The Greatest Architect

Chapter 18

18. All roads lead to Rome (1)


Podong jumps.

Landing on an infested stomach (?).

The object between my stomach and the floor was badly crushed.


The walnut shell was crushed.

Podong smiles brightly as he pulls the egg out of the crushed shell.

“Podong? Podong.”

“Is it good?”


Podong that packs walnut eggs in the cheek bag at the speed of light.

Seeing that, Lloyd grinned.

“Do you want more? ”


“Do you want me to crack your skin? ”

“Podong? ”

“Okay, just give me a second. ”

Lloyd grabs the walnut with his right hand.

The rest of your left hand is spread out and lifted.

And he ran the Asran method.


My heart beats with my breath.

A stem suction was produced with a small pulsation. The suction spills out with your left hand. The surrounding energy is drawn through the open palm of your hand.

It was a natural Mana spread in the air.

‘Oh, it works. ’

Of course, it wasn’t that great a power.

It was just a little drag of Mana into the air.

Moreover, his Aslahan court was only a beginner stage, Single Circle.

But it was enough.


Manat’s left hand draws power to the outside of his heart.

The heart was rotated into a single circle surrounding the heart.

The manna loaded on the rotation was amplified.

You send the amplified Mana with your right hand.

I pressed the walnut with my original grip strength.

“Ugh… That’s it! ”


A hard walnut shell was broken.

‘Whoa, there you go. ’

Break walnuts with your bare hands.

I couldn’t have done it before.

He gave Podong walnut germs with joy of success.

“Here you go. ”


“You like it?”


“Yeah, I’d love to. ”

Now I have the feeling that it is somewhat outside the physical level of ordinary people.

I felt a little relieved.

‘This is a world where everyone carries knives. ’

This is not South Korea.

As soon as we left the territory, we could carve carvings of carved swords on each other, along with the bandits who bludgeoned.

But what if you had to live without even the smallest skill to protect your body?

“You never know when you’ll die from a blind sword. That’s not a good idea. ’

I thought I was good at learning the art of Asran from Sasam Xaviel.

It was then.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the bedroom door.

“Lloyd? Are you there?”

A unique cynical tone.

It was Xaviel.

Lloyd grins.

I got up and opened the bedroom door myself.

As expected, Xaviel stands at the door.

“You’re no good either. Come in.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is such a thing. Did you do everything right? ”

“Still, I’m on my way from reporting to the Lord. ”



“The baron didn’t say anything? ”

“Are you asking me if you mentioned anything in particular? ”


“You did.”

“What did you say? ”

“Lord Neumann wishes you luck. ”

“Well, good luck with that. To Sir Neumann now. ”

Lord Neumann.

When I thought of him, I thought of him.

At the same time, I remembered something a few days ago.

It was the day I dueled with him and exposed his betrayal.

‘Lucky him. ’

No, in this case, I’d say it’s bad luck.

In conclusion, Sir Neumann is not dead.

He boasted a life force that was overwhelmed by the belly of a massive Podong.

The price for saving his life was great.

He suffered massive fractures of dozens of bones all over his body.

How distressing it looked, it was like a semi-dried squid caught in a corner of a dried fish, crouched on the floor.

Even the physicians in the territory who looked at his condition shook their heads.

‘This is not a living thing. Even if we are lucky enough to be cured by the luck that heaven gave us, we won’t be able to make excuses for people for the rest of our lives. Walking or getting up is, of course, impossible, and you can barely swallow anything that feeds you until you die. ’

…… was the doctor’s diagnosis.

And Lord Neumann was banished from the territory today, with only a few days of treatment left to suffer.

“Well, the families have been banished together, so there’s no need to die right now. ”

“Maybe so. ”

It wasn’t just that.

Sir Ulrich, who used to follow Sir Neumann, was banished together like a set menu.

The tendons of one hand and foot were cut along with the punishment.

‘You won’t be able to wield a sword forever. It is a bit unfortunate, however, that establishing the internal strength of the territory succeeds. ’

They turned their backs on this territory in the context of a novel anyway.

Forgive me, but not only will I lose my mind, but they will do me harm.

I wanted to weed them out early.

And today, that goal was achieved.

It was refreshing.

“Thanks to you, you’re deputy commander. Now, Ser Asran? What do you think?”

“There’s nothing to say. ”




“Only two knights remain in the territory, me and Lord Bavaria. ”

“Well, are you lonely? ”

“ ……. ”

“Tsk, I see. Our Xaviel was bored because he didn’t have any friends. I see.”

“Of course not……. ”

“You know, I know. Well, that’s what happens in life. ”

“Lloyd. ”

“Well, why? Well, I don’t know what to do with it. ”

“ ……. ”

“Do you have something else to say to me? ”

It seemed that way to me.

As expected, Xaviel nods.

“Yes, I have something to ask you. ”

“What is it?”

“That hamster. ”

Xaviel’s hand points to Podong, who is snorting walnut eggs on his desk.

The expression became serious.

His eyes became more cautious.

So Lloyd was a little nervous.

What the hell is he asking me to do, moxa in such a strict, serious tone?

‘What, are you doubting my summoning? ’

I thought maybe it was.

It was a fairly likely story.

‘I mean, I’ve been carrying around the Basic Summon Wizard on my side for a month, but it’s probably too much to avoid. ’

Summoning magic is also magic.

So what if he’s not a twisted genius?

It didn’t make sense to use a summoning technique for about a month of self-study.

‘Well, I can’t help it. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the RP system or a random phantom. That’s why we have to keep fighting. ’

You were right to succeed on your own.

I will insist.

Lloyd waits for Xaviel’s question, thinking so.

Xaviel opens his mouth, a serious mogul.

“What should I call you? ”

“…… Huh? ”

“I wonder what your name is. ”

“No way, her name? ”


“Is that what you were wondering? ”

“That’s right. Lloyd summoned me, after all. ”

“Aha, you want to make a name for yourself because you’ll see her often? ”

“That’s right.”

“Then why did you catch the atmosphere so unnecessarily? ”


“…… Whew. There you go, Podong. Her name.”

“Podong, you mean? ”


“Hmm, that’s a humble name compared to a massive one. ”

“That’s what I named it. ”

“…… making a humble name is the basic art of camouflage to alert your enemies. You built it well.”

“For real?”

“ ……. ”

“Tallulah. Never mind. I didn’t build it. Podong is his name, yes. ”

“Then I……. ”

“Call her yourself. ”

“I understand. Lord Podong? ”

Xaviel sets his eyes high against Podong.

Podong, who was moaning about walnut germs, raises his head.


“My name is Xaviel Asrahan. He’s a knight escorting Lloyd. I look forward to it. ”


Xaviel’s long fingers and his small forefoot shake hands.

Lloyd yawned.

“Did you finish your name? ”


“Can we get out of here? I was waiting for you to leave because I had business. ”

“You mean me? ”

“Huh. You’re my escort anyway. Much stronger than me. ”

“That’s ……. ”

“Never mind. Everyone hides their talents somewhat. Isn’t that right?”

“ ……. ”

Xaviel was flawed.

Lloyd grins.

Xaviel is already on the verge of Sword Express.

At first, I thought he wasn’t fully aware of his level.

I had to.

That’s how it was described in the Knights of the Blood of Novels.

‘But it’s actually a little different from the way I look at it. It’s not just novels. ’

He hangs out with Xaviel every day.

Learn swordsmanship from Xaviel.

Just like that, I could see him up close and realize.

Xaviel knows exactly how he’s doing.

He’s just hiding his skills.


I didn’t know yet.

I could only guess.

‘The youngest knight in sight of the Sword Master. The mere discovery of its existence will create chaos. ’

Lord Neumann’s jealousy, for instance, is small.

Constant recruitment attempts such as nearby lords.

Because of such rice, the Baron Frontera was sure to become a rag.

‘You don’t want to cause any complaints like that. It will be his own effort to protect his loyalty to the baron. ’

What a guy.

He was good, but his personality was impeccable.

“Anyway, let’s get out. We’re going to lose. ”

I got up from my seat.

As expected, Xaviel was relieved.

You don’t want this to continue.

Actually, it was the same this way.

‘I’ll keep your secret. So you only have questions about my intubation. Don’t take that out of your mouth. ’

I keep telling you, he’s a swordsmanship genius.

There’s no way he won’t be able to identify the true identity of a bayonet with a long history.

‘At least you’ve noticed that it’s not the kind of technology that a novice like me would make a fool out of. ’

Martial arts and sports appear to know as much as you do.

It was clear when I thought about boxing or the fighting pits.

Boxing relays could not be so boring when I didn’t know.

Throughout the game, there were more slanderous fighters on the floor.

But did you actually learn boxing in high school?

After you learned your hand at the university club?


Boxing matches that were like sleeping pills couldn’t be that fun.

The Ground Fighting Battle, which appeared only to moan on the floor, was an exciting dragon jackpot itself.

It was because of the increase in what was seen as much as I knew.

Then what about Xaviel, the greatest swordsman in history?

Of course, he would know most of the characteristics of the bayonet he used.

‘Yes, we can’t avoid that. But I’m just trying to figure it out. If you keep your mouth shut, I’ll keep yours. ’

I looked at Xaviel with meaningful eyes.

Did they realize their intentions like this?

Xaviel rises up along this side, gently.

“…… let’s go. I’ll take you.”

So I left the bedroom with Xaviel.

I left the mansion.

As I walked, I often encountered the colonists.

However, their reaction was not quite the same as before.

They used to rush back to the side of the road as soon as they ran into each other.

They were the ones who bowed their heads in fear of making eye contact.

But not anymore.

A woman smiled softly and greeted him.

This was Lloyd’s first day of possession, and she was terrified with her hands trembling.

It wasn’t just that.

Some farmers asked, smiling openly.

“Hey, Young Master? When will we be able to build a greenhouse? ”


Lloyd was able to remember.

This single farmer in front of me, when I met him on the first day of the ice, was a man with a pale complexion.

Lloyd greets as he touches his chin.

“Uh, well, I don’t remember much, but where was home? ”

“To the left of the rock at the beginning of the Oak Forest Valley. ”

“Oh, there. Let’s see. Next time, in terms of the terms of the contract. ”

“Then when will you start construction…. ”

“After a full day, given the circumstances? So wait a little longer. It’s spring anyway.”

“But the wind is still cold. ”

“Can I give you a hug? Completely cozy?”

“Well, that’s not it. ”

“No? Thank God. I don’t like it either. It gives me the creeps.”

“Anyway, well, do me a favor, young lady. ”

“Okay. Don’t forget the construction fee. ”

“There will be. ”

“Yes. Okay, can we just let go now? ”

Lloyd takes a few steps away from the farmer who’s stuck to him.

‘Phew. I feel like this is sealed in sleepless. ’

It was a few days ago.

The gaze and attitude of the colonists on this side was completely different from before.

‘The way they look at me is so glamorous. When you play this game openly, do you feel like you’re welcoming a carry-on bus driver? ’

Suddenly, a bitter smile came out.

I knew why he did it.

But I wanted to check it out once.


I asked Xaviel who was following me.

“What’s wrong with everyone? You used to hate me, right? ”

“Well, I used to be. ”

“Was? ”


“Then what about now? ”

Xaviel insists as if it were natural.

“Talent born. ”


“You defeated a senior knight in the territory with just a month’s training. Of course, they didn’t know the existence of Asran law, so they must have looked great. where he exposed the treachery of the senior knights and even performed shocking summoning magic in front of everyone. ”

“…… Well, it’s kind of cool to put them all together and list them. In summary, do you feel like a competent person with a sword and summoning skills? ”

“That’s right.”

Xaviel nods.

“I’m sure the locals will be pleased to see you. because every day, the irredeemable human being who drank himself to death and was so capable of being the same person. ”

“ ……. ”

“The future lord has transformed from a dark, incapable human scum into a talented talent in an instant. The colonists will rejoice and be glad. ”

“Oh, that’s a compliment, right? ”

“Yes, that’s right. ”

“But you’re complimentary and a little heavy? ”

“What do you mean, heavy? ”

“I think the fact that it’s stuck in the name will be 170 hours long enough. ”

“170 an hour? ”

“Oh, I broke a bone. You’re a foot engineer. ”

“ ……. ”

Xaviel stares this way.

What the hell are you talking about?

However, even that appearance is cool and rich like a wide picture.

‘Yeah, that ‘d be great. Handsome.’

He’s good at fighting.


He even looks perfect.

Lloyd grumbled at the nonexistent reality of his mother friend’s son, who is literally a rumor.

“Have you looked at everything? Then get out of my way. Let me do my job. ”

“What do you mean?”

“From here to there. ”

Lloyd points his hand at the ground.

This way, from entering the mansion, that way, through the territory to the eastern foothills.

Around, Lloyd was already activating his surveying and design skills.

Examine the terrain.

Get all the information thoroughly.

Overlay the blueprint of the structure you want to build on the identified information.

Thanks to this, some of the future here, which has not yet been built, can only be glimpsed into his eyes.

“All roads lead to Rome. You’ve never heard of it? ”

Lloyd looks back at Xaviel with a big smile.

Of course, Xaviel didn’t know the meaning of the smile.

The fact that a paved road that will become the aorta of development in the Territory will be built here.

Therefore, the future of the Baron Frontera will also be a land of great power in the kingdom.

He could not imagine at all.

It must have been until Lloyd’s next words.

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