The god of flesh and blood magic at Hogwarts!

Chapter 38

Thorne was wearing an invisibility cloak and riding a broomstick in the sky. To be honest, he could already feel the freedom that a broomstick could bring to people, but he couldn't be too sure. Maybe he could learn real flying magic in the future.

Only then could he feel real freedom.

But this feeling was good now. Of course, if the time was adjusted to the evening and there was a heavy rain, the atmosphere would be really full.

In this way, Thorne arrived at Diagon Alley in less than half an hour. After finding an empty corner and stuffing the broomstick and invisibility cloak back into his bag, he walked towards Gringotts without hesitation.

Not long after, Thorne came out with about a hundred gold galleons and a thousand pounds. The gold galleons were for future spending, and the pounds were used to buy some daily necessities for Grindelwald.

However, Thorne, who walked out of Gringotts, thought about it and decided to solve Grindelwald's dinner first. For a German like him...

Thorne went to a Muggle store to buy a pork elbow and a can of sauerkraut, although he didn't know if he could get used to it.

After thinking for a long time, Thorne came to the conclusion that Grindelwald, an old wizard of the Ordinary Wizard Flag, asked him to eat food made by Muggles directly, and he must not be used to it. Thorne decided to add some magic to Grindelwald's night shift, such as...

Love potion.

The love potion with his hair was quietly dripped into the sauerkraut and stirred evenly, then the sauerkraut was sealed again, and then the pork elbow was the same routine. After finishing, Thorne bought another set of tableware and took out the red coin. After injecting magic into it, he felt that the scenery in front of him was distorted. When he opened his eyes again, he was in front of a grassland and a stone tower.

"Huh... I'm still a little excited." Thorne murmured and walked towards the tower.

This tower looks very shabby, and in fact... it is also shabby. At least Thorne can't feel any magic on it.

After pushing open the thin wooden door that seemed to be destroyed by a kick, and walking up the stairs, Thorne finally saw the only resident of this tower, Grindelwald.

He was very thin and thin, with a pair of silver eyes... not a pair... he had heterochromia.

Silver-white hair hung casually on his shoulders, looking at him inquiringly.

"Hello, I'm here to deliver a letter." Thorne said with a smile.

"Deliver a letter? Whose letter?" Grindelwald smiled and said leisurely.

"It's a letter from Professor Dumbledore. He said he had some disputes with you, but I think it was you two who had a quarrel. He was embarrassed to come to see you, so he asked me to do this hard job." Thorne said frankly.

"... Is it a hard job to deliver a letter to me?" Grindelwald asked.

"Do you want to hear the truth or listen to nice words?" Thorne asked.

"Of course the truth."

"I do think so. After all, the publicity about you during the time you were locked up here was just like that. Not to mention your reputation of stopping children crying at night, you are almost like a monster that eats children. Although I don't want to believe it, but... what if?" Thorne thought about it and said frankly.

"Then you dare to come?" Grindelwald asked.

"There is no way. I was kidnapped by morality. Dumbledore said that he was like an old widow who was not loved by anyone. I sent you a letter, which was as important to him as a Christmas gift... Although I don't believe what he said." Thorne looked around and sat on the ground and started to complain.

"He is right." Grindelwald said faintly.

"What?" Thorne was surprised.

"No one loves him anymore." Grindelwald replied.

"Uh............." Thorne was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Forget it... Where is the letter?" Grindelwald asked.

"Here." Thorne took the letter out of his bag and handed it over.

After Grindelwald took it, he just lightly scratched it with his finger, and the envelope was cut open by an invisible force.

"So powerful?" Thorne said.

"What?" Grindelwald asked.

"Is this a cutting spell? It's so smooth without a wand." Thorne replied.

"Just like your flesh and blood magic, you can use it without a wand." Grindelwald said calmly.

"Maybe, maybe practice makes perfect." Thorne replied.

"Hmm, practice makes perfect for me too." Grindelwald shrugged and said casually.

"..............." Then there was a long silence,It wasn't that Thorne didn't know what to say and fell into silence, but Grindelwald had already begun to concentrate on reading the letter. In this case, he chose to keep silent from the heart, just in case someone accidentally offended him.

Although the old man in front of him looked like an ordinary old man, Thorne didn't dare to think so.

Maybe someone thought so before, and the grass on the grave might have been three or four meters high.

"What are you thinking about?" Grindelwald suddenly asked while Thorne was brainstorming.

"The truth?"


"I was thinking that you are so old, your temper will be a little better, if I accidentally offend you, will you be angry with me." Thorne started to force.

"It's rude, and you don't know me that well. Even when I was young, I wouldn't punish the little wizards for annoying me, because the little wizards, that is, you are all young, all the sparks of wizards, you should freely use your talents and burst out your thoughts, even if your thoughts are different from mine." Grindelwald said with a roll of his eyes.

"Realm! Realm!" Thorne said, clapping his hands and blowing rainbow farts.

"Don't flatter me so much... Or do you think I'm that lunatic from England?" Grindelwald complained.

"How could that be? But the lunatic from England, are you talking about Voldemort?" Thorne asked.

"Hey? You dare to say Voldemort's real name? This is much better than others." Grindelwald raised his eyebrows and said.

"Is this a compliment?" Thorne asked.


"Thank you, but speaking of Voldemort, to be honest, I have had close contact with that guy several times during this period." Thorne said bitterly.

"Tell me what happened." After reading the letter, Grindelwald seemed to be in a good mood, leaning against the wall and talking to Thorne.

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