Chapter 117 - Is That A Bird?
Many rocks fell over the opening of the cave, blocking it shut tight.
I made sure to use big rocks, the ones that would be too heavy for anyone to lift up unless they intentionally wanted to do it. For which they would need a team of heavy lifters for the job.
Of course, I didn't do it using my hands. Why would I? I have such an amazing pink Sigmat ring. The ring could not only be used for attack but it could also be used to help with many inconvenient stuff.
Like picking up heavy rocks and blocking the cave.
What was great about the ring was, it had the water element, which was a non-harmful element. So using it on inconvenient stuff wouldn't damage them… unless it was something like paper or ink.
"Alright!" I slap my hands, satisfied with the job well done, "Now nobody should be able to look through my private stash. Even if someone tried to, I would make sure they realize what private property means."
"Okay then, all I need to figure out now is... Which fucking way is home?" I said looking at the dense forest in front of me that clouded my view.
The forest was so big that unless someone already not knowledgeable about the forest ventured this place, they would be completely lost.
Like I am…
I sigh, "Now what am I going to do?" I look towards the sky, seeing the sun ready to dive, "The sun's already on its way down so I'll need to find home fast or I'll stay hungry for the whole night." At my words, my stomach growled heavily.
"If only someone could hear my stomach's plea."
"Hmm?" Anna looked around, as if someone had called out to her.
"Is something wrong, Big sis?" Alice asked beside her as she tried cutting a potato and failing.
"…No, I don't think so." Anna said as her gaze once more looked outside the window, "But I think someone's calling for me."
"Who?" Alice said and instantly her face turned to mischief, "Oh my! Are you missing the master already?"
Anna quickly looked back at Alice with a tint of blush, "So what if I am!... I- I am his head maid, it's my responsibility to look out for the needs of my master."
"Even sexual ones."
"Hmm!" Anna's sharp gaze instantly shut up Alice as she looked down at her potato, cutting it while whistling with a tune.
"You shouldn't talk like that, Alice!" Anna said as her sharp knife pointed at Alice, unthreateningly, "Especially since you make such crude jokes around him. What do you think, Hen- the master will think of you?"
Alice didn't show value to her words at all, "It's nothing. Just a bit of fun to spice up the boring life of our master. Now he can't just be satisfied with late night visits, okay. He needs something simple… something naughty to brighten up the moment."
On the outside, it looked like she didn't care about Alice's words one bit. But on the inside, her mind had a few thoughts as she asked herself, '…maybe Henry does needs someone to spice up his life.'
Unfortunately for me, the only thing spicing up was my bare body as the mosquito's kept on biting me. It was simply endless... as if I was playing a game at infinity level.
Damn Vampiric beasts!
The sun was almost gone and the light too will be gone with it.
I need to think something fast. I had been searching for a while, even asking the bloody blob that I named Cail, where should I go but it didn't answer me.
"Hah… is there no other way? Do I need to scream for help?" I sighed again, "It might help if someone heard my shrewd scream and most probably it'll be the wolf pack who hears me. With their super hearing my scream would definitely reach their ears and they'll quickly be able to find me."
"But that'll mean losing the respect and fear I gained." I think sitting down over a big rock.
As I absently throw the small rocks, trying to hit the mosquitos, a stupid idea comes to my head.
A stupid but useful one.
I quickly shoo the mosquitos away before getting up. My legs and knees bent, ready to apply the pressure. Then with great strength, I jumped. My body shooting up, going up more than 10 meters.
But before I could reach over the trees, Gravity calls my fat ass down and laid me flat on the ground.
The forest shook at my fall, shaking the trees, scaring away the birds and squashing a lot of mosquito's under me.
'Damn! It wasn't enough.'
Getting back up, I jump and again I fall before I could see over the trees. The fall hurt me, but not enough to make me give up just yet.
"This one was close!"
Grabbing the rock, I get up and jump again. This time, my jump came quite close towards the trees head before I fell.
The birds already scared shitless by what I was repeatedly doing, left the place.
"This time, I was an inch from seeing it." I say as I get reignited with hope.
Suddenly I look behind me at the big rock behind me as another stupid idea comes to my head.
"There's a great chance of it working but… the fall would be pretty damaging." My face twist at the thought of my body falling flat on the rock. But I immediately kick the thought away.
'NO! I am so close, I can't give up now!'
I get over the rock and look myself over. Then I took off my clothes too, increasing the chance.
Now, standing completely naked over a large rock, I who looked crazy took a deep breath before bending my fat ass down and jumping.
My jump this time was great, going over the trees, letting me see my objective.
One bird who were absentmindedly flying saw a fat man… flying naked. The bird opened it's beaks in shock and before it could know it, the bird hit a tree on the way and fell over.