Chapter 58: The Duels of Professionals Pt. 2
Rosadell was in an incredibly good mood, her opponent had underestimated her. This allowed her to gain the upper hand. Truth told it wasn't a basic spell she used to summon all the magic siege weapons. It was a long cooldown spell that summoned one of every siege weapon she had. The upper limit was five, but she only had four at the moment.
Rosadell fired the cannon and ballista, her favorites of the bunch. It was disappointing that they didn't do any damage, but it didn't mean much. She still had a decent amount of time before her weapons disperse, Rosadell intended to use these well.
~ ~ ~
Tilia eyed her opponent, she was a bit nervous. She hadn't fought a player in a 1v1 before. Her job as a defender was too, well defend. Most of her stats were built to support that idea. So her damage was lacking.
Even during her time in the previous world she hadn't fought much. She would strengthen her teammates and block the powerful moves. In A World's Legacy she didn't have the buff option, this caused her a bit of distress. After all that was half of what she did.
It didn't help that the enemies in A World's Legacy were significantly weaker than the ones she was used to. This meant her party didn't need any protection at the moment, except Yielya of course.
The black dressed individual hadn't said anything. Even when they chose Tilia as their opponent they hadn't voiced it, they simply pointed. Their face couldn't be seen, for a hood cast a shadow to cover it.
The black dressed person spun their blades in their hands, this made Tilia on guard. As soon as the enemy had firmly grasped their weapons again they sunk into a shadow.
This alarmed Tilia even more, they could merge with shadows? Keeping alert she watched her surroundings carefully.
As an elf she had a natural talent in discerning her surroundings. She could feel every change in the wind, the movement of ground. It was plainly obvious to her. This ability had dulled ever since she took over the new body. A human lacked the superior strengths an elf had.
This only meant it had dulled to a lack of 'hardware'. It didn't mean she lost it.
The black clothed person arose from the shadows quickly, thrusting their weapons towards Tilia's back. Tilia spun quickly and the weapons only scratched her.
The black clothed person melted back into the shadows. Tilia read the notification and frowned, what was [Shadow Disease]? She couldn't dwell on the fact further, for the black clothed enemy reappeared. This time Tilia blocked the blows, she had anticipated the next move.
With their weapons bouncing of Tilia's shield the black clothed player quickly retreated.
"Interesting. . . who are you?" They spoke in a deep voice.
"The name's Tilia, and you?" responded Tilia.
"Rooj." The black clothed player answered.
Tilia said no more, she gathered enough information. Rooj would most likely not give anymore anyways.
She was correct. Rooj shortly melted back into the shadows. Tilia was once again left on guard.
~ ~ ~
Jarvis quickly examined his opponent. As far as he could tell they were an archer, as he was forming a plan Shot began to speak.
"Your pugilist beat me, I wonder how you will fare."
Jarvis smiled faintly and responded, "Probably just as well."
Jarvis flipped his book open, his first summon was no other than Bo and To. The two agile birds would be perfect in this situation.
Playing the tune the two birds had appeared above him. The looked different before. Originally they looked like oversized crows, now Bo had a yellow-orange tint to their feathers. To had a blue-purple tint to theirs. Their beaks has grown larger and more sharp.
When Jarvis had tamed these creatures he had thought they were originally just some ordinary large birds. However as he used them in battle they had evolved into the Twin Sun and Moon Crows.
The two birds flew in a loop above Jarvis' head. The Sun and Moon Crows complimented each other well. They circled an enemy like how the moon and sun circled the earth. (Author Note: I do realize this isn't so, however not many in the past knew this. I try to build the world based a bit on fantasy and modern science. It's for the book!)
Jarvis sent the two birds after Shot. The two swooped and pecked at every opportunity they had. Shot dodged and fired back, however the birds either dodged or attacked as he fired. None of his shots seemed to hit.
As Shot was occupied Jarvis summoned another creature. If they opponent is focused on the air, then the best creature to assist is one from the ground.
He flipped to the appropriate page. This picture was one of a snake. This snake was mixture brown and a bit of green. The unique attribute about the snake was that on it's head was a small horn.
Called the Burrowing Tunnel Snake this snake was capable of using basic wind magic. Unlike what was expected of wind magic using snake. This snake never used it's magic as a weapon. Instead it formed the wind magic like a drill and tunneled through the ground.
The snake was no larger than an ordinary person's wrist. However it's length could reach that of a bus. Jarvis named it Seeth.
Jarvis summoned the snake with a tune and the snake appeared, coiled at his feet. Jarvis sent the snake towards Shot and it burrowed into the ground, moving it's way towards the enemy.
Now that Jarvis had summoned his creatures he played [Bird's Song] making Bo and To faster.
As Shot was shooting at Bo and To, Seeth appeared from the ground and attempted to bite Shot. They had quickly reflexes however and quickly dodged. Having failed it's first attack Seeth quickly retreated back into the ground.
As Shot dodged and fired they began to come to a conclusion. The fight would end in their loss if the summons kept up the pace. This was bad news for them, they didn't want to lose a second time. So as they dodged they made their way towards Jarvis. Slowly but surely shortening the distance.
Jarvis noticed this, he wasn't afraid however. He wasn't completely defenseless. If Shot had thought the battle would be easy with his defeat. . . they were dead wrong!