The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 333

Chapter 323 Migration To Huihai (Part 2)

“Xianjun Haotian is a person recognized by me and Lord Xiaochen, and the emperor personally ordered Beihai to command the North Sea. What he said is the emperor’s will! Who dares to talk!” After the war and the fall of Xiaochen Xianzun, Quanba Xian Zun is more resolute than ever. He understands that there is no extra time to explain at this moment. God knows when the Ice Immortal Clan will attack next.

The words of Quan Ba Xianzun blocked the mouths of many people. Although Tang Hao’s Taoist title was only Xianjun, his combat power was much stronger than that of ordinary Xianzun, and it was obvious to all to kill the Bone Emperor himself. 20

On the road of the Great Way, the strong are respected, not to mention that the Immortal Venerable Quanba has moved out even the emperor.

“I am willing to follow Lord Haotian to the Huihai Realm.” An old voice came from the crowd.

Tang Hao looked at him and saw that the one who was the first to open his mouth and willing to follow him turned out to be an ordinary immortal old man with no cultivation.

“I would too.””

“And I.

One after another, approval came from the crowd, and then it became a roar. Nearly 90% of the survivors were willing to leave with Tang Hao.

There are only a few remaining people who still maintain their own opinions. Most of them have assets in this Immortal Venerable Mansion, and their cultivation bases are also uneven. The highest is the emperor’s cultivation base.

Tang Hao sighed, raised his hand and said quietly: “Huihaijing is hundreds of thousands of miles away from here, since you are willing to hand over your life to me, Tang will not disappoint you, everyone go back to pack their bags, three Heavenly Queen, I will wait for you outside the Immortal Venerable Mansion, as for those colleagues who are unwilling to leave this place, I will repair the formation for you as much as possible before leaving, and it is the last thing I can do.”

After speaking, a breeze blew past, and Tang Hao’s figure dissipated in place.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed that once belonged to Xiaochen Xianzun, Tang Hao closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Just now in the square, there are at least tens of thousands of people who are willing to follow him to the Sea Convergence Realm. It is really not an easy task to transfer them all in one go.

But fortunately, his formation skills have now broken through to the state of no phase. Although it is difficult, it is not impossible.

But the most important thing right now is to stabilize your state.

According to what the Bone Emperor said, his realm is called Half-step True Immortal.

It is a pity that the ancient dragon of the universe is in a deep sleep, otherwise, you can ask him about it.

The spiritual sea that originally filled the body was no longer there, and in its place was a pale green sphere, tens of thousands of feet in size, and inside it was all the spiritual power compressed to the extreme.

This is also the reason why Tang Hao can use so many spells in one breath, but this is very different from the spiritual world unique to the monks.

According to what he once knew, the Immortal Venerable cultivator was able to replace his spiritual world with a Heaven and Earth 947, thus taking the initiative in the battle.

But what is this sphere of yours? Although it is big, it cannot be summoned, and it cannot replace heaven and earth.

Could it be used to smash people?

As the battle level rose, Tang Hao gradually realized that Taoism was terrifying.

There are countless types of spells in this world, but in the final analysis, it is still inseparable from one word.

As the saying goes, mastering a Taoist technique is comparable to comprehending all kinds of techniques.

The reason why the Bone Emperor is powerful is because his mastery of Taoism has reached a consummate level, but he doesn’t seem to have any Taoism that he can master except the Tao Xuan Sword Art.

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