The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 327

Chapter 320 Qualitative Tang Hao (Part 2)

Tang Hao spread his hands: “I’m sorry, I have never liked to be restrained, and I am not interested in the Lord Frozen in your mouth.

“Really… it’s a pity.” The Bone Emperor shook his head regretfully.

At this moment, the entire North Sea suddenly trembled violently, and all the Immortal Monarch Mansions of the divisions rose into the air, crying all over the place for a while, countless monks didn’t understand what happened and the earth was shattered “Nine Thirty Zero” “Being caught in the middle and lost his life.

Now Tang Hao’s spiritual sense can no longer be measured by distance, he just moved his mind, and the entire Beihai has a panoramic view. Naturally, this terrifying scene did not escape his eyes.

“My God, is the end of the Seven Seas really coming!

“Run, go to Zhong Hai, Lord Dijun is there! 35

“Xianjun Haotian is still fighting, I am equivalent to a monk of Xianjun, why fear death! 35

The only remaining part of the Immortal Monarch and the cultivator fell into fear at the moment. These people basically never participated in the last war with foreigners, and they have never seen such an apocalyptic scene.

“What are you panicking! The North Sea is still in our hands!” When the monks were headless, a loud shout came from the mountain, and then a scarlet figure rushed out of the cracked peak.

“Is that Quanba Xianjun?”

“No, it’s Immortal Venerable!

This person is the Quanba Xianjun who was taken away by Xianzun Xiaochen before to heal his wounds. Although he was greatly injured in the battle with Tang Hao, with the help of Xianzun Xiaochen, he was a blessing in disguise, not only breaking through When I arrived at the Immortal Venerable Realm and accumulated a lot of money, it would not end until the middle stage of Immortal Venerable.

Before everyone was attracted by Tang Hao’s battle with the Bone Emperor, they didn’t notice the Quanba Immortal Venerable who was transcending the calamity.

With tears in his eyes, Immortal Venerable Quanba bowed to Immortal Venerable Xiaochen, who was frozen in the sky, and watched him fall not only Tang Hao, but also his subordinates.

Now that Xiaochen has fallen and Beihai has no owner, as his most reliant subordinate, Quanba Xianzun naturally has to take on the important responsibility of the backbone.

Tang Hao glanced across the endless void and looked at Immortal Venerable Quanba, and the two nodded to each other.

The power of the Bone Emperor is obvious to all in the North Sea, and Quanba Xianzun will not be arrogant enough to think that he can match him. Since Tang Hao can temporarily resist, then he will hurry up and evacuate the residents of the North Sea. . .

Today’s Beihai has become a battlefield. As the first area to be breached among the four seas, there will be no less wars in the future.

What Quanba Immortal Venerable can do is to try his best to evacuate those unarmed residents of the Immortal Realm before the war really breaks out.

Tang Hao frowned, he felt the power of the formation in these immortal palaces rising into the air.

Even if he wanted to crack the complexity of this formation, it would take a lot of time.

“It won’t be long before the North Sea will turn into a dead soil. At that time, how can you stop my clan?” This formation seems to consume a lot of energy. Even the Bone Emperor, after the formation of the formation, his breath has become chaotic. 1.4 Come.

Even though he knew that Beihai’s situation was very dangerous, Tang Hao still jokingly replied: “Anyway, you won’t see that day.”

The voice fell, and a red light flashed between heaven and earth.

The Bone Emperor froze, looking down at his chest in disbelief.

The originally indestructible bone was cut in two by Keegan, and he didn’t realize what had hurt him.

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