The Golden List: My Personal Maid is Jiang Yuyan

Section 215

"Why hasn't the court sent us reinforcements?!"

"Has the court forgotten us?"

Lu Zhi frowned as he watched some of his soldiers complain.

He knew that if things continued like this, it would be very unfavorable. As the complaints grew, sooner or later the pressure on the soldiers would grow, and they might mutiny and open the city gates to let the Yellow Turban Army in.

Lu Zhi wanted to control this unfavorable situation, but he had no way!

Because as the war progressed, even his heart had been slightly shaken.

Sometimes, at some point in the night, he would even wonder if he, Lu Zhi, had been abandoned by the court?

If he hadn't abandoned him, why didn't the court send troops to reinforce him?

In fact, what overwhelmed the soldiers defending the city, or what overwhelmed him, Lu Zhi, was never the fear of death.

But he could not see any hope for victory.

Lu Zhi watched the food in the granary become less and less, and watched the soldiers defending the city fall one after another.

Looking at the Yellow Turban Army outside the city, it was still a yellow mass, as if no matter how the battle went, only the Han army would suffer casualties, and the Yellow Turban Army would not be hurt at all.

Looking at the desperate number of the Yellow Turban Army, the morale of the soldiers defending the city had already fallen to the bottom.

Some soldiers even put down their weapons, and they completely lost confidence in this battle.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly appeared in the sky, and with the change of the Divine Weapon List, Lu Zhi's eyes shone again.

"What?? !! Fuxi Qin is actually in the hands of Queen He!"

"Hahaha, it's really God's will not destroy the Han Dynasty!"

Lu Zhi couldn't help laughing, he knew clearly that it was time to awaken his own fighting spirit and counterattack the enemy!

"Pass my military order, summon all the defenders to assemble!"

As Lu Zhi passed down the order, the soldiers in the city gathered under Lu Zhi one after another.

When the soldiers had gathered, Lu Zhi shouted loudly:

"All soldiers! Look up at the Divine Weapon List in the sky!"

"The Fuxi Qin ranked sixth on the Heavenly List is now in the hands of Empress He of our Han Dynasty!!"

"What does this mean? Our Han Dynasty is the one destined by heaven!"

"It won't be long before the imperial court's reinforcements arrive!"

"The Yellow Turban thief Biting (dacb) will also be eliminated by us!"

After hearing Lu Zhi's words, the defenders all mechanically raised their heads and looked at the Divine Weapon List in the sky.

When they saw with their own eyes that the Fuxi Qin, which was newly listed on the Divine Weapon List, was actually in the hands of the Empress of the Han Dynasty, a hint of intelligence flashed in their eyes, which looked like dead people again.

"The divine object is in the Han Dynasty?"

"The Queen actually has the most precious Fuxi Qin!!! Our Han Dynasty is also protected by the most precious treasures of heaven and earth!!!"

"Our Han Dynasty is also protected by the heavens. God bless the Han Dynasty, and we will never fail!!"

"The Yellow Turban bandits will definitely be defeated by us!!!"

When the soldiers learned that the divine soldiers chose the Han Dynasty, the soldiers' dead hearts rekindled their fighting spirit.

They believed that God was still on the side of the Han Dynasty, and the final winner of their war would definitely be the Han Dynasty!

Seeing that the road ahead was not gloomy, but there was dawn, the soldiers also rekindled their hope for this battle.

Looking at the current appearance of the soldiers, Lu Zhi nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered:

"All soldiers, follow me to counterattack!!! Kill these traitors!"

At the same time, Zhu Jun and Huangfu Song, like Lu Zhi, were actively planning a counterattack using the Divine Weapon List.


Jizhou, Julu.

Zhang Jue was not panicked when he saw that the newly listed Fuxi Qin was in the hands of Empress He of the Han Dynasty.

He remained very calm.

However, although Zhang Jue thought that it didn't matter whether the magic weapon was in the Han Dynasty or not.

But his two younger brothers Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao became very uneasy after seeing the magic weapon list.

Zhang Bao looked at the Divine Weapon List in the air, with a trace of fear in his eyes. He immediately walked to Zhang Jiao and said:

"Brother, why are you still so calm? What should we do now?"

"Now is the critical period of the war. If the soldiers see the list in the air at this time."

"If the Queen of the Han Dynasty has a treasure in her hand, it will definitely affect the morale of the soldiers!"

Zhang Liang saw this and ran to Zhang Jiao anxiously and said:

"Yes, brother, now that the Divine Weapon List has appeared, the soldiers must think that the Way of Heaven is still in the Han Dynasty."

"If this goes on, it will definitely shake the hearts of the soldiers and cause the attack to slow down!"

"If those old men guarding the city wait for the reinforcements of the Han Dynasty, our efforts will be in vain, brother!"

"Please think of a solution!"

After listening to Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao's words, Zhang Jiao was still not panicked at all.

He looked at his two younger brothers and said slowly:

"Don't panic over such a small matter."

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

"You two just need to take care of your men and continue according to the plan."

Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao were relieved when they saw that their elder brother had a solution.

Then they followed Zhang Jue's words and continued to lead their men and carry out the original plan, leaving everything else to Zhang Jue to solve.

After Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao left, Zhang Jiao turned around and looked at Kang, one of the Eastern Azure Dragon Seven Stars who had been secretly helping him.

"Kang, is there a solution to this problem?"

Zhang Jiao asked with a hint of panic in his eyes.

In fact, when Zhang Jiao saw the Fuxi Qin in the Divine Weapon List in the hands of Empress He of the Han Dynasty, he also became panicked.

But he did not show it in front of Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, because Zhang Jiao knew that if even he panicked now, the Yellow Turban Army would lose its morale in an instant.

At that time, there would be no need to wait for the reinforcements of the Han Dynasty. Even the troops defending the city now would be enough to swallow up the Yellow Turban Army who had lost their fighting spirit.

Now that only Zhang Jiao and Kang were there, Zhang Jiao could no longer hold back the panic in his heart.

Kang looked at Zhang Jue in front of him and said without any emotion:

"Don't worry."

"The relationship between the Queen of the Han Dynasty and the Emperor Ling of Han has long been in name only."

"Now the Heavenly Dao treasure only belongs to the Queen of the Han Dynasty, not to the Han Dynasty. What are you afraid of?!"

Kang looked at Zhang Jue with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"As long as this news is spread, the morale of the Han Dynasty will not only not improve, but will make their morale even more depressed."

"At that time, the horses of the Han Dynasty will naturally become lambs to be slaughtered."

Zhang Jue's eyes became brighter and brighter after hearing Kang's words.

"Kang, is this news accurate?"

Zhang Jue asked excitedly.

"Absolutely true!"

With Kang's answer, Zhang Jue's hanging heart finally fell.

Afterwards, Zhang Jue ordered Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao to send people to spread the news.

And let the soldiers rest well and prepare for the final decisive battle.

"It seems that the Heavenly Dao is not on your side this time, Dahan."

"The Taiping Dao will eventually occupy Dahan, and I will become the only Heaven on this land!"

Zhang Jue stood on a high place and looked down at the land of Dahan, his eyes full of ambition.

Chapter 125 New magic weapon, giving people a feeling of opening the gate of heaven with a sword!


After learning that the Fuxi Qin was in the hands of Queen He, Emperor Shitian also became greedy.

He felt that the queen of a country must not have any cultivation, but she got the Fuxi Qin by some luck and coincidence before.

If he went to rob it, the chaotic Han Dynasty would definitely not be able to stop him.

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