The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 318

Chapter 316 The Emperor’S Tribulation?

The sharpness of the Dragon Slaying Sword split the lightning in two, and the overflowing electric light bombarded the ground, turning the surrounding mountains into powder.

Now even Tang Hao himself doesn’t know what realm he is, and only after the calamity can he judge by the changes in the sea of spirits.

But at this moment, the Dao Xuan Sword Art, which can be driven at will, made him secretly guess, at least the peak of the Immortal Monarch!

The Four Swords of Taoism are sharp, blunt, yang, and solid.

Before Tang Hao couldn’t perform the remaining two moves because of his realm, but now the spirit sea in his body has condensed into the sky and the earth has given him an illusion. 20

I don’t know when, a layer of ink-colored film appeared on the edge of the Dragon Slaying Sword.

“Yang. 95

The sword art was recited in his heart, and Tang Hao angrily slashed towards the sky.

The spiritual power in the body was instantly reduced by a third! But the effect also shocked Tang Hao.

After this sword was slashed, the entire North Sea fell into darkness, only the dragon pattern on the Dragon Slaying Sword was as dazzling as candlelight in the night.

A giant dragon of unknown length hovered in the air, the huge dragon head tightly locked on the dark robbery cloud.

The Bone Emperor’s stern face still did not fluctuate, but the fear in his eyes showed that his mood at the moment was not simple.

The giant dragon stared at the robbery cloud that had just landed the first heavenly tribulation in the air, and then opened his mouth to swallow the robbery cloud.

Afterwards, the unbelievable sword glow erupted from the dragon’s mouth.

Hundreds of millions of sword beams are intertwined in the air to form a huge network, constantly dividing the calamity.

During the long years of the birth of the Immortal Realm, not many people dared to take the initiative to attack the Heavenly Tribulation, but like Tang Hao, I am afraid that he is the only one who resists the Emperor’s Heavenly Tribulation with the cultivation of the Immortal Monarch.

After the Dao Xuan Sword Art, Tang Hao did not stop, and pressed down on the ground with one hand.

“The Great Wilderness!

After using the Dao Xuan Sword Art, the somewhat empty spirit sea instantly filled up, and two long golden dragons appeared in Tang Hao’s eyes.


The tricks created by Huang Tiandi are now reproduced in Tang Hao’s hands.

The void in the distance suddenly shattered, and after a while, the void also burst open, and a piece of land with no end in sight emerged from the gap.

The buildings on it are very simple, and the atmosphere of the years makes everything around them seem a bit disastrous.

At the same time, the second and third Heavenly Tribulations landed at the same time.

Seemingly dissatisfied with Tang Hao’s previous arrogant actions, the power of the superposition of the two heavenly tribulations actually formed a large nine-headed snake in the air, screaming and falling towards Tang Hao.

When he used Cannibal before, Tang Hao could only summon a hundred-mile-sized ruins of the fairy world.

But now, it’s a thousand miles away!

The huge land bombarded the big snake and absorbed its pressure within a few breaths.

“Impossible! Jinxian 930 Realm! This time, the Bone Emperor could no longer remain calm. He stared at the buildings on the land with wide eyes, unable to express his astonishment.

As an emperor, he knows more about the past of the immortal world than Immortal Venerable. After seeing the continent summoned by the ruined world, there is a murderous intent in his eyes. If Tang Hao is allowed to grow like this, maybe his future achievements will be met. It is also possible to surpass the emperor.

Standing on the ruins of the ruined world, Tang Hao’s skin looked a little gray, and the power of withering attached to the mainland made him a little unbearable. Fortunately, the result was as he expected, no matter how powerful the emperor was, he couldn’t wear it. Everything on the ruins.

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