The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War

Chapter 391: 16 Year Old Inglis and the New Semester (13)

“EEHH?! We can’t join the Arcane Wardens?!” Rafinha’s voice, laden with disappointment, filled the Principal’s Office.

“Is there something wrong with us, Principal…?!” Her tone held a mix of concern and determination. “Please reconsider! We're eager to be part of this effort!”

Rafinha and Liselotte were visibly agitated. Principal Miliera, maintaining her composure, responded while gesturing with her hand. “No, no, that’s not it at all. I do want you all in the Order of the Arcane Wardens, but there's something else I need you to prioritize, isn't that right, Theodore?”

Special Envoy Theodore, also present in the room, nodded affirmatively at the Principal’s reference. “Indeed, and I think it will be a valuable experience for you.”

“What exactly will we be doing?” Inglis asked, her curiosity piqued.

Theodore elaborated, “It concerns Miss Eris. She’s scheduled for an examination in the Highland, leaving in a few days. I’d like you all to accompany her as her escorts.”

“…! We’re going to the Highland with Miss Eris?!” The revelation brought a surge of excitement.

This prospect intrigued Inglis. It presented an opportunity to firsthand experience the weapons and technology of the Highlands, potentially including innovations useful for Artifact modification. Inglis had recently developed an interest in this area. Perhaps she’d even encounter technology comparable to Jeldegrīva’s formidable arsenal, like Able’s Mecha Dragon God.

Rafinha’s eyes shone brightly. “We’re actually going to the Highland? Wow!”

“This is an incredible opportunity.”

“Such experiences are rare.”

Leone and Liselotte nodded in agreement, sharing their enthusiasm.

“I’ve been to the Highland before, accompanying Prince Wayne on his studies abroad,” added Principal Miliera. “It’s an eye-opener. And now, with this chance, you’ll see for yourselves.”

“As Miss Eris’ escorts, you won’t face any dangers there. Think of it more as a short-term study program,” Theodore reassured them.

“If only there was some danger!” Inglis half-joked, her adventurous spirit undimmed. “If we’re visiting the Three Archdukes’ stronghold, it’d be thrilling to test their latest super weapons. I’d be honored to be their guinea pig!”

Theodore couldn’t help but laugh at Inglis’ unique perspective.

Rafinha playfully scolded her. “Glis, don’t freak out our Special Envoy!”

Inglis mentally chided Rafinha for her interruption, still fantasizing about the potential adventure.

Principal Miliera, observing the exchange, couldn’t help but chuckle. “Inglis' boldness is even more striking coming from someone so small and adorable. It’s quite a contrast.”

Theodore continued, “Hearing about the Duke of War challenging Inglis was surprising. But, it’s because of that duel we got permission for this Highland visit. It’s quite an opportunity.”

“It’s an invaluable chance,” Inglis agreed, pondering the possibilities.

“…so, it was that battle with Mister Jeldegrīva that damaged Miss Eris’ swords,” Liselotte deduced.

Inglis felt a sense of responsibility. “I need to be there for her until she’s back to her usual self. It’s the least I can do after our duel.”

“You’re right, Glis,” Rafinha concurred. “And I bet Miss Eris would appreciate not being alone in the Highland.”

Theodore then interjected with another request, drawing their attention once again. "There's another matter I need your assistance with."

They looked on, curious and ready to help. "Another task? What is it? Can we handle it?"

Theodore's gaze shifted towards Leone. "Yes. It concerns Rene… Cyrene."

At that moment, Rene was nestled cozily between Leone’s breasts. Inglis, now too small for such a role, had entrusted Leone with this task.

Theodore found it difficult to address Rene directly, given her current position. "Could you please take her to the Highland's technicians in charge of Miss Eris' case? This situation is beyond what Miliera and I can manage. However, they have superior technicians there, and I believe their insights could be invaluable."

Leone’s interest was piqued. "So, by showing Rene to them, she might be reverted back?"

Theodore responded with cautious optimism. "I can't guarantee it, but it may lead to useful clues."

"So it's a complex issue," Rafinha murmured thoughtfully.

"Yes. The Duke of Art’s resources in the Highlands far surpass anything we have here. That's what I'm counting on. But be discreet; the Duke of Art isn't aware that Cyrene is still alive in this form."

"The Duke of Art… that’s Lady Cyrene’s father, correct?"

Theodore nodded gravely. "Yes. I'm unsure of his reaction if he learns about Cyrene's current state. It’s imperative he remains uninformed."

"We'll do everything we can!" Leone declared, her resolve firm. "We’ll find a way to restore Rene to how she was."

Leone's determination was apparent. Carrying the responsibility alone, she understood the gravity of the situation.

Rene, sensing the conversation, burrowed deeper into Leone’s embrace, causing her to quiver. It was as if Rene protested, "Don’t think of me as a burden!"

Leone let out a startled yelp. "KYAAAH?! No, Rene…! Please, not there… stop…!"

Theodore apologized, a hint of regret in his voice. "I'm truly sorry for the trouble…"

"Oh, it's really not a problem," Rafinha reassured him.

Inglis and Leone simultaneously exclaimed, "You don’t get to say it…!!"

Inglis chimed in, "Seriously… How can you say that? You've never experienced it, Rani."

"Inglis is right," Leone agreed, "It's not as easy as it seems."

"Well, it’s fine, right? You two are always flaunting your assets in front of us, the less endowed," Rafinha joked.

"We do not!" Leone and Inglis protested in unison, their voices echoing in the Principal’s Office.

Despite the light-hearted banter, the group understood their next mission was significant. Their destination: the Highland.

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