The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 70: The Mastermind’s Final Card?!

Akiol stared at the notification, he didn't think something like that would happen. Wrock threw another crystal at him, but it just bounced off of Akiol's head.

Just to be sure Akiol absorbed a few more crystals. However the same notification arose. Akiol clicked his tongue and shouted, "You can just crush them now!"

Wrock didn't need to hear anything else. Smashing through the M.C.S. and destroying their magic crystals.

Several minutes later the soldiers stopped coming and the floor was littered with scrap parts. Wrock took a deep breath and loosened his muscles. The soldiers were mechanical and couldn't attack differently like players. It took a minimal amount of effort for Wrock to dodge their attacks. If this was the masterminds 'greatest creation' then Wrock had no hope for any further creations.

Any ordinary player would have struggled to complete the dungeon up to this point. However due to the uniqueness of the party the dungeon was abnormally easy. With Kan'na being able to walk above the horde of monsters and the special monster of Jarvis the first stage was incomparably easy. The second stage would be even harder, dodging multiple attacks while focusing on disabling would be near impossible without high stats for ordinary players. The Simon says challenge was completed easily due to Kan'na once again. Finally the M.C.S. horde was a simple being with only two different types of attacks. Ordinary players would have been overwhelmed, but Wrock's superior battle experience made it a simple task.

All in all the dungeon wasn't even that hard for them. The only 'difficulty' the party faced was the mana crystal problem. Even then that was just a minor inconvenience.

Who knows if it would be easier for them in the future? Would their battles get increasingly harder or easier? Would they stand at the top of the game or be thrown into the mid ranks? The future is unknown an mysterious.

"How did you. . . ? Nevermind it doesn't matter anyway. By the time you somehow defeated all my soldiers I would have already made my escape. Ha ha!"

When the voice disappeared the walls opened up. Through them led to the outside, a clearing covered in monsters and creatures. Some they faced before, some newer and stronger ones too. Such as smaller forms of the stone golem, the bears but larger. Behind the horde was another magic artifact, albeit a bit smaller and not as bright.

Akiol sighed, there wasn't a break was there? It was a good thing that only Wrock was fighting and that didn't take too much effort.

As soon as the notification faded the monster horde charged towards the party. There truly was no break. Thankfully the party didn't need to fight the entire horde, after all the objective was to fight through and not eliminate. The perfect skill to use in this situation was Wrock's [Mastered Basic Punch]. It became useable again shortly after the second challenge.

Wrock didn't hesitate and immediately used [Mastered Basic Punch]. The wind moved violently and caused a good amount of the horde to go flying in different directions. As soon as an opening was made the party dashed through, intending to go as far as possible before it closed back up.

They made it more than halfway when the monsters began to close in. Kan'na came into play and triggered various magic circles she placed as they moved. These magic circles were decently strong and cost a lot of MP. A complex circle of expanding burning light. While it seemed simple, it wasn't easy to control a powerful explosion. It was even more difficult to contain it in one try. However Kan'na was no stranger in making the near impossible, possible.

As the light expanded, absorbing several monsters into its grasp, Kan'na began to create another spell. Similar to Wrock's [Mastered Basic Punch] she planned to shift a massive amount of wind to split the monsters. The difference was [Mastered Basic Punch] caused the wind to move forward with such force the monsters get flung. Kan'na was simply going to move the wind in opposite directions to push the monsters.

The wind shifted and the monsters began to be pushed to the sides. With a final push the party broke through the encirclement of monsters. Akiol rushed towards the magic artifact and ripped out the mana crystal. The monsters and creatures stopped rampaging and scurried off.

After a bit of rest the party began to search for clues. Breaking through the monster horde was only half the objective after all. It didn't take long before they found something. Though it was more like it found them.

A large beacon of purplish light descended somewhere in the distance. A large boom sounded and the ground shook. Akiol whistled, "Looks like we found him."

And their vision went black.

~ ~ ~

Desk guy made a face, this was a level 150 dungeon. Yet this party was just cruising through the whole thing! He didn't know if he should feel proud as a fan or dejected as a developer.

It was most definitely not the hardest dungeon. However it was supposed to be challenging for the current players.

He sipped his soda, this was his fourth one. The only thing he thought would pose a decent challenge would be the final stage. Perhaps he would get some good footage.

"You have been watching these guys for the past two hours. Do you even plan on working?" A female coworker asked.

This was the veteran coworker from before, her actual name was Erina. She was one of the most popular developers on the team. Not because she was female, but rather her massive contribution to the project. Only rivaled by Desk Guy's.

Desk Guy frowned, "If possible, no."

Erina blinked, "What are you even getting paid for..?"

"At this rate I would be happy working for the Reputation Department. Do you know how happy I would be just watching these guys and providing high quality footage?"

"That's not what you were hired for."

Desk Guy finished his soda and crushed the can, "I know."

Erina folded her arms, "I can tattle if I wanted to."

Desk Guy stared at her menacingly, "And are you?"

She smirked, "No, though you should get back to work. I won't be blamed if Scott wants to come and check on us."

With a wave of his hand Desk Guy said, "Shoo, I will once they finish the dungeon."

Erina shook her head, she had joined the project because she also wanted the same thing as Desk Guy. She wanted a place were people could be something else, something different. A place were anyone can become anything. She was the person who pushed for the extensive character creation. Of course a simple developer wouldn't hold any power in such a grand decision. So she contributed a lot to the project.

Some of the higher ups had agreed that the project had only gone so far was because of her and Desk Guy. While there was some notable contributions from the other teams, they paled in comparison.

Desk Guy excitedly rubbed his hands, lately he had been feeling like a child. Renewed with excitement and vigor. It may seem to others that he is a stalker, but he is just a fan. An extremely loyal fan.

~ ~ ~

A cutscene began to play. . .

The Mastermind climbed into a strange device. As he sat various needles injected strange liquids into him. He was fed various kinds of potions and altered in inhumane ways.

Once the procedure was complete the Mastermind came out of the machine. He was slightly more muscular, his skin turned purple and his eyes glowed a menacingly yellow.

He began to laugh maniacally, "This is great! I feel so powerful!"

He let out a roar and release his energy. A giant beacon of purple light extended and burst through the roof of the hidden room. Once the light faded the Mastermind was dressed in a new more designed white overcoat.

"Now those punks can pay!"

The scene began to fade black and soon the party found themselves in front of a door buried in a mountain. Yielya walked up to the door and knocked.

"What are you doing?" Jarvis asked, who knocked on a crazy individual's door?

"Knocking." Yielya replied.

Akiol joined her, "We got cookies!" He shouted.

Jarvis felt like an outcast, was it common to go door-to-door at 123 Evil Mastermind Street?

To everyone's surprise the door opened. Inside was a hallway that began to light up. Akiol was mildly impressed, "The cookies line worked."

The party walked in and followed the hallway. It led to a large room filled with various items and artifacts. At the end of the room sat the Mastermind on a throne.

He stood up, "Look who brought themselves to my doorstep. Tell me, why are you here?"

Akiol pointed his sword at him, "You ruined my camping trip."

The Mastermind was dumbfounded for a moment. He asked, "Camping trip? You ruined my plan, which was decades in the making mind you, because it interrupted your camping trip?!"

Wrock jumped into the conversation, "It was a good camping trip."

The Mastermind's eye twitched. He smashed his throne into pieces in a fit of rage. He shouted, "I am SO going to enjoy destroying you!"

With incredible speed he rushed towards the party. Throwing a punch at the closest person which was Wrock he yelled, "Taste the power of my science!"

Wrock barely managed to lift his arms to block the attack. However even that was futile as the attack sent him flying into the wall. Leaving a decent size hole as well.

Akiol looked at the place where Wrock landed. Looking between the Mastermind and Wrock he came to a conclusion.

Perhaps this was a bad idea.

The Mastermind roared, "Power is flowing within me! You don't stand a chance!"

The mastermind flexed his arm and a blade shot out. This blade started from his elbow and reached six inches above his fingers. He sliced at Akiol at incredible speed.

Having expected this, Akiol blocked the attack. The Mastermind's strength still outmatched him by leagues and Akiol was also sent flying towards the wall. 

Unlike Wrock, when Akiol hit he wall he landed with a 'splat' and slide downwards. This was something he did intentionally, climbing from rubble was a bit troublesome.

As he touched the ground a notification appeared.

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