The General's Promise


My mind keeps on wandering back to the gardens of the Duke's estate while writing this story, where the sun presses its warm magic upon whatever lies in its presence. Still, there is foreboding even within this tranquil atmosphere, since an imperial decree has arrived with news that would alter their lives forever.

In the Duke's mansion. His daughter, Mei Xing, sat gracefully in her chamber with raven-black tresses cascading down her back like a waterfall of night, with black eyes that had pooled into an unsettling sparkle within them-the remains of what grief she must have faced since her mother's death. Then there are those bitter whispers that the stepmother, Madam Wei, and stepsister Ha Rin, would keep heaping upon her-a living nightmare built upon.

A soft knock at the door breaks Mei Xing's reverie, and a servant's voice whispers, "Young mistress, the Duke requests your presence in the main hall."

Mei Xing gets up and proceeds to the main hall, her heart heavy with a premonition. Upon arriving, she sees her father, Duke Mingling, standing by the window, his face grave.

"Mei Xing, I have news to tell you," he says importantly. "An imperial decree has arrived, which orders you to marry General Xiao Hong."

Mei Xing's eyes widen in horror. "Father, must I? All say that he is crippled, that his face is grotesque and masked.

Duke Mingling doesn't yield; his face is as cold as granite. "The imperial decree is clear, Mei Xing-you are to marry General Xiao Hong. It is not a request, but an order."

Mei Xing feels desperation well up in her heart, and she knows she has no choice. She can never refute the imperial decree, however odious the marriage might be.

Ha Rin snorts, "Sister, you have to marry the ugly general; like it or not. Mother, can't you see she is already so fortunate to be marrying into his position?"

Smiling, Madam Wei stretches her lips in a thin line. "Aye, I deem him a fitting match for you, Mei Xing. For indeed, you are not the most sought-after bride in the kingdom."

The sting threatens to spill over from her eyes in the form of tears. She knew full well this was manipulation, as her stepmother and stepsister wanted to take her spirit too; she also knows she has little other choice-had an imperial decree been placed.

"I shall get ready for my wedding," replied Mei Xing in a silent voice.

The expression of Duke Mingling relaxes. "I am sorry, Mei Xing. It is our family's duty, however, to follow the Emperor's instructions."

Mei Xing nods; her fate sealed. She is to marry General Xiao Hong, and she is to do it with the dignity and honor expected of her family.

When the big day finally came, Mei Xing's rooms were a flurry of activity. Her personal serving girl, Chuchui-also her friend-helped her get ready for the big event. Chuchui's deft hands moved quickly and surely as she helped Mei Xing into a sumptuous red dress, richly embroidered with golden thread.

"Chuchui, I'm so nervous," Mei Xing said to her maid in barely more than a whisper. "I have never met General Xiao Hong, and with everybody saying that he is so ugly, I don't know what to think."

Chuchui wore an assuring expression on her face: "Mistress, do not be concerned; whatever the case may be, you shall make a fine bride. Besides, it's as they say, inside-the inner beauty, the compassion is within your heart."

Mei Xing smiled weakly, grateful to her loyal maid. When Chuchui finished the last touches in her hair, Mei Xing got up; the red dress rustled softly.

"I'm ready," she said, taking a deep breath.

Chuchui curtsied. "You look stunning, mistress. I'll escort you to the carriage."

With trepidation in her heart, Mei Xing went towards the courtyard. She had no idea about what lay in store for her, but she steeled herself in preparation for the unknown.

Bright-colored streamers and flowers that emitted a sweet fragrance festooned the carriage. Mei Xing mounted it, followed by Chuchui. The door closed on her, and Mei Xing felt a chapter get shut on a part of her life.

The trip to the mansion of the General seemed endless; there was total silence between Mei Xing and Chuchui, relieved only by some jolting of the carriage. At last, after an eternity, it stopped.

As she listened, footsteps reached the carriage; somebody opened the door and out stepped a suave-looking retainer called Cai Wei with a bow:.

"Greetings, young mistress," he greeted her in a deep hoarse voice. "I am Cai Wei, the loyal servant of General. Please follow me."

Mei Xing stepped down from the carriage. The red dress was blown backward in the light wind. Chuchui trailed right behind, surveying all the surroundings with great interest.

The moment they stepped into the mansion, Mei Xing was struck by the amount of gilt extravagance around her-intricately carved walls and floors draped with velvet-rich carpets.

Cai Wei escorted them across the grand hall to where a formal, solemn-faced official awaited them.

"Ah, young mistress," he greeted respectfully, almost with a prostrating body, "it is my privilege to officiate this wedding service. Please stand at the right side of General Xiao Hong."

It was then that she saw, at the far end of the hall, with his back towards her, the figure wearing an elegant and unadorned robe; from the top, his hair seemed to be rolled into a compact knot.

But the nearer she came towards him, the grimmer was the expression that reached Mei Xing's eyes: What kind would he be, gentle and pitiful, or stern and atrocious?

The official finally began speaking, his words incoherent as Mei Xing met the General's eyes. For what felt like the most minute of moments, they just stared at one another, tense.

And then, with a voice that sent cold down Mei Xing's spine, the General spoke.

"I, Xiao Hong, take you, Mei Xing, as my wife. I will protect you, cherish you, and stand with you through all trials and tribulations in life."

Mei Xing echoed only faintly as she repeated the vow. At that instant, while exchanging cups of wine, it was as if a resigned wave had surged into her heart, sealing their union.

Now she was someone's wife-a general named Xiao Hong-about whom she knew nothing.

Mei Xing proceeded towards the General's chamber with much diverse feelings of hers in the night time ahead. She hadn't said anything other than a few wedding-day formal words with her husband, and now standing right in front of his room, didn't know how it was inside.

The room was pitch black except for the soft crackling of candles lining its walls. It slowly cleared as her eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, until finally, the mask and armor of the General were proudly standing on a pedestal in the corner of the room.

A cold shiver ran down her spine as she neared the pedestal, her mind racing with thoughts about her husband. What was he, really, behind those eyes that stared out of the tinted window? Was he as cruel, heartless as the rumors reached her?

Just as she was about to turn away, Mei Xing heard a faint noise behind her. She whirled around, and then her heart ran; that was when the light went out and the room fell into total darkness.

The breath caught itself in Mei Xing's throat, her fingers fumbling around in the darkness for a candle to light. Her shaking hands finally found one and lit it; the flame threw flickering shadows on the walls.

With the light dancing around the room, her eyes finally gained focus, and that was when she saw him: a handsomely featured young man with long raven-black hair and piercing brown eyes, staring at her.

Mei Xing screamed involuntarily, the candle slipping from her grasp as she tumbled backward. But before she could fall, the young man lunged forward, his hands closing around her wrists like a vice.

At the same time, he nimbly caught the candle, his fingers just closing around it with a precision that left Mei Xing out of breath.

And as she stared upwards to him, her heartbeat racing with fear and confusion colliding inside, Mei Xing couldn't help but notice the way his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled.

"Are you from around here too?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

For a moment, the young man's smile slipped and into his eyes flashed something almost like hurt.

"You see, my family married me off to the ugly, disabled General," Mei Xing added, words tumbling in a rush from her, "I even wonder how he looks like, maybe he is horrible, not as beautiful as you."

His face contorted in an unbelievable mask, his eyes wide as shock. Still, Mei Xing did not catch on, so consumed was she within her thoughts.

"But wait-how could you be in the room of the General?" she wrinkled her face and looked toward him half-confuse. "Are you local here?

The young man smiled wryly. "Why can't I be here when it's my own room?" he asked in a low, smooth voice.

The laughing sound of Mei Xing rung across the room. "You must be joking," she said, mirth dancing in her eyes. "The General is disabled, but you aren't."

As he just began to respond, a soft tone cut in between them.

"General, all is in order according to your instructions," said Cai Wei with a pair of kowtowing eyes.

The girl stared incredulously at this young man before her, hardly believing her ears.

"You-you mean to say this is General Xiao Hong?" she asked, still faint.

Cai Wei nodded to that, his expression still emotionless, while Mei Xing felt a burning sensation in her face as she stared fixedly at the General, thinking deeply over everything she had just said.

With no other words, Mei Xing turned and fled, screaming down the halls of the General's mansion.

As Mei Xing ran down the corridor, her feet pounding the stone floor, she thought she had finally escaped the humiliation of her earlier words. But she was wrong.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind her, clutching her arm in an iron grip. Mei Xing was spun around, her eyes meeting the General's piercing gaze.

"Don't tell anyone about my real condition," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "If you do, I will skin you alive."

Terror stared out of the wide eyes of Mei Xing as she stared up at the General. She had never seen a man so angry, so fierce. A chill ran down her spine as she realized just how completely she was at his mercy.

But before she could say a word, Mei Xing's legs buckled under her. She felt herself falling, and shortly she had fainted, but before she reached the ground, the General's arms had closed around her, keeping her upright.

"Cai Wei!" he thundered along the corridor. "Take her to her chamber."

Suddenly, he saw Cai Wei nimming beside him, with a look of concern etched on his face. "General, why did you scare her? She is now your wife," he hushed in an extremely low volume.

General Xiao Hong's face didn't give an inch. "I do not believe in her, either sent here as a spy or not-follow her close. Whatever she may do, whomsoever she meets, I am supposed to be informed about such things.

Cai Wei nodded, his expression grave. "Yes, General. I will keep close tabs on her.

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