The Game Warrior

Chapter 38 - I hope the old dead flower wine room

In the second part of Taohuawu, the 38th chapter of Taohua Temple, I hope the old dead flower wine room “Yunnongyuehuahuayingshadow! Canglang ancient roads become dust! Tuojun rests to wash the lotus blood! Wuyun often covers the Wutai end! … “

A swift meteor sword was danced into a light group in Du Guhong’s hands. Six petals of ice dust overflowed and scattered in the peach blossoms. The agile will drop three points each, but it was sharp. Unfortunately, it couldn’t change his current embarrassment.

“Buzz …” The annoying voice kept on pointing to the large bee swarm around him as long as he looked out where there was room to come forward.

One bee, one stupid thing, two or three points of damage, but it can’t stand the number of bee colonies. Many dozens of hundreds of bees are hurting together. Next, Du Guhong’s body gradually turns red. This is because the accumulation of fire poison will reduce people’s perception. The will is the player’s greatest fear when practicing skills.

“Can’t take it anymore.” Du Guhong sighed.

The cooling time of his medicine is really unsustainable. The medicine in the rivers and lakes can not only be eaten indiscriminately or to eat more. If the cooling time is not reached, the strong stopper will not only have no half effect, but also have a variety of toxic and side effects. Legend can also be removed with medicine. There are not so clever players yet.

Niuhuang Danshu can be regarded as first-class if you can come here. After all, the Shennong Baicao Jing is not a joke. Before the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, it was the medical scripture.

Niu Huang looked contemptuously from the staring plants and raised his head to beat the beater: “Isn’t there any progress you have made in the past half a day?” While speaking, he took out the dagger from his arms and came in a blink of an eye. In front of Du Guhong, a short dagger waved indiscriminately without being swept away by a swarm of bees.

Here is a paradise for bezoars. There are no big monsters but small insects.

The rivers and lakes are not as big as other online games. The mosquitoes and flies are all as big as the washbasin. The top group of subtle insects in a single river and lake can be very small. Each blood is very small, each attack is very low, and the number is dozens to hundreds. It is equivalent to killing one monster to drop and gain experience.

The bezoars are precisely the freaks with low attack power, high agility, and amazing synchronization rate. These bugs are tailor-made for him.

Moreover, there are so few people here that there are so many flowers and plants, but all the herbs that can be collected are mature quality bezoar and even it takes a long time to hesitate whether to fight monsters or pick herbs …

“Oh heh good luck. Three bee eggs, two bee venom, nine live worms, honeycombs and honey. I’m welcome to laugh.” Niu Huang bent down to pick up the spoils and looked at things with one eye and contempt for Dugu Hongshan. At the time of the temple, he was only responsible for inducing the main culprit, Du Guhong, who was somewhat frustrated by others. Now he finally raises his eyebrows and exhales.

Having said that, he is really shocked that the flying insects here are agile and extremely high. Although the blood volume is only a few dozen, it is definitely not a blind cat that can be killed by a dead mouse, but only a long time. The group was able to hack to death for only a dozen times, and the synchronization rate increased too quickly, even making him wonder whether he had mixed into the dog’s stomach in the past four years.

Du Guhong didn’t talk about it and started to watch the cooldown of the inner vision before his knees. He still has the internal force. After all, the internal force detoxification is also a common practice in martial arts novels.

How can it be driven? Um, liver detoxification.

Du Guhong first passes the Dan Tian Nei Xi through the foot Jueyin liver meridian and then runs the whole body …

No use of the internal view of the whole body meridian is still red hot poison :.

Oh by the way, the ancestors were not very clear about this, but Dugu Hongwan seemed to be able to start from the five elements of meridians.

This is a complex problem. The five-element attribute of the meridians is not to say which meridian is gold and which meridian is muzhenqi. When you run in the past, you will produce true qi with different attributes. But each meridian of the twelve meridians has wells, ying, and losers. Acupuncture points of Jing, Jing and He Wuxu respectively represent the attributes of the five elements and these five points are not yet fixed Yin and Yang pulses.

If you want to connect it, it also involves the twelve meridians, the original collateral points, the twelve organs, the Yuzhang point, the eight-point point, the sixteen-point point, the six-point point, the six-point point, and so on.

This is actually the content of the Chinese Medicine Qualification Examination and it is a difficult point. If you are not alone, you ca n’t adapt to other people, even if you turn the book off the line, it may take a few days to understand.

After more than ten minutes, Du Guhong finally sorted out a line of internal forces and passed through Chize, Quzhi, Shaohai, Yinling Spring, Qu Spring, Yin Valley, Two Rooms, Liquid Gate, Qiangu, Inner Court, Xiaxi, The color of the red glowing in the foot pass valley gradually faded down one circle and after eight circles, Du Guhong’s body returned to its normal color.

“Congratulations to the player Gudi Guhong for comprehending the inside-out effect: increasing the value of the anti-drug adventure and increasing the reputation of the rivers and lakes.”

“Do I still let people live by relying on internal power to detoxify?” After cutting off a group of scorpion bezoars, he turned back and exclaimed.

“Hey Boss Boss?” Niu Huang determined to ask a few times to understand Du Guhong but nothing happened.

After more than ten minutes, Du Guhong’s body gradually became green and then green again …

“Walking into evil spirits? Detoxifying and detoxifying into fire falling into evil spirits?” Niu Huang was puzzled, while his body was red for a while, green for a while, and cold for a while.

“The poor child has gone out of his way. He can’t do anything for himself. I can’t help you any more ~ ​​ ~ Waving a hand, the bezoar went to fight the medicine alone, and Du Guhong was already green. Chinese cabbage.

In fact, he directed his internal information to circulate along the detoxification path just now. When the thirty-six cycles were completed, his body seemed to sound like the frozen meat system in the cold room:

“Congratulations to the player Gudi Guhong for comprehending the high-level internal power Xuan Bing true Qishui resistance + fire resistance + adventure value increased Jianghu reputation increased.”

Xuan Bing Zhen Qi: Qimen’s internal skill growth index of 64 moves can be used to speed up the valley to obtain ice damage special effects.

Compared with the health regimen, this internal skill is really nothing but a special effect that is really attractive. If it is combined with Cangshan Yunxuejian, the effect will definitely be better.

Although the prospect is beautiful, Du Guhong has not much time to obsess about his internal information, which has flowed along the twelve woods. The order of water, wood, gold and fire is inevitable because the amount of water poison in his body is already + and he will become the first one if he does not want to do anything else. A player who freezes himself by practicing internal skills.

If that’s the case, it’s estimated that his ranking on the player list has to go up a few more in just one month. It’s also a record that two bizarre death methods can’t be done.

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