The happy little days of the Ye family

Chapter 25 Go to the county to buy fruit seedlings

After all the honeysuckle in Xiaohou Mountain are planted, there will be about 15 acres of honeysuckle land on the lower mountainside.

It sounds like a lot, but in fact there are not many honeysuckle seedlings inside. The newly planted honeysuckle vines are so small that if you don’t pay attention, you might think they are weeds.

"Dad, I asked for leave from my employer and will accompany you to the county town tomorrow to buy fruit seedlings." After dinner, Father Ye went to Mr. Ye's room and said.

"It's good, you are familiar with the county, and the two of you can take care of it together."

Mr. Ye was about to say no, but Mrs. Ye on the side agreed directly. Mrs. Ye glared at him, and Mr. Ye silently swallowed the rejection.

As soon as her son left, Mrs. Ye said: "You are not young anymore, why are you trying to be strong? Fengshou is familiar with the county, so there will be someone to take care of him when we go together."

"Okay, okay, I didn't say not to let him go." Knowing that the old lady was worried about him, Mr. Ye quickly stepped forward to please her.

Early the next morning, Mr. Ye borrowed a donkey cart from his in-laws and went to the county town with Father Ye.

"Dad, do we want to buy a donkey cart? We will definitely have to go to towns and counties to sell things often in the future. It is really impossible without a donkey cart, and it is not easy to borrow a donkey cart from my father-in-law's house every day." Father Ye drove the donkey. Che asked.

The old man was lying on the donkey cart. He originally wanted to take a nap, but after hearing his son's words, he turned over and thought about it carefully, and decided that he should buy a donkey cart.

Father Ye turned his head and looked at Mr. Ye: "I know that there is not much money in the public account. This time I went to the county town to embroider and gave me 15 taels of silver. We will go to the place that sells donkeys later to see if there are any suitable ones. Just buy one, you don’t need to buy a car, you can just use the cart at home.”

"Okay, let's go see the donkeys later and then buy fruit seedlings."

Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye originally planned to sell the pigs and buy donkeys at the end of the year. Since Father Ye has already taken out the money, there is no need to refuse. They will buy them sooner or later.

Not far from the street where we sold wild vegetables last time, there is a place dedicated to selling livestock. Not only can you buy cattle and donkeys, but also some horses of average quality.

Mr. Ye and Father Ye carefully looked at every donkey here, and finally selected a male donkey that had just grown up. This donkey had smooth skin and smooth flesh, and it was obvious at first glance that it was well-raised.

After some haggling, the two finally bought the donkey for ten taels of silver and asked the store to send some bundles of fodder.

Mr. Ye took the donkey and asked the boss where there was a place selling fruit seedlings nearby.

The two came to a place specializing in selling flowers, fruits and seedlings. The place is not big, with only two stalls set up, and the variety of fruit trees is even more pitiful, with only a few common fruit trees.

Mr. Ye and Mr. Ye went to the largest stall, which contained more varieties of fruit trees, including jujube trees, persimmon trees, grape seedlings, osmanthus trees, pomegranate trees and some unknown flower seedlings.

Mr. Ye wandered around the jujube tree for a long time before he asked the boss, "How much does this jujube tree cost?"

"Brother, these jujube trees are 2-year-old saplings. Look at how well they are raised. They will bear fruit next year after planting. The fruits are guaranteed to be big and sweet. These jujube saplings cost 80 cents each. Buy 5 and get one free. .”

Mr. Ye didn't say whether he wanted it or not. He turned and looked at the persimmon tree aside: "Is this a soft persimmon or a hard persimmon?"

"They are hard persimmons. Soft persimmons are not easy to preserve and are easy to spoil. Few people buy them. Hard persimmons can be made into persimmons. These persimmons sell for ten cents per catty in dim sum shops."

The boss looked at each of their trees carefully and felt that they must be big customers, very active and enthusiastic.

Mr. Ye and Mr. Ye looked at each other and thought they could buy some of the persimmon trees. Mrs. Ye knew how to make persimmons, and the persimmons she made were soft, waxy, sweet, and not astringent at all.

Mr. Ye nodded with satisfaction, "How much does one persimmon sapling cost?"

"This persimmon tree is also a two-year-old fruit seedling. There are only the last four trees left. If you want them all, I will give you 2 cents per tree."

"Okay, I want four persimmon trees." Mr. Ye felt that the price was not expensive, so he did not counteroffer.

Fresh fruits are too easy to spoil, and ordinary people like them have no way out. The risk is too great, so red dates and persimmons are more durable.

"Boss, are there any pepper saplings and anise saplings?" These two kinds of trees are rare, and Mr. Ye is not sure whether they can be purchased here.

"These two are medicinal materials. I don't have them here, but you can go to the drugstore and ask, maybe you can buy the seeds."

In the end, Mr. Ye and his father asked for all the jujube trees, no more than 12 in total, plus four hard persimmon trees for making persimmons.

"The jujube tree costs 800 cents, the persimmon tree costs 280 cents, and the total is 1080 cents. I also have a new variety of grape seedlings. They are not big but sweeter than ordinary grapes. They will bear fruit next year if you plant them. Do you want to bring them with you? How many trees are there?”

When the boss saw that Mr. Ye and the two had taken over most of the fruit trees in the stall, he was as happy as picking up money and enthusiastically continued to introduce other fruit trees in the stall.

Father Ye asked: "How much does one tree cost?"

The wild grapes in the mountains are very sour. If these grapes are sweet, it would be good to buy them home and plant them for your children to sweeten.

"Like a jujube tree, it costs 80 cents a tree. If you fall in love with the two of you, it costs 70 cents a tree."

Father Ye asked for three grape seedlings. Two were planned to be planted in the small back hill, and one was left to be planted in the open space in the front yard. When the time comes, a shelf can be built so that one can enjoy the shade under the grape trees.

"It was 1080 Wen just now, plus the 210 Wen for the grape seedlings, the total is 1290 Wen. I will give you two a pomegranate tree. I hope your life will be as prosperous as this pomegranate."

The boss fiddled with the abacus so powerfully that half of the fruit seedlings on the stall were sold, and the boss' eyes narrowed into a straight line.

Mr. Ye gave the money to the fruit tree seller, and then went to the stall next door with Father Ye to see if there were any other fruit saplings. He planned to buy all the saplings this time. It's already the beginning of summer, and when summer comes, it will be difficult to plant fruit seedlings.

This fruit tree stall is a little smaller than the one just now, but the varieties are similar. Father Ye asked again, unwilling to give up, if there were any pepper saplings and anise saplings.

"There are some. It's just a coincidence. Some time ago, a customer ordered some pepper seedlings and star anise seedlings. I searched a lot to find these few seedlings, but after a while, I didn't see anyone coming to pick up the seedlings. If you two want them, I won’t wait for him.”

The boss was so happy that he thought he was going to get these saplings, but he didn't expect that someone else wanted them.

"How much does it cost for one?" Father Ye originally planned to go to the drugstore to ask if there were any seeds, but he didn't expect that by such a coincidence, there were ready-made saplings.

"These pepper seedlings and star anise seedlings are not common. I spent a lot of effort to buy these fruit trees from other people. I don't make any money from you. I just give them the cost price. I can take them all at 70 yuan a tree. "

It is said to be the cost price, but the boss keeps a profit of five cents on each sapling. He also needs to eat, and there are seniors and juniors in the family.

Mr. Ye nodded when he saw that the three pepper seedlings and the three anise seedlings were all thick and strong, about the same height as the jujube tree he just bought. They should be two years old and the price was not expensive.

"Boss, how do you sell these jujube trees and persimmon trees? Persimmon trees are hard persimmons, right?" Father Ye saw that there were also jujube trees and persimmon trees on the stall, and he was considering whether to buy more.

"It is a hard persimmon. The seeds of this persimmon are taken from Fucheng. The persimmons are sweet and delicious and you will never tire of eating them. Persimmon saplings and jujube saplings are both annual and biennial. The annual ones are 55 per tree, and the biennial ones are 80 per tree."

"The stall owner next door buys five trees and gets one free. Is that okay with you?" asked Mr. Ye on the side.

"Yes, you can buy five fruit saplings and get one free just like flower saplings." The stall owner had just seen that they had bought half of the fruit trees next door, and he was already very greedy.

Father Ye and Mr. Ye whispered quietly, and finally decided to get 10 two-year-old jujube trees, and then asked the boss to give two two-year-old persimmon trees.

"Three pepper seedlings and three star anise seedlings cost 420 wen in total, and 10 jujube trees cost 800 wen in total. The total is 1220 wen."

Mr. Ye paid the money and asked the boss and the owner of the stall next door to deliver the purchased fruit saplings to the donkey cart.

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