The Good Incubus

Chapter 16 (NSFW) Imitation

Chapter 16



Hao Kong pulled Xie Jie into his arms and kissed him deeply.

Xie Jie felt like he could fly as Hao Kong’s Qi energy, laced with strong feelings of desire for him, flowed in through their kiss.

Cupped in Hao Kong’s large hands, Xie Jie moaned into his man’s mouth, the sound was too muffled to have much affect on the people outside the shield but it had a great effect on those inside; the young couple couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Hao Kong didn't hold back either, changing to kissing Xie Jie’s cheek, he slid his hands down brushing over Dun's collar, and clumsily pushed into the top of his man’s robe.

Sliding his hands along his incubus’s chest, Hao Kong gently stroked and tweaked Xie Jie’s delicate pert nipples, sending pleasure surging through his man’s body.

Xie Jie gave voice to his sexual delight, releasing several villagers who stopped mid strike and blinked in surprise.

Hao Kong whispered into Xie Jie's ear, "its working," then for good measure nibbled on his delicate pale lobe.

Wrapping his arms around Hao Kong's neck Xie Jie planted some kisses along his cheek, he was getting highly aroused by Hao Kong's actions but knew it wouldn't be enough, so breathed into his man’s ear, "you have to do more."

Hao Kong tried to swallow but his throat felt dry, he was really inexperienced at all this.

At a loss what to do, Hao Kong decided to imitate Xie Jie.

Undoing his incubus’s belt he slid his left hand down the opening at the front and released the hard pale cock inside.

Hao Kong pushed his hips slowly forward, pushing Xie Jie’s hard member into his own robes and held it firmly between his powerful thighs. Enjoying every moment of his inexperienced partner, Xie Jie moaned harder, each moan holding more energy than the last.

This time five more villagers and two scribes came round from the possession.

Leader Chu instructed the scribes to defend against the other disciples and escort everyone out of the building, then he joined Leader Luo in containing Leader Gong.

Hao Kong slid his hand round Xie Jie's body caressing his man’s smooth skin and onto his lower back, all the time moving his hips back and forth as smoothly as he could.

Xie Jie's moans were getting louder and more hoarse as his senses dimmed with the wonderful sensations.

Hao Kong knew the best way to stimulate Xie Jie, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves he pushed his long middle finger up through his incubus’s ring.

Hao Kong went harder than he had ever been before, it was so tight and wet, he fervently wished they were any where else so he could use more than just his finger.

Xie Jie cried out with pleasure and clung to his man, it wasn’t the part of Hao Kong he wanted most, but it was a wonderful start.

Hao Kong moved his finger in and out with the motion of his hips and couldn't resist kissing Xie Jie’s lips again, his desire was getting the better of him.

Using the excuse that he wanted to transfer more Qi energy to Xie Jie, he deepened their kiss, not knowing every sexual touch gave him a little energy.

When his lips were released again, Xie Jie gave a long deep moan that set 10 people free in one go, and he panted into Hao Kong's ear, "Master I want more of you, please fill me."

Hearing Xie Jie’s desire filled words, several more people blinked and looked around in surprise. Xie Jie's voice was now full of power, but his words were not as powerful as his moans.

Blushing and smiling in equal parts, Hao Kong slipped another finger smoothly into his man’s hot body.

Xie Jie was in bliss being held and pleasured by his cultivator, he had never understood peoples possessive desire to make another their own before he met Hao Kong, but now he desperately wanted this man to be all his.

He slipped his tail inside Hao Kong’s robes and around his waist, while sliding his hands down towards his man hood.

"You can't," Hao Kong whispered, "your too sexy, I'm barely holding on as it is, if you do that I won't be able to keep the shield up."

Xie Jie could see how much Hao Kong was straining, so changed direction with his hands and slid them around his strong back, then concentrated on the wonderful sensations in his lower half.

Hao Kong sped up his movements but Xie Jie's moans had stopped raising in intensity.

"I need more in me, your fingers aren't long enough." Xie Jie panted.

Both of them had the same idea at the same time, and looked at the chain swinging with their motions.

"Dun please can you help me again?” Pleaded Xie Jie.

Dun answered by raising slowly up the inside of Xie Jie's pale thigh, and sliding in with Hao Kong's fingers, he went straight for the spot that had caused Xie Jie to cum the night before and pulsed against it.

The intensity of Xie Jie's moans sky rocketed as he came close to orgasming.

All of the people outside the shield stopped in one go, except Leader Gong who was still battling with Leader Luo and Leader Chu.

The two Leaders were finding it hard to contain Leader Gong without hurting him.

The freed disciples and guards ushered every one out as they came round then retreated out of the hall.

Now it was just the three Leaders, Xie Jie and Hao Kong, and the young couple left in the hall.

The young couple were completely caught up in the moment, as newly weds it took very little for them to jump on each other, and Xie Jie's power had got rid of their last inhibitions.

Their moans had long been mixing with Xie Jie's as the man thrust smoothly into his wife, while they passionately kissed.

Xie Jie felt jealous but also excited, Hao Kong would be doing that to him soon if he was lucky.

Hao Kong and Dun moved in and out as if they had practiced all day, while Xie Jie’s pre cum had coated Hao Kong’s legs making his hard cock slide smoothly in between the powerful beige thighs.

The more he practised the better Hao Kong's thrusts got, to the point where Xie Jie was struggling to contain himself.

Seeing the look on his incubus’s face, Hao Kong made a calculated decision and said in a deep sexy voice, "let it all out my sex kitten."

'Hao Kong remembered and used my silly nick name.' was the last thought that went through Xie Jie's mind before he climaxed.

His loud moan was intoxicating as he covered Hao Kong's legs and buttocks with his milky liquid, then slumped exhaustedly into his cultivator's strong embrace.

Leader Gong froze mid punch, and with amazing skills Leader Luo and Leader Chu managed to avert their defensive moves.

Just as the released sexual energy started to come back to Xie Jie, Dun bound his powers again.

Completely drained, Xie Jie felt the loss like a physical blow, he felt betrayed and asked weakly, "Why Dun?"

Sliding wetly out of Xie Jie’s ring, Dun’s tip pointed to the exhausted young couple in the shield, if he had fed with his current powers they would have died.

"Thank you Dun, you are as ever my protector."

Dun ‘nodded’ and looped round Xie Jie’s shoulders.

Hugging his incubus tightly Hao Kong said, "I'm so sorry, you were right I should never have brought you in here."

Reaching up Xie Jie took Hao Kong's handsome face in his hands and kissed him lightly, even without his extra senses he could feel the adoration coming from the ruggedly beautiful man.

"We saved all those people and you kept me safe, don’t be sorry for that."

Staring in wonder at the cute young man, Hao Kong thought, ‘after all that he is comforting me; I must make this incubus mine!’

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