile to Yan Hanzhou? My little apprentice is thousands of years younger than him. He was born in the mortal world and grew up in Qing Yunzong. What can he steal from this snake-spirited devil? curious."


System 233 muttered for a while, and suddenly felt a tragic sense of déjà vu.

"Host, you won't believe it when you say it. In fact, Jun Jiuyou and Yan Hanzhou are the same person."


Su Qinghuan's eyes widened in astonishment: "Are you kidding me?"

How could her delicate and kind (Da Wu) little apprentice get along with that snake-spirited and sick Demon Lord?


Before she could ask System 233 clearly, suddenly, a strong force of attraction pulled Su Qinghuan's consciousness over!
After a while, she appeared in a chaotic space out of thin air!

Many people were shouting excitedly.

"Smash him to death! This monster with red eyes and horns!"

(End of this chapter)

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