The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 60: The Duels of Professionals Pt. 4

Jarvis watched as Shot approached him. He wasn't afraid or nervous. He was waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

Shot suddenly jumped and twisted their body. Dodging both Seeth and Bo and To. They then shot a glowing arrow towards Jarvis' direction. Jarvis stepped to the side and the arrow flew past him, hitting the ground behind him.

The arrow exploded into a yellow mist. This mist grew in size until it surrounded Jarvis. He noticed his MP being drained. He shook his head disappointingly. His MP wasn't used for much. His strength came from songs and his tames, some songs required MP but it wasn't something they depended on.

Bo and To noticed Jarvis being affected by something their enemy used. They clacked their beaks in frustration and increased their attacks. Seeth also realized this and burrowed back into the ground.

Shot noticed the attacks becoming more ferocious and frowned. They didn't know the creature's could increase the intensity. At this rate they would die.

Shot dodged another attack and released and arrow to the sky. This small moment let Bo get a hit on Shot.

The arrow then multiplied into several hundred arrows and fell around Shot. Bo and To couldn't dodge all the arrows in the range and were hit a few times.

Jarvis saw this and looked worryingly at his tames. His class didn't allow him to see the stats of his creatures, but he could always have a look visually.

The birds were fine, just some minor wounds. This eased Jarvis' heart. Bo and To were angry at the attack, they immediately went back to attacking Shot.

Suddenly the ground rumbled and a decently sized area collapsed inward. Shot was in the middle of this area and fell down, their legs stuck in the ground.

This was the doing of Seeth. By making numerous tunnels underground the earth eventually could not support itself, thus it collapsed.

Bo and To were ecstatic and furiously pecked at Shot. Tearing their face and arms to shreds. Shot fought as hard as they could but without their mobility it was useless.

Shot's health plummeted, victory was essentially secured. Before Shot died, they released an arrow. This arrow was abnormally fast and hit Jarvis' chest.

Jarvis' health was draining fast. Shortly after Shot died, Jarvis reached the critical condition.

Yielya cast a heal towards Jarvis, but all it did was delay the health drain. This made Yielya frown, she used [Diagnose] on Jarvis.

[Affected by Severe Wounds. Will bleed out quickly if not treated in time.]

This was an easy fix, Yielya cast [Mend] and Jarvis stopped bleeding.

[Mend: By mending flesh and skin anyone can stop bleeding.

Removes bleed.]

Severe Wounds was simply a more violent form of Bleed. So the skill would still work.

Jarvis laughed embarrassedly, "I didn't expect that."

"You let your guard down." Akiol warned.

Jarvis nodded, it was a slip up he would avoid in the future.

~ ~ ~

Kan'na quickly formed several magic circles. She had a small timeframe to do something. Her choice was simple, redirect the attack back.

This could be done by placing a decent amount of repulsion circles. By having them activate one after another the enemy's attack would eventually take a U turn. Albeit significantly weaker.

Another way was to simply use a custom made magic spell. Since the attacks were magic, they were much easier to tamper with.

Kan'na would have usually cast a portal type spell, but she didn't have that kind of mana currently. So she would do something a bit complicated.

The siege weapons fired. Kan'na activated the magic circle and it expanded significantly. All the magic siege weapons' attacks hit the circle and dispersed. Kan'na released a second magic circle less than a second later. The siege weapons' attacks reformed, this time aiming towards Rosadell.

Rosadell was shocked, "What?!"

The attacks bombarded her, Rosadell lived only because she set up defenses earlier. She looked at Kan'na with a venomous look, "How did you do that?!"

Kan'na waved her finger, "Time for a bit of a lesson. Your magic attacks are simply forcefully pushed mana. There isn't much more to it. So since the attacks weren't complicated what could I do? The answer is simple; reform your basic attacks. Using a basic spell that deforms the mana and a second one that reforms, I was able to send your attacks back. The only downside is that I have to do the two spells together in less than a second. Without complicated sequences spells are just formed mana."

Rosadell let out a quiet, "What. . . ?"

Shaking her head Rosadell let go of any hope of fully understanding what was said. Since her enemy said it had to happen in less than a second, she would randomize the delay of each of her attacks!

The weapons fired one after another each with a random delay. Kan'na secretly approved, perhaps Rosadell was an expert for a reason. Without a pattern it prevented Kan'na from getting into a rhythm. Now reversing the spell required more reaction time.

Such a simple countermeasure wouldn't be enough however. Kan'na used a simple repulsion spell to change the direction for half of the attacks. She then repeated the process for the other half. Rosadell was once again hit with her own attacks.

Rosadell let out a frustrated growl, she wasn't going to bear this humiliation! She cast several of the beginner sorcerer spells along with her siege weapons.

This Kan'na disapproved of, it was a waste of mana. Firing a magic bullet at every basic spell and repulsing the siege attacks. Rosadell's attacks were rendered useless.

Keeping her cool and stoic demeanor Kan'na watched her MP carefully. After firing the obliteration cannon she didn't regenerate all her MP. Before the fight began she used a potion, but the effects long wore off. She barely had any MP left.

Rosadell was repeatedly firing off attacks. Conserving her MP Kan'na dodged what she could and canceled others. Rosadell noticed this and was quick to take advantage, an opening had arrived.

With a decent amount of MP remaining Rosadell was able to continue her barrage. Kan'na was fully concentrated on the battle. She formed several small magic circles at her finger tips.

Kan'na watched every spell as it activated. The direction, the speed, the distance. She grasped the secrets of the spells, their weaknesses. If she had the MP the battle would have been long over.

For just a moment there was a straight, unhindered line between Rosadell and Kan'na. Without hesitation Kan'na lined up her magic circles and fired.

A small bullet zoomed across the field and shattered Rosadell's defenses, and finished by off piercing her head. The bullet exploded, leaving no trace of a body.

The spells disintegrated and Kan'na breathed a sigh of relief. She had won her battle.

The spell she used was similar to her obliteration cannon. By having a delayed explosion type spell go through piercing and speed buffs, eventually she had a magic AP explosive round.

This took the rest of her MP, had it not succeeded Kan'na would have lost. She still had a minute until she could drink another MP regeneration potion.

She joined the rest of the party by Yielya, sitting down somewhat violently.

"Have fun?" Akiol inquired.

"It was alright."

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