Chapter 44
After a restful night's sleep, Klaus awoke refreshed, except for one minor inconvenience – his stomach. A series of groans escaped his lips as the gnawing hunger, exacerbated by the previous day's missed meals, intensified. He stumbled to the bathroom, tidied himself up, and then hurried to the first-floor canteen.
Mirabelle had informed him that the Lionhart youth training ground boasted four active canteens, the closest being located on the dormitory's first floor. As Klaus entered the canteen, he was pleasantly surprised by the aroma of food wafting through the air, indicating that breakfast was already prepared despite the early hour. His delight increased upon finding himself the sole patron inside. He wasted no time in approaching the buffet, selecting a large plate, and filling it with a mountain of food.
The canteen ladies watched Klaus in astonishment, bewildered by how such a handsome young man could possess the appetite of an ogre. In less than thirty minutes, Klaus was back for a third helping, astonishing the ladies further. They struggled to comprehend how he could consume enough food for ten people and still have his stomach growl as if he hadn't eaten a bite.
After an hour of dedicated eating, Klaus returned to his room. Settling into a lotus position on his bed, he commenced cultivating. Having devoured countless books on mana core formation, he had managed to devise his own unique breathing method to refine his core. This method was heavily inspired by the technique he had learned from the Zagerfield clan leader in his past life. Although the original technique was designed to help mages form magic circles around their hearts, Klaus, with his newfound knowledge of mana cores, cleverly adapted it to refine his arcane core instead. This was possible due to his unique trait: all mana he circulated within his mana circuit readily mixed with his arcane energy, facilitating the process of refining his arcane core.
Following a productive hour and a half of cultivating, Klaus headed to the indoor gymnasium. Upon entering, he spotted Alex, Nicholas, and Sarah already engaged in their physical training. The spaciousness of the gymnasium allowed them to maintain a distance, each child seemingly lost in their own workout routine. Klaus located a secluded spot and began his own regimen, lifting a pair of 15kg(33lbs) dumbbells with precise motions, focusing on strengthening his biceps and triceps. He executed thirty repetitions per set, increasing the dumbbell weight by 5kg(11lbs) after three sets.
Gradually, he increased the weight until each dumbbell reached a staggering 75kg(175lbs). Alex, Nicholas, and Sarah watched him with bewilderment, unable to fathom how he could handle such enormous weight with such apparent ease. Little did they know, Klaus was subtly utilizing magic to augment his strength.
Alex, observing Klaus with a gaze that could kill if looks could, thought to himself, "How can he be this strong? I became an apostle before him! And yet..."
He was completely in the dark about the fact that he, Alex, was physically stronger and possessed greater stamina than Klaus – at least when Klaus wasn't using magic. However, this gap in physical strength was steadily closing due to the intensity of Klaus's training. His training method, equivalent to a week's worth of daily exercise for any other trainee, involved constantly resetting his body to peak condition and pushing his limits until magic overuse caused dizziness. This was the same method he had employed during his training at Ludovic's mansion.
As both Apostles, Klaus and Alex were blessed with rapid growth potential thanks to the Arkdieu system. However, Klaus possessed two unique advantages – the Ten Eyes Mantra and his past life memories as a highly talented mage. This gifted him with the ability to utilize magic without straining his body, fueled by a seemingly limitless reservoir of power channeled through the magic circles he formed inside his already opened three eyes. As long as his willpower permitted it, Klaus could use magic infinitely. It was only a matter of time before Klaus surpassed Alex, even without resorting to magic.
Nicholas, instead of focusing on Klaus's absurd physical strength, found himself deeply puzzled by the boy's very existence. Sarah, on the other hand, viewed him with an almost idolizing gaze, mesmerized by his combination of strength and captivating beauty.
Reaching his final set, Klaus transitioned to push-ups, effortlessly completing a thousand repetitions. The sight further intensified the bewilderment etched on Alex's face. In his mind, such physical feats were impossible for a child, especially without taking any breaks or showing signs of exhaustion.
Later, Klaus moved to the outdoor gymnasium. Notably absent were Myre, Ken, and Keeryl. When they finally arrived, sporting their newly shaved heads and eyebrow-less faces, they were met with a wave of laughter from the other trainees.
"What the hell happened to you guys?" Alex inquired, his voice laced with pity.
The trio, emboldened by their recent encounter with Klaus, ignored his question and settled near a wall. For the first time, they defied Alex, a clear indication that his hold over them had weakened considerably.
'Did they just ignore me?'
Fueled by his anger, Alex longed to lash out at the collaterals. However, his respect for the Lionhart name prevented him from behaving like a fool before the other trainees.
Klaus, oblivious to the drama unfolding around him, began his run on the track. He moved with focused determination, unfazed by the laughter directed at the collaterals.
Most trainees, having lost hope due to the instructors' absence, abandoned their training. It was already past noon, and there was no sign of them. Those who continued training did so only to create the illusion of diligence, hoping to avoid being sent back home.
The days passed in this manner. Klaus maintained his rigorous routine, unfazed by the curious stares he attracted as the only trainee who relentlessly pushed his limits without a break, never displaying fatigue.
Only Nicholas's gaze truly bothered him. It wasn't awe by Klaus's physical prowess. It was an intense scrutiny that held a depth beyond mere observation, sending shivers down his spine.
A sense of unfamiliarity triggered a nagging suspicion in Nicholas's mind.
'Why? Why can't I remember him? Did something happen that altered the past?'
Nicholas found himself struggling with fragmented memories. As he watched Klaus run, his mind flickered with images of a past connection, a connection he couldn't quite grasp. The scene played out like a distorted dream, leaving him with a trail of unanswered questions.