The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War ~And Thus, I Became The Strongest Knight Disciple (♀) in The World~

Chapter 400: 16 Year Old Inglis and the Highland on Distance Sea (9)

Chapter 400: 16 Year Old Inglis and the Highland on Distance Sea (9)

Th-, thats not right! Miss Eris might end up turning into a bug!

Well, I think you could exert some control over the form~? She might still resemble her current appearance. Can't guarantee it though~ hehehe. But really~ Isnt any body sufficient as long as it meets basic needs~? After all, its your mind and soul that truly find happiness, not the vessel you inhabit~?

u-, uhIm not sure I grasp that concept

Rafinha's confidence wavered in her reply.

Its an intriguing thought, you know~? The possibility of engaging in your passions indefinitely~?

But, it feels like Miss Eris wouldnt truly be Miss Eris anymore

So, you believe that retaining your original, natural body is superior? You do realize Hyrule Menaces were significantly altered a long time ago, right~? Theres almost nothing left of their original form~ Their current appearance is just a minuscule aspect of their identity~ I dont quite get your attachment to it~?

Primary Professor Vilkin addressed Rafinha, his tone cheerful yet reflective, without any sign of displeasure.

! But, it'sstrange! It feels wrong

Well, youre quite the interesting one~? In Highland, transitioning to a High Mana Coat or shifting to another vessel is deemed prestigious, an occasion to expand ones intellect and introspection~ Besides, isnt the Duke of Art a prime example of this philosophy? Its not the physical form that defines a person, but their knowledge and essence, correct~?

if possible, Id prefer to stay as I am. There are duties I must fulfill as a Hyrule Menace. I wouldnt want to impose those responsibilities on others.

I appreciate that sentiment~ It's noble indeed~ I'll need to conduct some tests to figure out the best approach~ He~y.

Prompted by the Primary Professor, a fist-sized dark blue sphere, adorned with complex symbols, glided over.

"Yes, lets proceed. Scan for system-wide damage and malfunctions~"

Eris was bathed in a soft green glow.

Hmm? The damage is substantial, yet seems to be concentrated in certain areas~? Perhaps a repair might be more feasible?"

Is this feasible, Professor? Given the current circumstances?

Vilma inquired.

Vilma~ How many times must I say? Call me dad~

Im performing my duties.

You've fulfilled your duty by bringing her here, that part is complete~

Professor Vilkin appeared slightly melancholic.

Dont fret~ The Hyrule Menaces manufacturing process is distinct from the Duke of Arts operations. No worries on that front~ Ill proceed with the diagnostics, alright? Preparing to formulate the repair strategy now~

Eris was illuminated by a spectrum of lights flickering repeatedly.

So, whats the story with you girls~? Are you looking to become Hyrule Menaces too? Shall I assess your compatibility or something~?"

"N-No, we're just here to support her"

"Yes, please, Professor!"

As Rafinha hesitated, Inglis eagerly stepped forward.


Since were here, why not make it unforgettable!

The possibility of becoming a Hyrule Menace intrigued Inglis. It represented a chance to enhance her martial capabilities significantly.

Alrighty then~ Hey, bring another one over~

A second sphere floated towards Inglis, halting in front of her.

Just touch it with your hands~


Following the instructions, Inglis reached out to the sphere

Suddenly, an alarm resonated throughout the space.


Measurement error? Thats odd~

The Primary Professor tilted his head. Could the Ether enveloping her Divine Knight body have interfered with the process?

Hm~ You there, give it a try.

Eh? Me?!

Encouraged by the suggestion, Rafinha also placed her hand on the sphere.

And the alarm sounded again.

Ah~ So it's malfunctioning after all? Seems the Duke of Art's silence is starting to have an effect too~? I thought we were on an independent system~? Alright, fetch me another one~

The second sphere departed, and a third arrived.

Alright, your turn~

Professor Vilkin turned his attention to Leone.

Me?! Uh, okay

When Leone placed her hand on it, the alarm remained silent.

Result Found. Compatibility Level C.

What?! It can speak?! That's incredible!

Rafinha's eyes widened in astonishment.

Hm~ Good to know not all are defective. Seems you have a knack for it, huh~? What do you think? With a Compatibility Level C, transforming into a Hyrule Menace isnt far-fetched?

Me? Become a Hyrule Menace?!

Leone stuttered, disbelief in her voice.

Yep. But the process might take 40 to 50 years, with only a one-in-four success rate~ It means parting ways with your friends for good~

That long?! And failure means?

Well, if it fails, maintaining your current form wouldnt be possible, and theres no halting the process to save your essence Essentially, youd cease to exist, I suppose~?

No, thank you!

Leone decisively shook her head.

Please, don't suggest such a perilous option!

Rafinha voiced her concern to Professor Vilkin.

Really~? A one-in-four chance is actually quite good, and the timeframe isnt too unreasonable, right? But I understand, your circumstances differ from our usual subjects1 ; perhaps you cherish life more distinctly~?

What do you mean by?

Before Rafinha could finish, the sphere interjected again.

Additional information. Rune and mana output waveforms exhibit a 71% misalignment. Adjustment recommended.

Ah~ Interesting Well, since youve made the journey here, lets treat this as a bonus~ This adjustment is straightforward and foolproof, just stay still, okay~? Command: Erase her Rune and engrave a new one~

At Professor Vilkins command, the sphere Leone was touching glowed intensely. Concurrently, the Rune on the back of Leone's hand illuminated and then vanished.

My Rune?!

Its gone!

Relax. We're merely resetting it to inscribe anew~

Is this similar to the Baptismal Box used in the Midland?

Exactly~ Its among its capabilities~

Professor Vilkin beamed as a new Rune started to form on the back of Leones hand. It was not the High-Grade Rune she previously had. It sparkled with a divine, prismatic hue

Is that?!

A Special Grade Rune?!

Incredible! Leone, youre incredible!

Undeniably, it was a Special Grade Rune.2

Mab: as in, people who are sacrificed to Highland.Lio: Does this mean that the standard for a Special Grade Rune is a lot lower than Midland believes but the box they use is of a lower quality and thus can't fully perform?

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