The god of flesh and blood magic at Hogwarts!

Chapter 15

The two of them didn't dwell on this too much, and were about to leave for lunch in the auditorium when they were stopped by a figure.

Draco shrugged helplessly when he saw the person coming, and walked towards the auditorium alone, while Thorne was confused.

"Hermione? Why did you come to me?"

"I want to ask you about the levitation spell in the spell class. Why is your casting action so non-standard? As for the spell, you didn't even do it, why did you succeed?" Hermione frowned and asked seriously.

"Because magic is not mathematics, magic really changes according to memory and will, just like this." Thorne stretched out his hand and waved in front of Hermione, and the next moment Hermione floated in the air involuntarily, scaring the little girl to scream.

"How can magic be such a rigid thing? Similarly, rigid people can't learn magic well." Thorne explained. As for rigidity, Thorne just made it up to fool Hermione. After all, his dean Snape always had a serious face like a weld on his face. Such a person must be serious.

But can we say that Professor Snape's magic ability is not good? We can't ignore his more outstanding combat ability just because of his excellent potion ability.

However, seriousness can be taken as a joke. Maybe Snape, who is dressed in black and very serious on the surface, is actually a pink and tender person in his heart, pretending to be a model of Lily?

"So am I very rigid?" Hermione asked again.

"You... are not rigid. You just, superstitious about professors. What professors say in class is naturally good, but you can't take it as an imperial decree. Otherwise, you will become the professor's agent. In that case, are you still yourself?" Thorne asked back.

"Uh... that makes sense. I have one last question. Why did you go to Slytherin? Gryffindor is obviously better." Hermione asked again.

"Who told you that?" Thorne asked with a frown on his face.

"Ron, the one who had a conflict with you on the train." Hermione said.

"It sounds like my Superman is the best and your Batman is just like a stinky bat... Why do you believe such childish words that even children may not say? To be honest, I always thought you were very smart." Thorne said.

"I didn't know about the magic world at that time." Hermione said a little embarrassedly.

"Forget it. Anyway, the four major colleges of Hogwarts are equal. You can't think that Gryffindor is superior just because the Gryffindor dormitory is a tower and the Slytherin dormitory is below. To be honest, is it comfortable to climb such a high staircase to go back to the dormitory every day?" Thorne explained.

"I know." Hermione whispered.

"Just know it, I'm leaving." Thorne turned and left after saying that.

" thoroughly?" Hermione said awkwardly.

Hermione, who returned to the Gryffindor Tower, recalled Thorne's sermon, and her face turned red and white for a while. In the end, she went to Ron with "A History of Hogwarts" in her arms.

"You lied! On the carriage!" Hermione said angrily.

"What do you mean by lie? That was just a magic mistake, and it's been a whole day, and you still remember it?" Ron was also confused and looked at the angry girl in front of him like a lion, thinking that she was talking about the cream magic that he wanted to change the color of the spots yesterday.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Hermione looked up and looked around. She also knew that she was in the Gryffindor base camp. It would be a dead end to say bad things about Gryffindor here. After making sure that the lounge was noisy enough and no one noticed this place, she whispered: "I'm talking about Gryffindor. You lied to me that Gryffindor was the best of the four colleges! But Thorne told me that the four colleges were equal!"

"Gryffindor is the best college! Otherwise, why is Headmaster Dumbledore also from Gryffindor?"

"That's because he is originally excellent!"

"Headmaster Dumbledore is known as the greatest headmaster! Doesn't this mean that Gryffindor is excellent?"

"I said that this is because Headmaster Dumbledore himself is excellent. I asked you to find the original example of Gryffindor."

"Humph, what are you talking about finding the original example of Gryffindor? Don't you just like to listen to that Black! If you like him so much, why don't you follow him to Slytherin?" Ron said unforgivingly.

"I am a Gryffindor, why should I go to Slytherin?"

"Are you really a Gryffindor? Who knows what you are thinking?"

Harry, sitting between the two, was weak, pitiful and helpless. He was a little confused but didn't know how to be confused. Reason told him that he should support Hermione, after all, he also believedThe four major colleges are equal.

"Harry, you come to judge, who is right?"

But then again, Harry has always valued friends.

"I'll say something fair."

Ron: "Yeah!!!"

"I think Ron is more right."

"Oh yeah!"

"Heh... irrational guy..."

"Who are you saying is irrational?" Ron jumped up again.

"What do you think? Can't you see it yourself?"


"Is this why I was called from Slytherin in the middle of the day? What does it have to do with me that two little Gryffindor wizards are quarreling in their own dormitory?" Thorne sat in the seat in the principal's office, looking at Hermione and Ron who were standing in the back, and Professor McGonagall who was standing on his left.

"What surprised me most is... Dean, you don't look like someone who would join in the fun for nothing." He looked at Snape on the right again.

"No way, after all, some people have been tolerant in teaching students, and they even say that Gryffindor is superior to the other three colleges. I am really afraid that in a few years, the other three colleges of Hogwarts may not even have the right to attend classes, but become the servant college of the greatest Gryffindor. This is really our honor."

Snape's eyes kept jumping back and forth on the faces of Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Ron, and he kept making sarcastic remarks.

The room was silent for a while, and Thorne was like nothing happened, eating the oranges that Dumbledore had packed on the table.

"Can you change oranges next time? I like to eat sugar oranges, the small and cute ones." Thorne suggested in a low voice while eating.


"Mr. Weasley was indeed wrong about this matter." In the end, it was Dumbledore who ended the weird atmosphere in the room.

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