The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 315: Screams *

I slowly inserted my entire length into Jewel without issue. Like two matching jigsaw pieces, it was like we were made to be interjoined. We both moaned as a delightful pleasure engulfed us both.

I did not keep the slow tempo though. I began to pump back and forth as fast as I could. Watching Jewel's breasts bouncing sporadically sent me into a trance and I began losing track of anything outside of her form.

The moans she was making, the acoustics of our flesh pounding together and the warm interior of her cave were my world now. Everything else ceased to exist.

Jewel had lost track of everything. How long had she been mating? The pleasure, it was overwhelming her. Dominating her. She was Apollo's plaything and she loved it that way. "RAAHH!" She screamed. In delight as Apollo pulled her hair tightly from behind.

Using her Psionic energy, she could see Apollo's entire being and he made her walls tighten around his magnificent instrument of reproduction. Apollo was covered head to toe with sweat and her love juices, just as she was covered in his. Inside and out.

The thought that they had been going for so long that they practically smelt identical to one another caused Jewel to have yet another orgasm on top of the one she had been perpetually having.

"MMMHHHMMMMM!" She cried in pleasure, but one of the voices sharing her own noticed something in the bliss and with great difficulty informed the rest. 'Ap-o-o-o-o-lo. Pa-in! AAAAAHHHH!' It gave out and joined the rest in screaming in ecstasy both within Jewel's mind and out of her mouth.

Still, the warning had brought some semblance of identity back to the queen and as Apollo switched her back to her front and released his seed all over her face before putting it back inside of her, she realised what her Prime meant.

Apollo's injury was beginning to flare up again. He needed to return home. But the issue was, Jewel was enslaved to the pleasure. She could go on endlessly and with her feeding Apollo with her Psionic energy as nutrition, so could he.

Jewel needed to do something drastic, but what? All she could think about clearly was overwhelming pleasure!


She had an idea that she would regret, but she would also love. After wrapping her legs around Apollo as she climaxed once more, Jewel took the moment pause that Apollo was taking to enjoy the tightening sensation and screamed.

"Our love! Squeeze our Brain! Do it. Do it!"

I had become a beast. Solely trapped in the throes of pleasing my woman. She wanted me to do something that would bring her pleasure? I was going to do it! Without thinking, I plunged my hands deep within the Psionic bulbous sack on Jewel's head, causing her to scream so loudly my ears started to bleed.

I did not care though and finished my task as I clenched my fists inside of the energy... Everything went silent for a second. Jewel stopped moving, stopped moaning, stopped breathing. Worried as I gained clarity, I pulled my hands out of her head and said "J-"


I was sent flying by the reverberating shriek that came from Jewel and was knocked out immediately, as she continued her shriek of delight!

Across multiple galaxies where Jewel was present, the Scream came out of every single bio-form Jewel was composed of. Even those not connected to the link at the moment of the scream were affected.

The scream was so powerful that it was traveling through space, the Psionic energy making it possible that beings in the void could even hear it. Expert Psionic users realised it was a Psionic scream right away and shivered in terror upon realising it was simply a scream and not an attack!

What manner of creature could possibly scream like that and be heard from every corner of a galaxy? Was it a death cry of an incredibly powerful Psionic being? Unfortunately there were no answers as the scream faded away over time.

After she finished experiencing the most intense pleasure throughout every body that encompassed her existence, Jewel released her grasp on her mating body and returned to her main body.

Her mind was on the verge of collapse. She was feeling too many emotions and sensations and she needed to concentrate. 'Orchid- will- look after- Energy given...' Jewel shut down all unnecessary thoughts. She did not have the luxury at this moment to enjoy individualism. She needed to be one with the will of her hive until she recovered.

Coalition space: Calnivis

Aeletha was huddled over in the centre of a grand chamber. Thousands of species' representatives, here for the senate, were looking around confused by the scream that just transpired and the Starforged Seer's reaction after the fact.

Rekosh was on guard. A spear/rifle hybrid in his arms as he looked around. As the senate guard began rushing into the large multi story room, he allowed himself to relax for a moment as he turned towards his master.

"My Seer, are you ok?" He went to pat Aeletha on the shoulder to enact a response, but she screamed. "Don't touch me!" So loud that the earlier scream left everyone's mind as they turned to the powerful woman in the centre of the room.

Aeletha was having a bad time. Even with her talisman, that scream did something to her and she was now witnessing millions of ways in which she was dying over and over again. Eventually, the visions of her death stopped, however, what she was now witnessing was not better given where she currently was.

A figure above her, mating her senseless. The male's features were a blur to her, but they felt familiar. Aeletha could not garner the male's species, but she knew he was not Starforged. She could not get that much pleasure from one of their soft appendages.

The visions continued as Aeletha's purple-grey skin began to accrue blush with the non stop torment. "!!!" Aeletha gasped in surprise, she had begun to develop her acid down below! She could not disgrace herself!

With a great deal of effort, Aeletha manifested her Mindspace barrier outside of her body, the green barrier naturally had the members of the senate curious as they began to murmur among themselves.

Aeletha cared not for their murmurs and carried on, though Cor'voth of the Plipit was about to yell out in his high pitched voice. 'Because of course he would...' She thought with a groan.

"My Seer! What in the name of my Uralg flap was that scream? And why were you so affected? Were you injured at all, my Seer?" A large screen turned on, on everyone's viewing platform, revealing the foot tall Plipit, while some of the sightless in the audience had tactile screens they could feel the appearance of.

The Plipit looked harmless, though a little odd aesthetically to most of the Coalition, but considering Cor'voth's species were the creators of the Thurx, the coalitions main chaff fighters, and the fact that they were a satrap race under the Star forged, those present would never demean his appearance.

Aeletha retracted her barrier and turned directly to where Cor'voth was standing, making the Plipit begin to pant with unease. Despite being blind, Cor'voth felt like she was staring at him, incredibly annoyed. "I am fine, as I always am Cor'voth."

She then turned back to where she was originally looking, knowing the kiss ass would not speak up again until she spoke in his direction once more. "Members of the senate, the scream we all heard was not harmful in any way whatsoever. You need not be alarmed.

Aeletha then plucked Rekosh's spear out of his hand and pointed it to a slug type being to shut it up as she continued. "My scream was not out of pain. I simply received too many visions in a short time and as such, I have come to invoke a decree by my right as the Seer due to what I have witnessed!" Stay connected via My Virtual Library Empire

Another round of astonished murmurs began to flow around the room. Aeletha, the Starforged seer has only ever invoked a decree three times. The most recent was just before the Drakoshi arrived into the system and began causing mayhem.

"The time for idleness has passed. We are beset on three sides by foes. While the Spartari barbarians are trivial, the Drakoshi and the... Hunger, are most certainly not. I am invoking a galactic wide conscription. We are finished cowering behind our Multi-world defensive pylons. If we are to survive the upcoming attrition from all sides, we must be prepared to take the fight past our borders!"

Aeletha noticed the uncomfortable silence among the 'peace-loving' senators and took a breath before she continued. " We control 2/5th's of this Galaxy. One fifth belongs to barbarians another to previously peaceful races that wanted nothing to do with out Coalition and another fifth that has now been lost both the Drakoshi's relentless warmongering and the Hunger eating away at our galactic north. We must do something now, or eventually, we shall be overrun by our indecision!"

The room remained silent, no one wanting to push their agenda before another in case they are in the majority. It was a decree, but you could still let it be known if you approve or disapprove of course.

Aeletha then turned once more to Cor'voth, who feeling emboldened, raised his Uralg flap on the back of his neck and screamed, causing a chain reaction of approval after he did so.


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