The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War

Chapter 376: 16 Year Old Inglis and Leone’s Homecoming (4)

“Y-, you're right. That's so sad… Glis, is there a way to change him back?”

“Once they've reached this point, it's doubtful. It's akin to becoming a Magic Stone Beast.”

Inglis responded to Rafinha's query, then addressed the undead before her.

“Give it your all! Use your strength! You'll reach me in no time!”


It was uncertain if the creature comprehended her encouragement, but it certainly intensified its efforts.

“You're doing great! Keep it up!”

“Hey, Glis! Are you actually enjoying this?!”

“Why not?”

Encountering an undead was one experience; battling it was entirely different. Inglis always approached every fight with a positive attitude, aiming for self-improvement.


Rafinha's dismay was evident just before the inevitable occurred.

The undead’s leg snapped, right in front of Inglis. It likely applied too much force without considering its physical limitations. Devoid of reason and pain perception, such mishaps were frequent for these beings. The injury was exacerbated due to its tendons being previously torn.


Rafinha's expression mirrored her horror.

“It’s lost the ability to feel life's pain… It doesn’t care about its own well-being,” Eris explained.

“You’re quite informed.”

Eris' knowledge about the undead didn't surprise Inglis. After all, she was the renowned Hyrule Menace.

“I could ask why you're so familiar with them, but honestly, you're full of mysteries. So, I won't delve further.”

“I can't watch this. I feel so sorry for him. I hope this helps! Eei!!”

Rafinha drew her bow Artifact, Flowing Radiance, illuminating an arrow with a pale blue glow.

Infused with healing properties, she released the arrow, aiming for the undead’s injured leg. Her intent, no doubt, was to alleviate its suffering and possibly save it. Rafinha's compassion was commendable in Inglis’ eyes, but the outcome wasn't as hoped.

Instead of healing, the undead's form horrifically disintegrated into a grotesque pile of flesh.


Rafinha let out a piercing scream.

“Healing powers typically have adverse effects on the undead,” Eris clarified.

“And the reaction is immediate. Though, it's rather gruesome to witness.”

Eris was spot on. While Magic Stone Beasts were impervious to physical attacks, undead were not. Nevertheless, they were tenacious. To permanently stop them, they needed to be obliterated beyond any semblance of form.

Against undead, a healing Artifact was the most efficient weapon.

“Y-, you should have told me that sooner!” Rafinha exclaimed.

“There wasn't any time,” Eris countered.

“Uuuughhh! We must find Leone! Facing these creatures alone would be terrifying!”

“Hold on, Rani. These two are also undead.”

Inglis pointed to two more prone figures. They were bleeding, suggesting they'd fought, possibly with Leone.

While the undead might seem lifeless, they certainly weren't. It appeared they were playing dead to surprise anyone who would check on them. This tactic, involving more than just mindless aggression, revealed an astute strategy typical of a seasoned sorcerer. This was no ordinary feat.

Leone would be in grave danger if she believed she had vanquished them. Whether she was the one who fought those undeads, or even if she was present in the mansion, it was imperative to locate her immediately.

"Use the same arrow you shot earlier," Eris advised Rafinha.

"Eeh…?!" Rafinha exclaimed in confusion.

"It's the most efficient method," Eris explained. "If I were to confront them, I might damage the house."

Considering they were inside Leone’s residence, this was far from desirable.

Eris was right. Rafinha's healing arrow was ideal for this. "Your arrow causes minimal destruction, and it's potent enough to neutralize an undead quickly."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Rafinha responded, "I-, I get it…Eeeii!!"

Upon being struck by Rafinha's arrows, the undead transformed into grotesque, fleshy masses. The arrows created grotesque injuries that rapidly deteriorated their form.

"Uuueee… That's an unsettling sight…" Rafinha murmured in disgust.

"We need to keep moving, Rani. If you come across any humanoid figures, use your healing arrows," Inglis reminded her.

Eris nodded in agreement. "They won't harm living humans."

The trio methodically combed through the Olpha residence. On the first floor, they encountered no trace of Leone but did find more undead. Rafinha quickly dispatched them with her arrows.

"She's not on the first floor…" Rafinha observed.

"We should check upstairs next," Eris suggested.

Recalling a detail, Inglis interjected, "Actually, this mansion has a cellar. I remember from our last visit."

"Then let's divide our efforts. I'll investigate the upper levels, while you two inspect the cellar," Eris decided.

Both Inglis and Rafinha nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

Following their plan, Inglis and Rafinha made their way to the cellar. To their dismay, they found its entrance sealed.

"Leone! Leone, are you in there?" Rafinha's voice echoed as she knocked forcefully on the door.

But there was only silence. "No response… It appears to be locked from the inside," Inglis remarked.

Could it be that Leone had barricaded herself inside to escape the undead? If so, she might be situated deep within the cellar, possibly out of earshot.

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