The god of flesh and blood magic at Hogwarts!

Chapter 96

This is what Lupin saw when he arrived. Thorne had a sinister expression, and terrifying arcs of life-threatening electricity kept gushing out from the tip of his staff. The wizard robe on his body was rustling due to the wind caused by the arcs.

The Dementor that was hit against the wall by the arcs was intertwined with light and dark, and was on the verge of dissipating.

"Black! Black!" Seeing this, Lupin quickly cast several layers of protective spells on himself. Although he was not sure whether he could block the killing curse, it still gave him some courage.

Lupin slowly approached Thorne while talking like this.

Until the Dementor was only a handful of ashes left, Lupin gently held Thorne's wrist and slowly comforted him.

"Are you okay? Come on, have a piece of chocolate." Lupin hurriedly took out chocolate from his arms and fed it to Thorne.

"That... Sorry, I'm in trouble." Thorne, who ate the chocolate, felt better and relaxed all over.

"I'm glad you're all right. I'll go check out the other cars." Lupin shrugged, stood up and ran to the next car.

Thorne returned to the compartment, sighed at the pale-faced trio, and broke the chocolate Lupin had stuffed into his hand and shared it with them.

"Just now... was that the Killing Curse?" Draco asked stutteringly after eating the chocolate and recovering a little.

"I haven't learned that thing, but... I suddenly knew how to use it at that time." Thorne said with a sullen face.

There was no conversation all the way until they got off the train. Thorne and his friends looked up at the still dense Dementors around Hogwarts. He sneered, got on the Thestrals and returned to the Great Hall. He was furious when he saw Dumbledore sitting there in a dignified manner.

Dumbledore noticed the strange look and looked over, shrugged and walked towards the principal's office. Seeing this, Thorne hurriedly followed.

The two came to the principal's office one after the other, and Thorne immediately started to attack.

"If you can't do this principal anymore, just quit and let the Dementors enter Hogwarts to find the criminals, damn it!"

"You really thought of this, you, you, you ask, ask these past principals, Phineas! If you were the principal, would you agree?"

"It's rude to call me by my name, and Dumbledore has to say something to you. If I were the principal, and someone from the Ministry of Magic dared to do this, I would rush into the Ministry of Magic with my wand and smash that brainless person to pieces and throw him into Azkaban." Phineas said faintly.

"Right! If you don't have the guts, just give up your position and let Snape take over! See if that idiot Fudge dares to send Dementors? Do you know what happened on the train today?"

"I heard that Harry Potter had half of his brain sucked out by Dementors. I killed one with the Killing Curse, but what about the others? If you keep doing this! Voldemort hasn't killed Harry yet, but the Ministry of Magic and your bullshit ideas are going to kill Harry."

Thorne was cursing loudly. It was the first time he got so angry at Dumbledore that he grabbed a handful of Floo powder from Dumbledore's office and shouted at the fireplace, "Office of the Minister of Magic!"

He threw the Floo powder in.

"Don't do anything stupid! Thorne." Dumbledore stood up immediately and said in a deep voice.

"Don't be impulsive." Yin Yue suddenly appeared beside him and pulled him to stop him from going in.

Thorne gently walked around Yin Yue and pointed at Dumbledore and said, "Didn't you support Fudge in the past? I'll show him now. Compared with those shitty pure-blood families, which one is more terrifying, that the pure-blood families make him step down, or that I want his life."

Thorn walked into the fireplace.

"..............What are you all standing outside for? If you want to come in, come in! If you don't want to come in, leave." Dumbledore sighed and said in the direction of the headmaster's office door.


Snape, Sirius, and Lupin lined up and walked in one after another.

"Dumbledore! You let him do this?" Lupin asked first. After all, it's no problem to throw him into the deepest level of Azkaban for breaking into the Ministry of Magic and threatening the Minister of Magic.

"I think he did a good job. Although no one in the Black family is openly helping him now, Fudge wouldn't have the guts to show his face to my sister. Although I don't like her, she won't watch Thorne being bullied by Fudge." Sirius looked at Dumbledore with disdain.

After all, in his eyes, Dumbledore had lost the edge that he should have had, belonging to a legendary wizard, and had fallen to the currentUnder the control of the Ministry of Magic, which is supported by the pure-blood family and is just an empty shell, he still needs his nephew to stand up for him.

"Humph, you three should think about how to deal with it." Snape said with a sneer.

At this moment, the fireplace once again ignited a green flame. Sirius seemed to have guessed something and quickly patted Lupin on the shoulder. The latter took out his wand and cast an invisibility spell for him.

Soon, a fat man in ragged clothes and rotten flesh flew out of the fireplace. Thorne came later and stepped on his face and crushed it hard.

"Don't you want to see Dumbledore? I'm bringing you to see him now. Ask him with your dog mouth, am I right? Should I let you kiss those damn Dementors?"

Thorne said coldly. Apart from that, there was only an empty atmosphere and Fudge's screams in the office.

"Dumbledore! Albus Dumbledore, save me, control him quickly!" Fudge wailed as he was stepped on the ground.

"I'll help you!"

Thorne took a few steps back, then gathered his strength, took a running start, and kicked Fudge in the stomach.


"Come on! Fudge, I'll give you ten seconds. I'll ask you, are you Dumbledore's man? Or a pure-blood family man?" Thorne squatted down, grabbed Fudge's hair and asked softly.

"I...Ahhhhhhh!" Fudge couldn't say anything and howled in fear, with tears and snot all over his face.

"Cry? Crying also counts!" Thorne grabbed Fudge's hair and slammed him to the ground.


"I can't wait for you! I can't wait for you! I can't wait for you! I can't wait for you!"

Fudge wailed, so much so that his pronunciation was a little off.

"In this case! You are Dumbledore's man! I am also Dumbledore's! Discipline you, this disobedient dog!"

The floor of Dumbledore's desk is five centimeters higher than other places, and Thorne did not let Fudge go. He dragged his head here and put his teeth on it.


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