The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Clear preferences

Roy had to take a deep breath, adjusted his thoughts, and explained earnestly, “Thor is a top production, Marvel Pictures and Paramount Pictures are very confident in this work, and give it out with a wave of his hand. A budget of 150 million! 150 million, which is the average investment level of top Hollywood productions now.”

As the official agent of the Screen Actors Guild of America, Roy takes over almost all independent production invitations, because every agent knows that 95% of large production projects with an investment of more than 100 million are controlled by the top five agencies. In the hands of the top brokers, it is impossible for other brokers to have access to these resources, let alone a top investment of 150 million yuan-and it is the hottest comic adaptation project in the past two years!

“If the audition is successful, then it will be the leading actor in the top production. You know that 99% of Hollywood actors are willing to strip themselves and climb onto the producer’s bed for such an audition opportunity, and don’t even care about the producer. Is it a man or a woman!” Roy’s vivid metaphor made Lan Li couldn’t help but chuckle, which made Roy feel very speechless.

“No, even if it’s just an audition opportunity, this is enough to make your name spread in the circle.” Roy strongly emphasized that for Hollywood, opportunity is a very subtle thing, sometimes it’s just one person. A top agent, or a top producer, or an audition opportunity for a top production, is enough to make the actor’s future change drastically.

Lan Li did not interrupt Roy in a hurry, but always listened with a smile. After making sure that Roy had finished speaking, he said, “I know, I know all of these. But I also know that once the audition is successful, then What does it mean—”Lenry paused.” It means at least five or even six film contracts; it means full cooperation with Marvel for publicity, and there is almost no room for development of its own; it means that the label of commercial actors will be accompanied Keep me going.”

The most iconic one is Chris-Evans. Before he became popular, he had been active in youth school comedies, relying on showcasing muscles and stupidity to continue his acting career. Later, he was completed. In the Disney photo acquired by Marvel Entertainment, he starred in “Captain America”.

At that time, Chris signed six film contracts in one go, and the remuneration for each work was only 300,000 US dollars. Later, the movie became popular, and Robert-Downey-Jr., who played Iron Man, had paid as much as 40 million yuan. Disney symbolically increased Chris’s salary and gave box office dividends, but Compared to Robert, it is still a sky and an underground.

Of course, more importantly, “Captain America” ​​has completely become Chris’s label and even shackles for the next six or seven years. With the exception of Marvel movies, his acting career has almost completely fallen into a quagmire. Not only was the screen image fixed after the film was successful, but also because of Marvel’s contract requirements, the actors must maintain a corresponding positive image in order to cooperate with the promotion. In other words, the movie inside and outside, life inside and outside, all received constraints.

In fact, not only Chris, but the main actors in the Marvel series almost all face the same problem. Even Robert Downey Jr is no exception. After other works besides Marvel failed miserably, he single-mindedly focused on tapping the potential of the “Detective Sherlock Holmes” series, hoping to expand his career.

Success is Marvel, and defeat is Marvel.

Roy did not speak immediately, but silently thought about it, “Are you not interested in commercial films?” This is the only explanation Roy can think of.

From the solid acting skills of the “Pacific War” to the folk music style of “Cleopatra” to the polishing of off-Broadway acting skills, these details can be seen. Lan Li is a person who pursues art. Actors inevitably hope to find more breakthroughs in acting skills. In this way, it is not surprising that commercial films are rejected.

For Hollywood, the nature and category of actors is very important. To make a simple and crude distinction, then there are artistic actors and commercial actors. As the name suggests, the former is mainly active in independent art films, with solid acting skills in Hollywood; the latter is mainly commercial films, with box office appeal and audience affinity They are among the magic weapons of the front line.

Although it is said that commercial film actors often appear in some art films, hoping to give themselves a good impression, and vice versa, but it is even more difficult to achieve cross-industry success. This is one of the reasons Steven Spielberg’s position in the industry is so special, and it is also one of the important factors for Merrill Streep’s position in the industry.

Take two actors as an example, one is George Clooney (-Clooney), after entering the film industry from the field of TV dramas, the fiasco of “Batman and Robin” caused Warner Bros to put the role of Batman on the shelf. For ten years, this also allowed George to stay away from commercial films and concentrate on the shooting of art films. Later, although there was a small victory in the “Eleven Arhats” series, the fiasco of “Tomorrowland” in 2015 returned to the original point again.

The other is Scarlett-Johansson. His debut works such as “Lost in Tokyo”, “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, and “Game Point” all showed the great potential of emerging acting stars. Rising, after playing the role of Black Widow in “Iron Man 2”, she has achieved unparalleled great success in business, but she has never been able to win the favor of the academics in terms of literary works.

At this time, you can see the importance of the broker. The agent has a clear plan for the actor’s future, when should he take over the production of art films, when should he appear in some commercial films to increase exposure, how to choose commercial films, and whether art films should focus on directing and production The establishment of contacts such as filmmakers is still performed purely because of the script.

All of these are very particular, and it is also a bargaining chip for top brokers to get a 10% bonus.

“But if this is the case, you should participate in the audition even more.” Roy took out his professional attitude and suggested, “Not for the success of the audition, but to increase the exposure. Only in this way, you will have enough in the future. The freedom to choose works. Otherwise, as a newcomer, no one knows at all, and there is almost no audition, so what future positioning can we talk about?”

So far, this is a problem that every newcomer actor has.

“First of all, if you participate in the audition, naturally you have to do your best to fight for the role, isn’t it?” Lan Li’s answer made Roy stunned. The self-confident posture really cannot be refuted. Roy couldn’t help but laugh. , I am interested in commercial films. In fact, I think acting in commercial films should be a very wonderful experience. If I have the opportunity, I will try my best to fight for it.”

What Lan Li is telling is the truth. Commercial films are indeed different. Although they do not test their acting skills very well, Lan Li always believes that the charm and depth that actors give to the characters have nothing to do with the subject matter itself. Matt Da Matt-Damon’s solid performance in “The Bourne” is impressive, not to mention the history of Heath-Ledger in “Batman: The Dark Knight” Performed.

Not only that, but the performance experience of commercial films brings different benefits. Imagine yourself in the magical world of “Lord of the Rings” or “Harry Potter”, or the spy world of “007”. Otherwise, it is the magnificent universe world like “Star Wars”. These are things that cannot be experienced in real life. It must be very interesting to participate as an actor.

is able to try different tastes in life, which is why Lan Li has always been passionate about the career of actors. Therefore, Lan Li not only does not reject, but is also eager to try.

It’s just that Marvel movies can’t work, at least the main character can’t. Because Lan Li clearly knows that once he plays the role, the shackles will probably not be shaken off; if he plays a villain in a Marvel movie, Lan Li thinks it is a good proposal.

“I’m just not interested in Sol. If it’s Loki, I’ll try it.” Lan Li’s answer made Roy almost out of the window-give up the protagonist and choose a supporting role? If it’s a top actor, then forget it, but Lan Li is just a fledgling newcomer? This…this…is simply a fantasy.

Roy swallowed a mouthful of saliva and suddenly didn’t know what to say. If Lan Li refused to appear in a commercial movie, he was willing to audition for the role of Rocky again, if Lan Li was proactive. , He refused Sol’s invitation again. “You know, you have no bargaining capital.”

Lan Li smiled and shrugged, “So I just chose to refuse.” Lan Li also knew that such an opportunity was really rare, but it was not what he wanted, “But I really don’t have any interest in playing a superhero. I am. I don’t think I have the temperament of a superhero.” After speaking, Lan Li smiled self-deprecatingly, with a relaxed and contented expression.

Roy finally understood that it was not that Renly was too stupid and arrogant, but on the contrary, it was that Renly was too wise and sophisticated. He knew what he wanted, with clear goals and clear preferences, so he would not be easy. Compromise, but will not give up easily. After such a person enters Hollywood, maybe the road at the beginning will be more tortuous, but as long as he is given a chance, he can hold it firmly in the palm of his hand and shine with great light.

Suddenly, Roy realized that the “Pacific War” was such an opportunity? “Thor”‘s audition invitation may be the first signal.

“Huh…” Roy let out a long sigh and rearranged his thoughts, “Well, I’ll bring the script here, you take it back and see.” Seeing what Lan Li wanted to say, Roy This time he stopped him and continued, “If you think the script is interesting and plan to audition, then this will give yourself a chance. At least you can go to the producer and say you want to play the role of Rocky. ”

Lan Li couldn’t help but chuckle.

“If you find it boring, give me a call when the time comes. Marvel will let me take care of it.” The bad guy’s role should still be taken by the agent. Otherwise, the production company will have a bad impression of the actors. It can’t be reversed.

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