Chapter 72: A Sudden Event!
Akiol had finished making himself some breakfast. He didn't plan on logging on just yet. Today was the day the competition stream was going live. He intended to join the stream and watch some of the matches.
Of course he wasn't going to watch all the matches, that would take too long. So he figured he would keep tabs on the final four teams.
Since the stream started in an hour Akiol was cleaning up around his apartment. He hadn't cleaned the place since he had reincarnated here and he figured now would be better than never.
Forty minutes later the apartment was clean and smelled nice. Nodding approvingly Akiol sat on his couch, laptop in front of him. Joining the stream he got comfortable and began to watch.
"Welcome to A World's Legacy's first ever livestream! Today we are here to broadcast the competition of the grand prize of one-hundred thousand dollars!"
The stream switched its view over the different types of arenas. Suddenly Akiol felt thirsty and quickly went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. In the distance the host could still be heard.
"Today we are joined by a special guest. None other than a lead developer in A World's Legacy! Welcome Mr.-"
Akiol dropped his cup, he had grabbed a clean one however it was still wet so it slipped through his fingers. Luckily the cup was plastic so no mess was made. After filling it with water Akiol quickly went back to the laptop.
"So tell me, what are your expectations for today's competition?"
A neatly dressed man sitting in a chair answered, "Well truthfully I hope for spectacular battles. A fight where every team pulls every card they have hidden. A desperate battle for victory. After all that brings a fantastic show."
The host laughed awkwardly, "A little sadistic don't you think?"
The man laughed, "Don't take it the wrong way, I simply want the teams to do everything they can. I enjoy watching the players fight and nothing is better than a flashy battle in my opinion."
"Well that's a relief. . . anyway I hope you don't mind if we ask some popular questions?"
The man nodded, "As long as the questions aren't something related in-game I have no issue."
The host clapped their hands, "Fantastic, to start off a player asked; Do the developers watch us in-game? It was written in the agreement and I think it would be a little strange if we are being spied on."
The man nodded, "We can and sometimes do. Usually it's to record battles and memorable moments for the monthly highlights. We are unable to see in player owned properties and certain areas. Think of it as a spectator camera."
"The next question, what is your favorite aspect of the game?"
"Ooh this is a good one. For me it would be the ability to become the top at any point. A guy who you thought was weak could be a top tier player the next day. Anything could happen. However some of the developers would most likely have different opinions."
The host pulled out some rectangle small paper cards. As they read off of it the card was shown on stream, "How much of the game do you think has been explored by players?"
"We actually have a progress bar for this, the current amount of the game explored is less than 10%. That's being on the generous side."
The host flipped to another card, "Is there any plans for future content?"
"That depends on your idea of content, there are some in-game events that require a player to unlock. If you mean something like a free DLC. . . well I would say at least complete most of the main game."
"Has there been any major game breaking bugs that the players don't know?"
The man laughed nervously, "Don't put me on the ropes like that. Any answer I give could be taken any way. To be honest, game breaking? No. Bugs? Yes. We have had to fix some bugs and compensate a few players because they have had some issues. Luckily because of the high amount of realism bugs are much harder to find and hardly exist."
"Since we are almost out of time for this segment a final question, what are you hopes and wishes for this game?"
The man smiled, "This I can answer easily. I also believe almost every developer can agree with this. The wish is for players to discover everything about the game. From events, quests, skills, and even scenery. We worked extremely hard on every aspect of the game. Do us a favor and find it all."
"Thank you for your time, I am sure many players would be pleased by the answers. We will take a short break before moving on to the first rounds. There will be three separate streams for each competition. Make sure you join the one you want to watch!"
The stream switched to panning scenery shots with a large white text countdown. Akiol was prepared to wait for the countdown to finish until he received a notification from the chat group.
Yielya: Some crazy event is going on at one of the towns. You should get on and help out.
Akiol shut down his laptop and prepared to log in. He wasn't going to miss out on a whole event. He could watch the VODs of the competition later. The event took priority.
As soon as he logged in he sent a message to the group chat.
Akiol: I am here, where is this event?
Yielya: Goldlight, meet us at the Adv. Guild.
Akiol frowned, Goldlight was the town he used to level in. What could possibly be going on there?
Using one of his old teleport scrolls he arrived at Goldlight. It was drastically different from before. The once simple built buildings were torn down. Some houses were burning others were already in ashes. The only buildings remaining were the trainer locations and the Adventurers Guild.
He jogged inside the Adventurers Guild and grouped you with the rest of the party.
"Some one fill me in." Akiol said.
"A major undead invasion is going on. The strange thing is that their levels are higher than most of the players who level in towns. So when they first attacked the players didn't stand a chance." Yielya responded.
Akiol's eyes narrowed, he had a hunch on the reason for this invasion. He quickly excused himself, "I will be back."
He quickly moved towards the receptionist, "I need to see the guild leader." He demanded.
The receptionist denied, "Sorry, but the guild leader is currently busy."
Akiol shook his head, "You don't understand, send a message saying Akiol wants to meet him."
The receptionist nodded, "Please wait then."
She disappeared behind the door and came back shortly later.
"The guild leader is willing to see you."
He quickly made his way into the guild leader's office. Vordu stood at his desk, a worried frown on his face. Upon looking at Akiol he made an effort to cheer up, "It's the slime! I assume your here because of the undead right?"
Akiol nodded, "Ortholos right?"
Vordu shook his head, "It's Orothus, but yes it's him."
"I assume he is here for his finger bone?"
Vordu nodded, "Currently he is significantly weakened, if we allow him to gather his bone then his strength is something we will not be able to compete with."
"Do you have his location?"
Vordu tapped on a piece of paper in front of him. It was a map with various marks on it.
"He is here, at the back of the undead army. I had sent a special squad to fight him but I fear they have already been defeated. Additionally I put in a request at the Kingdom for some reinforcements but. . . well we aren't worth much so they won't send anyone valuable."
Akiol memorized the contents of the map, "I can go fight him, I just need the details of what's going on."
Vordu pointed at various black X marks on the map, "These are large hordes of undead, ranging from zombies, skeletons, and even ghouls. Each one is estimated to have at least two-hundred undead."
He pointed at three red X marks on the map, "These are Orothus' generals, if we can defeat them then the undead would lose their battle integrity and give us an advantage."
Finally he tapped on a large purple X on the map, "This is Orothus' location itself. Defeating him would be good, but it wouldn't do much unless the generals are also defeated."
Akiol nodded, "So take out these four and we essentially win the battle?"
Vordu nodded, "Yes, if we take down the major members of the undead assault it would only be a matter of time to win."
"Leave them to me then."
Vordu eyed Akiol, "You sure you can do this?"
Akiol nodded, "I have my ways."
Vordu faintly sighed with relief, "Alright I will leave it to you. I will do my best to hold off the undead here."
[Defeat the Undead Invasion!]
The great Lich Orothus has begun his assault against Goldlight. Take down him and his generals to win the war! If you don't succeed in time Goldlight will fall!
Objective: Kill
General Vertigo (0/1)
General Carthino (0/1)
General Northan (0/1)
The Great Lich Orothus (0/1)
Difficulty: A
Time Limit: 4 Hours
Reward: Extreme amount of A.G. Reputation points, 10000 Gold, 500% Experience, ???
As soon as Akiol accepted the quest he went back to the party and shared it. Wrock asked, "How did you manage to get this?"
Akiol responded plainly, "Connections."
Kan'na read through the quest and noted, "Four enemies huh, I know these names..."
Akiol asked, "You do? Who are they?"
Kan'na began to inform everyone, "Orothus is a great Lich, capable of a lot of deadly magic. Northan is a general on a horse, probably undead, and wields a Gundao I think. Carthino is a bit scary, she has a whip inflicted with poison. Finally Vertigo is a loyal undead samurai to Orothus. They existed in a history book I borrowed, didn't think they'd exist."
With this information Akiol immediately formed a plan, "We split up then, Yielya and Tilia can take on Northan. Wrock I will leave Carthino to you. I will take on Vertigo and Kan'na and Jarvis can fight Orothus."
Kan'na smiles playfully, "You sure you don't want the big boss to yourself?"
"Ha, we both know you're better suited against magic. Let us know if you need assistance."
Everyone nodded, there was a time limit for the quest to be complete. After Akiol gave everyone general directions to the... generals, they spread out and began to move.
~ ~ ~
Erina currently had nothing to do. Unless something happens with the competition she had nothing to complete or work on. Since Desk Guy was the special guest of the livestream she figured she could keep an eye on his favorite team.
She quickly booted up the software and searched for their names. Once she was spectating she was shocked at what she had seen.
A special undead invasion event happening so soon? This could only be triggered by players. Turning into an undead shouldn't be found until the level 250 mark.
After doing some digging she realized the undead that started the event became an undead through a bug. There was a special note tagged on to the account that stated: Keep it this way, it's too much work to compensate anyway.
She made a face and continued to watch. When they split apart she had an idea. Gathering some bored coworkers she asked them to record the different perspectives of the team. Of course these coworkers were happy to, it was the team that won a large scale battle with such a disadvantage.
As they began to record and watch Erina smiled, Desk Guy owed her a bit for this.