The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s

Chapter 142

Chapter 140 One hundred and forty cups of green tea

After going out, Tong Xuelu went directly to the vicinity of Widow Li’s house.

There are many right and wrong in front of a widow, and it is easier to inquire about the right and wrong of a widow than the average person.

Tong Xuelu circled the neighborhood, and then selected a woman who was in the door with insoles. The woman was in her thirties, with thin lips and high cheekbones. She looked like a person who loves to talk about right and wrong.

She walked over with a worried expression: “Sister, do you have a person named Li Juanjuan here?”

The woman raised her faint eyebrows and looked at her up and down: “You are looking for Li Juanjuan, who are you?”

Tong Xuelu twisted the corners of her clothes and bit her lips white: “Sister, do you know Li Juanjuan? I just want to see what she looks like. I don’t believe that she can still look as beautiful as a goddess. No? Why my man…”

Speaking of this, she suddenly covered her mouth, as if accidentally leaking her mouth, her eyes were erratic and she did not dare to look at the woman.

When the woman heard what she said, her eyes lit up, and the insoles in her hand were gone: “Sister, sit down, I do know Li Juanjuan, the sorrowful lady, do you have any conflict with her?”

Tong Xuelu hesitated, and sat down on the low stool next to the woman: “I have no conflict with her. I came here just to see what she looks like, whether she looks more beautiful than me.”

When she said this, her face was unconvinced.

The woman glanced across her face, and snorted: “It’s too far, but her shoehorn face can’t be compared with the girl, but the lady has eight pieces of meat on her chest, and the man loves her. Shao body!”

Tong Xuelu glanced down at her chest, frowning: “I have only four or two meats, and I am definitely no match for her eighty-two meats, no wonder my man he can…”

The woman’s eyes were as bright as stars: “What’s wrong with your man? Isn’t he the one with Li Juanjuan?”

Tong Xuelu waved her hands again and again with a pale face: “No, no, don’t talk nonsense, eldest sister, my man will definitely be fired by his unit if this kind of remarks spread.”

The woman curled her lips: “If you don’t tell me, I can guess it. Your man must have gotten involved with Li Juanjuan. You are not reconciled, so I came over to see what the lady Sao looks like, but I was afraid that your man would be hurt by tearing my face. Right?”

Tong Xuelu bit her lip and said nothing, but the expression on her face said it all.

The woman thought she had guessed correctly, and she was smug: “Sister, I and you, in fact, you are not the first woman to find her. Many people have come to her before you.”

Tong Xuelu covered her mouth, with a shocked look on her face, and three points of bewilderment: “She doesn’t understand shame so much, why don’t people report her? The atmosphere has become worse and worse in the past two years. Even if I report her, I may not be able to do anything to her, but in the past, one report was made.”

The woman scratched her head with the insole: “Why else? Don’t you just worry about affecting her man like you? If it weren’t for this, the lady-in-law would not be able to live safely until now, she would have been arrested and criticized long ago! ”

Tong Xuelu sighed faintly when she heard the words, her face wrinkled into a bitter gourd: “God is really blind. Such a person has nothing to do with her. What can I do as a weak woman? If I really make things happen When he gets older, maybe he will divorce me…”

After that, she covered her face and cried, her shoulders kept shaking, like a weak and beautiful little white flower, which made people unable to help sympathy.

The woman first came to see her pitifully, secondly, she had a rift with Li Juanjuan, and thirdly, she didn’t think it was too much to watch the play.

She glanced around, and suddenly lowered her voice: “Sister, do you want to deal with that lady-in-law?”

Tong Xuelu raised her head when she heard the words, her eyes were red with tears, her tears condensed on her eyelashes, and she looked pitiful: “Sister, do you have a way?”

The woman glanced at her fair and tender face, half envious and half jealous and said: “Sister, you are so beautiful, and your man has to go out and fuck. Men really don’t have a good thing, but the most sordid one is Li Juanjuan, the sorrowful lady, seduce men everywhere, so shameless!”

Seeing that she was running off the track, Tong Xuelu quickly pulled her back: “Sister, you just asked me if I wanted to deal with Li Juanjuan, did you know something?”

After speaking, she took out a handful of white rabbit candy from the military bag and stuffed it.

The woman pushed forward, “Why is this so embarrassing? Don’t stop it, you can take it back quickly.”

Tong Xuelu put the white rabbit candy on her lap: “You are welcome, big sister, turn around and give it to the children.”

The people’s living standards have improved in the past two years, but most people are still reluctant to buy the white rabbit candy. The woman didn’t really want to refuse. Seeing Tong Xuelu’s squeeze in like this, she also accepted it.

Take the hand short, eat the mouth softly.

The woman received the big white rabbit candy, so she poured out what she knew like beans.

“Li Juanjuan’s husband died of illness seven years ago. At that time, she had just married for less than half a year, because she was married to Chongxi. Her husband was not good enough, and the two did not leave any children. Waiting for her husband to die. Only her and her father-in-law are left at home.”

When talking about Li Juanjuan’s father-in-law, the woman showed a meaningful expression on her face: “Li Juanjuan was still young at that time, her skin was tender and tender, and her waist was like a water snake when her waist twisted and twisted, and her chest was heavy. Men can’t turn their eyes when they see her, and so does her father-in-law.”

Tong Xuelu felt a trace of disgust in her heart, but she looked shocked on the surface: “You can’t make a mistake, are you?”

The woman sneered: “Her father-in-law was less than fifty years old at that time, and he was strong. The daughter-in-law disappeared in the early years. After so many years of drought, the son is gone, leaving behind a fairy-like daughter-in-law. Do you think he can Can’t bear it?”

Tong Xuelu frowned: “Could he not…”

The woman nodded: “Just what you thought, Li Juanjuan was dragged to the bed by her father-in-law!”

Tong Xuelu was nauseous and wanted to vomit, and at the same time she sighed in her heart. If this is what the woman calls a handle, then she would not use it anyway.

In this matter, Li Juanjuan is a victim. If she threatens Li Juanjuan with this, what is the difference between her and an animal?

Just when she was about to retreat, she heard the woman’s voice lowered down, sneaky: “Do you know what happened afterwards?”

Tong Xuelu shook his head.

“In less than half a month, Li Juanjuan’s father-in-law was gone. He died of a sudden illness.” The woman narrowed her eyes. “Li Juanjuan’s father-in-law was so good before he died, and he didn’t even have a cold or a fever. How could he suddenly die of a sudden illness? ?”

Tong Xuelu covered her mouth, her eyes widened in horror: “Big sister, big sister, what do you mean?”

Woman: “What else do you mean? I suspect that Li Juanjuan killed her father-in-law, but I have no evidence. If you want to kill Li Juanjuan’s wife, you can get her out of this matter.”

Tong Xuelu looked scared and shook his head into a rattle: “Sister, you can’t talk nonsense if you don’t have evidence, otherwise it’s easy to be beaten by others. I’m still leaving. Thank you, sister.”

After she finished speaking, she staggered and ran away, as if she was frightened.

The woman rolled her eyes and snorted softly: “Useless soft-footed shrimp, no wonder it looks so good and still loses to Li Juanjuan.”

After speaking, she took out the big white rabbit candy from her pocket, and grinned, as if she was taking advantage of it.


Tong Xuelu walked a long distance before stopping.

This time she came here to find Li Juanjuan’s handle. Wen Rugui made a deal with this woman, and she was worried that this woman would use this to threaten Wen Rugui when she turned back.

She was even more worried that if she and Shi Xiu could form a battle line and deal with Wen Rugui, the problem would be very difficult.

A director of the Institute of Mechanics used money to buy a widow to seduce his stepfather. Once such a thing goes out, no matter what Cheng Xiuyun did back then, how wrong it is, everyone will only feel that Wen Rugui is morally corrupt and an unfilial son. Come, his life will be ruined.

Therefore, she wanted to act first, find out Li Juanjuan’s handle, and control her in turn.

She hadn’t had much to gain from this trip, but she didn’t expect the gain to be beyond her expectations.

When she reached the bus stop, she got on a bus to the Public Security Bureau.

The bus was full of people. She couldn’t find a place and could only stand.

She slapped her aching waist lightly, and sweared again in her heart that she must buy a car when she makes money back.

When she came to Chengnan Public Security Bureau, she went directly to find Park Jianyi.

Park Jianyi was working on the documents at the moment. Seeing her coming, he couldn’t help but curiously said: “What a rare visitor, why are you here?”

Tong Xuelu looked at the desktop: “Are you busy now?”

Park Jianyi closed the document: “It’s not too busy. Are you looking for something to do with me?”

Tong Xuelu nodded: “I want to know about a case, I wonder if you can help to transfer the file?”

“Case? What do you want to do?”

“There lived a woman named Li Juanjuan in the alley in the north of the city. Her father-in-law passed away six years ago. I heard that her father-in-law died a bit strange. I wonder if there is a record from the Public Security Bureau?”

Pu Jianyi looked at her, frowning: “You tell me first, why do you suddenly ask such a person, and what do you want to do?”

Tong Xuelu looked down at the ring on her ring finger. This ring was designed by Wen Rugui himself. The inner layer of the ring had the initials of the two of them.

Many jewellery techniques of this era are not in place. In order to let people engrave the initials of the two men’s names on the ring, he found many craftsmen.

His love for himself has long surpassed her likeness.

Tong Xuelu didn’t say a word, and the office was a little weirdly quiet.

Park Jianyi’s eyes turned, and he suddenly asked, “Should this matter have something to do with Rugui?”

Tong Xuelu took a deep breath and raised her head: “Yes, it feels like he is sick.”

Next, she told Piao Jianyi about Wen Rugui’s illness and what she had done after the illness.

After Piao Jianyi listened, he looked at her in a daze and looked at her incredulously: “You said Rugui is crazy? How is this possible?!”

He has known Wen Rugui for so many years, and he has always been normal, just like other people.

If there is any difference, it is that when he was a child, he didn’t pay much attention to or talk to people for a while. Later, when he grew up, he could not remember other people’s faces at most. What does this have to do with neurosis.

Tong Xuelu frowned and corrected him: “Mental illness does not mean neurosis, please pay attention to the wording.”

Park Jianyi scratched his head: “Doesn’t I mean Rugui is not sick? You are not pregnant, so you are just thinking about it?”

Tong Xuelu’s white eyes almost turned to the sky: “You know a lot, but thank you, I didn’t think about it. I am the only one who knows the situation like home now. Whether you believe it or not, I hope Don’t tell the third person to know.”

Seeing that she didn’t look like a joke, Pu Jianyi felt like he was joking, “Rugui, he can really talk to the air? Then can he be cured? Will it get worse in the future?”

Tong Xuelu: “He is not talking to the air, he is talking to the person in his fantasy. His condition has stabilized a lot before, because the appearance of Cheng Xiuyun stimulated him and caused his condition to become serious. If not Solving the scourge of Cheng Xiuyun will have serious consequences.”

“How serious is it?”

“Mental breakdown. Eventually he really became neurotic, or… committed suicide.”


Park Jianyi shook his hand, and the enamel tank on the table was knocked down, and water flowed out toward the file.

He jumped up in shock, quickly drew up the documents, and went around looking for a rag to wipe the table.

When things were done, he looked at Tong Xuelu with a complicated expression: “Xuelu, this thing you said is very unbelievable to me, but I believe you will not make jokes about the return, let alone do anything. It hurts like home, so I will help you with the file.”

Tong Xuelu said sincerely, “Thank you, Comrade Park.”

Park Jianyi waved his hand: “Where is so polite, but will the consequences really be so serious? I mean, Rugui’s temperament is so tough, he shouldn’t commit suicide.”

Tong Xuelu thought of the things in her previous life, her nose sour: “When a person has a nervous breakdown, where is there any reason to speak?”

For Wen Rugui, if one day he finds that he has been interacting with illusory people, this knowledge is enough to make him fall apart.

Coupled with the thought of being abused when he was a child, and the incident of Cheng Xiuyun’s miscarriage, everything will drive him into desperation.

She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry when she thought of the warmth and helplessness of her previous life.

It’s the first time that Pu Jianyi has known Tong Xuelu for so long, and it’s the first time to see her showing such a fragile appearance. He was shocked: “Comrade Tong, don’t cry. I said I believe you. If you cry here with me, look back. If Rugui knew about it, he would definitely not let me go!”

Tong Xuelu turned her head and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: “I didn’t cry. I’m going back. The case will trouble you.”

Pu Jianyi stood up and said, “Do you want me to drive you back?”

Tong Xuelu nodded immediately: “Yes, there are advantages and don’t take the bastard.”

Park Jianyi: “…”

He was just casually polite, he didn’t expect her to be really rude.

But who told her to be a pregnant woman, the most important thing is that Wen Rugui is his future father-in-law’s baby student. If Wen Rugui knew that he would not send her back, he would talk ill of him with his future father-in-law, and he couldn’t find it if he wanted to cry. Go to the place to cry.

Pu Jianyi went to borrow a car from the bureau, and then sent Tong Xuelu home.

Back home, Tong Xuelu was not idle, she picked up the phone and called Su Yueshen.

“Comrade Su, I need your help to kill two people.”

Su Yueshen:…

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