The god of flesh and blood magic at Hogwarts!

Chapter 117

"Well... she is indeed difficult to deal with." Sirius recalled the cold and noble pretty face in his memory, and nodded in agreement.

"Do you want to go?"

"Yes." Thorne replied.

"Then I will take you there. Didn't Malfoy say that Narcissa wanted to see me? I will go to see her too." Sirius said while sitting by the fireplace and warming himself by the fire.

"Well, whatever."


Sirius was silent for a while, thought about it and finally said: "By the way, Thorne, the Quidditch World Cup will be held in England this year, I want to invite you to go with me."

Thorne raised his eyelids in confusion, while Dumbledore kept winking at Sirius with a bitter face.

Sirius was in a trance for a moment after seeing the look, and then he reacted and added: "There are many people, including Hermione, Harry, Lupin, and the Weasley family. The Malfoy family will also go when the time comes!"

"...Okay...Thank you." Thorne was silent for a moment and finally said.

"Hello...just come." Sirius breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the principal's office.

The next day...

Thorne walked out of his bedroom in the principal's office in a daze. Dumbledore was drinking a cup of hot milk. When he saw Thorne coming out, he asked leisurely: "Sirius asked you when you will go to Malfoy Manor. He has packed his luggage and is waiting for you."

"I, I can go anytime. Luggage...I can use Draco's." Thorne said casually.

"Then you can go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to find him." Dumbledore said.

"Okay, by the way, is Professor Lupin still there?" Thorne asked.

"He's on vacation, going to Egypt, because there are some magical human magic there that can suppress the magic of werewolves to a certain extent. After all, he is the first Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in recent years who can serve for two years, and he doesn't want any accidents." Dumbledore said.

"Then I wish him good luck." Thorne shrugged and walked out of the office and walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. He knocked on the door, and soon Sirius opened the door and invited Thorne in.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"No." Thorne replied.

"That's great, this is what I researched in the kitchen, try it." Sirius said a piece of.........

"Is this a meat pie or a pizza?" Thorne asked a little confused.

"How is it? What do I think?" Sirius said coquettishly with his hands on his waist.

"............very thoughtful."

Speaking of this, Thorne picked up a piece and started to eat it. After thinking for a while, he said, "Do you care whether Dally will get beaten? And did you really bake this?"

"They shouldn't be that idle, and...well, I asked the house elves to make it according to my ideas." Sirius said awkwardly.

"It's okay, it's delicious."

The two sat on the sofa and quickly finished the whole pizza. Then Sirius took out a flying broom from the cabinet.

I have to say that he has a lot of ideas. He didn't use the fireplace, but used the broom. Maybe it was some kind of Gryffindor obsession?

Seeing this, Thorne also reached into his small bag, but he was embarrassed to find that his Y9000P seemed to have been given to Hermione.

Just when he wanted to summon the silk robe directly, he saw Sirius walking towards him with a broom between his legs and smiling.

"Just sit behind me. This broom has been modified. It's no problem to sit ten or eight people."

"Okay." Thorne nodded and sat in the back seat of Sirius. The whole journey was very calm. Sirius didn't have the bad taste of Hermione's big-nosed dragon behavior. Of course, it might be that he was normal. In short, the two of them arrived at Malfoy Manor smoothly.

The Malfoy family and Dobby, who was not free, were waiting for the two to land at the gate of the manor.

"Thorne, Thorne!" After the two landed, Draco suddenly appeared from nowhere and suddenly grabbed Thorne's arm and walked not far away.

"So cool! You almost demolished the Ministry of Magic!" Draco whispered.

"Keep a low profile, it's just basic skills. You can practice magic hard." Thorne waved his hand and said.

"Come on, there are not many people in the magic world who can do that level now. Fiendfyre can do it, but you are really unique in using water magic like this." Draco took out a green apple from his pocket and took a bite and sighed.

Thorne smiled awkwardly. The water flow in all directions was not his masterpiece. If he used fire or wind,Maybe he could show off his skills, but he was really not good at water magic, so he had to ask Yin Yue for help.

However, Yin Yue's talent was also amazing. Let's not talk about others. Even some people Thorne knew, including Dumbledore Grindelwald and Voldemort, could not say that any of them could surpass Yin Yue in water magic attainments.

This kind of supermodel talent seemed a bit abstract.

"I feel a little embarrassed to be praised by you." Yin Yue suddenly appeared beside Thorne and sighed.

"You are so ungrateful." Thorne rolled his eyes in response.

"Whatever you think, I'll go to Malfoy Manor. To be honest, it's much brighter here than the old Black house." Yin Yue floated towards the manor castle.

"To be honest, this time should be more comfortable than last time." The crowd did not stay at the gate for long, and soon walked towards the castle, while Thorne fell behind and said to Draco.


"This time Sirius is talking to his aunt and uncle, so I don't need to say anything." Thorne spread his hands and said.

"That's right, you don't have to be a sounding board like a parrot anymore... But speaking of it, low emotional intelligence seems to be a common problem in the Black family. Mom is, you are, so this Sirius won't also be..." Draco suddenly remembered something and said.

"..........Shouldn't it be?" Thorne suddenly said with a chill in his heart.


Sure enough, at lunch time, Sirius sat next to Thorne and used sound transmission magic to chatter in Thorne's mind. But now Thorne is not a person without emotional intelligence like Narcissa and Sirius, he is a man with an external emotional intelligence brain.

Just like that, Yin Yue, who was halfway through the castle tour, was called back halfway and started a new round of language art with a helpless look on his face.

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