The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 94

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Wang Zhixiao laughed: “It’s really no good!”

But then he found that Tang Fan was not the only one who didn’t give up. In addition to Suizhou, Pang Qi’s facial skin also twitched slightly.

Obviously, he was the only one who could make all men in the world feel the same.

“You don’t have to look inside. The back door is blocked by us. You guys can’t run away, but he certainly knows less than you, and we are not interested in him!”

Duke Wang ignored them, he stared at the gold dispenser, like a poisonous snake staring at his prey, and dragged his tone: “I guess, even if you don’t have a wife or child, you don’t want to be an **** directly? Your current There is still a cure for the injury, if you do n’t tell the truth, hey, it ’s hard to tell! “

In Tang Fan’s eyes, he only felt that his smile was more appropriate to describe with a grin.

“Give you a quarter of an hour, don’t say that Wang Zhi is too ruthless.” Wang Zhi clapped his hands and glanced at the hourglass next to it. Before the gold shopkeeper could react, he said: “Three, two, one. Well, time is up. Think about it? “

He pulled the veil from the mouth of the gold dispenser.

“No, didn’t you say a quarter of an hour …” The gold shopkeeper’s eyes widened, and even the tone of voice was broken because of the pain.

“That’s your quarter hour, not my quarter hour!” Grandpa Wang sneered.

The gold dispenser was shocked by his domineering and unreasonable.

Looking at the incredible expression of the gold dispensers, somehow, Tang Fanren laughed a little bit hard.

He thought of a sentence, the wicked must also grind.

Without giving the gold dispensers time to hesitate, Wang Zhi drew a dagger from his body and pulled it out of the scabbard, showing that the cold light was shining, and it was absolutely blown off.

“Okay, if you do n’t say it, I will give you a happy heart. You can rest assured that although you are as old as you, you will definitely not be able to enter the palace, but there are always people with special hobbies in the world who like that mouth, maybe When the time comes, you will be thrown into the Nanfeng Pavilion, and you will be able to usher in the second spring, and you do n’t have to dial the abacus here every day! “

He finished with a grin, his hand raised and fell, and it was called a neat one.

“I said!!!!!”

The gold dispensers almost shouted this sentence with a sharp throat, and the sound was so penetrating that they shocked Tang Fan ’s eardrums.

It can be seen to what extent the fear in the heart of the gold dispensers at that moment.

“I, I said, I said …” The gold shopkeeper’s tears flowed, where did Fang Caifang’s sharp mouth and Tang Fan’s appearance cope with ease.

“Then say!” Wang Zhi shouted.

The gold dispenser shuddered, with tears on his face, and looked at him blankly: “… Tell me something?”

He was scared and stupid, and he hadn’t reacted for a while.

Friendly reminder Wang Zhi: “Your relationship with that sister-in-law Xing.”

The gold dispenser’s spirit was revived: “Yes, I passed the news to her!”

Wang Zhi: “How to pass?”

Jin shopkeeper: “Someone, every once in a while, someone will come to me and tell me a message. I will tell the sister-in-law Xing that she will spread it outside the city!”

Wang Zhi: “Information, don’t let me ask one by one!”

Everything is difficult at first, and once opened, it will be much easier next.

The gold shopkeeper tolerated the pain and tried to make the speech more fluent: “Like this time, this time, someone gave me a prescription. When the sister-in-law Xing came, I would read the prescription to her. Her husband is Doctor, she is also well versed in medical science and naturally knows how to put Fangzi on the corresponding illness, and then take Fangzi out of the city, and there will be someone to respond naturally, and there is a hidden military situation on that side. “

Wang Zhi: “Who gave you Fang Zi?”

Even now, the gold dispensers hesitated.

Tang Fan’s Jack: “Is the Wang’s housekeeper in the General Wang’s mansion?”

The gold dispenser shook his head again and again.

Wang Zhi did not have the patience of Tang Fan, he had raised his sword.

Facts have proved that violence is easier to succumb than Huairou, especially for people like the gold dispensers.

His eyes were stunned, and he quickly said: “I know, I know, don’t do it, that person is yours!”

Wang Zhi: “Who!”

Gold dispensers dare not breathe: “Ding Rong, Ding Rong!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the scene was a little surprised, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be expected again.

Tang Fan suddenly remembered that after slapping him in Wang Zhi, Ding Rong sent him away, and also asked him to apply some 37 or Pu Huang with great concern, which at least shows that Ding Rong himself certainly has some pharmacology. Understand, it is not surprising to be able to come up with a way to deliver messages using recipes.

Many people often do not pay attention to this insignificant daily conversation, but once you look back and think about it, you will find that the clues have been hidden in these casual daily trivia.

He also remembered that Wang Zhi had said very early that the only one who could know the military situation in time, except for him and Wang Yue, was only the people close to them and the generals under him.

On the eve of the battle, before the military meeting with his men, Wang Yue and Wang Zhi will pass the air and determine the same direction, so as not to quarrel at the meeting first, so that the people below are at a loss.

Since it wasn’t him and Wang Yue who leaked the secrets themselves, the lovers around them became the most suspicious.

But the problem is that since it is a close friend and a confidant, it must be deeply trusted by the owner.

Ding Rong said that this person has been following him since he opened the West Factory from Wang Zhi ’s palace, and because he is an eunuch, he is more trusted by Wang Zhi. He even brought this person to Datong. The degree of trust is evident.

Ding Rong naturally did not live up to Wang Zhi’s attention, every errand was done properly, and his character was very clever. He could always look at one step and think about three steps.

Such a person, even if he knew intellectually that he was suspect, emotionally, Wang Zhi could hardly doubt him.

But the gold shopkeeper just said Ding Rong’s name.

Wang Zhi looked at him coldly, and his eyes were like looking at a dead man. The gold dispenser was almost scared, and he was crying and stuttering: “I didn’t lie to you! I didn’t lie to you! Every time He took the initiative to come to the door first, sometimes to me, sometimes to our owner, but in order to prevent identity exposure, we cannot go to him! “

Before Wang Zhi’s attack, Tang Fan quickly asked other questions: “So, the thief who robbed me of my wallet yesterday is indeed related to you?”

Jin shopkeeper: “Yes! I let him go, because the first sister-in-law Xing just left, you will catch up, I am afraid that sister-in-law Xing will be exposed, so let that person grab your money bag so that sister-in-law Xing has time go away!”

Tang Fan: “He will be killed later, did you do it?”

The gold dispenser: “Yes, I am afraid that you will find him and confess to me after you find him. You put poison on his silver beforehand. If you do their business, you will definitely check the silver afterwards. As long as the silver enters, the poison will follow. … “

Tang Fan: “It’s a comprehensive plan. Unfortunately, I didn’t suspect Xing’s sister-in-law, but Wang Guanjia. When you were a thief, you exposed yourself!”

The gold dispenser was crying with a sad face, and it was too late to say anything.

Tang Fan asked again: “Who is the person who is with Xing’s sister-in-law?”

Jin shopkeeper shook his head: “I don’t know, we are all in one-line contact. I received a message from Ding Rong and I only need to pass it to Xingsao when she comes to her door …”

Seeing everyone’s bad looks, he quickly added: “But I know where Xing’s sister-in-law lives, you can go to her!”

Tang Fan: “Who are you? Tatar? Or white lotus?”

The gold dispenser: “At the beginning, my home was famine, and my whole family was dead. I was almost starved to death on the road to escape. Finally, I was rescued. Later, I realized that they were Bailians. I thought I would be content if I had a meal. Yes, so they let me into teaching, and I got into it, but I ’m still just a common believer … “

Tang Fan: “Do you have the mark of White Lotus?”

Golden shopkeeper: “Yes, it’s in the waist!”

Jin Yiwei lifted his clothes up and saw a small lotus flower embroidered on the left waist.

When Tang Fan went to the deserted village in the suburbs of Beijing in order to save Adong, he met the Nine Lady of the altar who was sent by the Bailian Sect to the Nancheng Gang. Under such a mark.

However, regardless of Li Man or Jiu Niangzi, there is no so-called imprint on them, so Tang Fan later guessed that this imprint should only be prepared for the members of the lower ranks in order to contain them so that they would not dare to apostate.

You should know that the government has severely attacked the white lotus religion. Once you find someone with this mark on your body, you will be punished severely. Because of this, the gold dispensers are naturally loyal and daring not to have the slightest ambition. Wife dare not marry again.

Tang Fan: “So, is the owner of this pawnshop also a person of Bailian religion?”

Jin shopkeeper: “It should be, after I entered the church, I came to this pawnshop to settle down according to their orders, but the Dong family often did not see people, this pawnshop is basically I take care of, they seem to regard this as a transit point, Under the guise of a pawnshop, used to handle property. “

The gold dispenser was terrified by Wang Zhi and knew nothing.

For him, Wang Zhi is more terrible than Bailian.

Tang Fan frowned: “So, Bailianism is very powerful in this city?”

Gold dispensers: “No, no, since Chief Wang Bing and Duke Wang came here, they vigorously attacked this religion, causing great losses to this religion and forcing most forces to withdraw. As far as I know, Ding now remains Rong and I have this line, otherwise you will not use such a secret single method to convey the message, as you see, it will be found over time, if there are more lines, this is not the case now. The situation is over. “

He was sincere, and Tang Fan nodded: “So Ding Rong, what is his position in the white lotus religion?”

The gold shopkeeper grimaced: “I don’t know, the Dong family only asked me to obey his orders. As for our Dong family, I vaguely heard that he seems to be the deputy altar master of a divided altar of this teaching.”

Tang Fandao: “Do you know where he lives?”

The gold shopkeeper busy said: “Know, know, the young can wear sin and make meritorious deeds, and take you there!”

Although he was saved by Bai Lianjiao, Bailian teaches him to save him. In fact, he is only for the purpose of being a useful believer. In the past few years, the gold shopkeeper was scared. He did n’t even dare to ask his family. It might be a relief for him.

When he heard that he was guilty for merit, Wang Zhi couldn’t hear his careful thinking, and now he sneered.

The gold dispenser was shaking with a smile, and he wanted to cover his crotch unless his hands were caught.

All the questions should be asked. Tang Fan glanced at Suizhou and Wang Zhi, and when they saw that they had nothing to say, they said to Wang Zhi: “Guangchuan and I went to Xing’s sister-in-law’s residence where he said. ,how is it?”

Wang Zhiheng snorted, no nonsense, immediately grabbed the gold dispensers and went out.

His face was so dark that he was about to drip water, and the golden dispenser was held in his hand like an eagle’s chick, but he didn’t dare to make a sound.

After going round and round, Ding Rong was actually a person of white lotus religion, and still stayed beside Wang Zhi, even regarded as a close friend. This fact makes Wang Zhi a little unacceptable, and it is normal for him to be in a bad mood.

Without further ado, Tang Fan did not bother to worry about Wang Zhiduo. He summed up with Suizhou and asked for a few good horses at the Guanyi station, and rushed directly to Guangling County.

According to the address given by the gold dispensers, a group of people searched and asked, and soon found the Jiang family at the foot of Qianfu Mountain.

The Jiangjia Village where the Jiang family is located is the hometown of Xing’s sister-in-law’s husband, Dr. Jiang.

Tang Fan appeared without warning, and immediately alarmed this peaceful little village.

At that time, Xing’s sister-in-law was walking out of the house with the feed, and was about to feed the chicks in the yard. Seeing Pang Qi and other people kicking the door aggressively, the bowl was overwhelmed by the fright.

How did Pang Qi give each other time to run away, rushed into the house immediately, and caught the Jiangs and his wife straight.

Tang Fan and Suizhou took a slow step and walked into the house, only to find that Xing Xie didn’t mean to run away. She was lying in front of the bed, clutching the man’s hand on the bed tightly, the latter half lying on the bed, looking at Tang Pan them, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

There was a strong smell of medicine in the hut. Obviously, the owner of this room was sick, not a day or two.

It seems that sister-in-law Xing is not completely lying, her husband is indeed sick.

Tang Fan looked at the man: “Are you just Dr. Jiang?”

Dr. Jiang: “Who are you? We are all ordinary people, and we have no surplus. Please also ask our adults to let our old couple be together. If you want anything, please take it yourself!”

Dare to treat them as robberies? Tang Fan was a little ridiculous.

“What did the two of you do, don’t you know? Litong foreign enemies, to pass on the military sentiment to Tatar, just this crime is enough to delay you! The gold dispensers have already recruited, what should you know?”

Sister-in-law Xing’s complexion suddenly changed, and she shivered.

Doctor Jiang gritted his teeth and said, “We don’t know anything!”

Pang Qi said angrily: “I still want to deny the matter now!”

But he was stopped by Tang Fan.

Tang Fan’s gaze withdrew from all around the house, and fell on the Jiang family’s couple who were clinging in fear.

“You live in such a place, neither for money nor for profit, presumably not willingly used by Bailian, but forced to be coerced?”

For such people, it is useless to torture like the gold dispensers, and they must find out their heart disease.

Tang Fandao said: “I remember that girl Du had said before that you had a son who went to the mountains to collect medicine, but he never went back. Maybe he was taken away by the beast, but now it seems that he should not be taken by the beast. ? “

Doctor Jiang gritted his teeth and didn’t speak, but sister-in-law Xing couldn’t help crying.

Tang Fan said slightly: “We came from the capital, the emperor’s mission sent by the emperor. If you have any unspeakable secrets, you can say it, we will rule for you.”

He took out his waist card and handed it over. The Jiangs and his wife knew the words, but when they saw the words “Zuo Fei Yu Shi, Tang Fan”, they already believed most of them.

Ordinary people like them have lived in the border city all their lives. The emperor’s grandfather means to be high and omnipotent. As soon as they heard that the other party was sent by the emperor’s master, Xing’s sister-in-law finally let go of her husband and fell to her knees. : “I beg your lord, save my son!”

Doctor Jiang couldn’t help but scold: “Don’t talk!”

Sister-in-law Xing leaned over her head: “Why don’t you let me say! Dayong has no news until now, and I don’t know if it’s dead or alive! Let me wait, it’s better to die!”

Doctor Jiang gave a long sigh and stopped speaking.

Tang Fan helped her up: “Sister-in-law Xing, speak slowly when you have something.”

Sister-in-law Xing wiped away her tears and chuckled to speak.

The Jiangs were not among the Bailians, but their son suddenly disappeared after entering the mountain some time ago. When everyone sought unsuccessfully and thought he had encountered an unexpected event in the mountain, someone suddenly came to the door and said that their son was not dead, but needed The Jiangs and his wife did what they said, or even if they died, they would become real deaths.

Along with the other party brought along, and the handwriting of Dr. Jiang’s son, the handwriting above finally let Dr. Jiang and sister-in-law Xing confirm that their son is still alive.

After that, every once in a while, they will receive a letter from their son. The other party’s move, in addition to telling the Jiangs and his wife that their son is free, is also threatening them not to act lightly.

For the sake of their son’s safety, they had to do what the other party asked and become part of this line.

Tang Fan asked: “What is the identity of the person looking for you, do you know?”

Sister-in-law Xing: “I know, that man is Shen Gui, one of the best wealthy merchants in Guangling County. After I got the prescription from the gold dispenser, I gave it to Shen Gui.”

Tang Fandao: “Does Du Jing in Zhongjingtang know this?”

Sister-in-law Xing said sadly: “She didn’t know that I took advantage of the kindness of Du’s father and daughter. Because Shen Gui said, after taking Fang Zi, she would go to Zhong Jing Tang to take medicine first. To hide people’s eyes and ears, others will only doubt Zhong Jingtang, and certainly will not doubt me. Moreover, due to our relationship with Zhong Jingtang, sometimes they can also go out of the city with the carriage that transports medicinal materials without going through the investigation. “

After listening to Suizhou for a while, he asked, “So, you don’t even know the truth about this matter?”

Dr. Jiang smiled bitterly: “We don’t even know who caught our son, and we don’t even know what the other party is. What they let us do, we do what we do. Even what secrets are hidden in that recipe, we also I’m not interested in asking. How can I think of causing such a big trouble? “

Suizhou: “Where is Shen Gui now?”

Sister-in-law Xing: “He lives in Guangling County and has a great career. In fact, we can’t think of anyone who could not be hit by Baganzi. Why should he arrest us to threaten us …”

Tang Fandao said: “The golden treasurer who spread the news to you is a white lotus, and Shen Gui, probably too.”

“What!” The Jiangs and his wife were ignorant, and the shock on their faces did not seem to be hypocritical.

“Then, will my son be okay? Master, you need to save him!” Xing sister-in-law shed tears anxiously.

Tang Fanwen said: “We should save those who should be saved, but now your suspicions have not been resolved, and you have to follow us to Datong.”

Sister Xing looked at Doctor Jiang hesitantly.

So far, Dr. Jiang didn’t have any hesitation. He nodded: “My grandfather has orders, we are naturally omnipotent, and even Shen Gui, we can take you to identify, just to be able to keep our son’s life!”

With the cooperation of the Jiangs and his wife, things were unexpectedly logical.

As sister-in-law Xing said, as the richest man in Guangling County, Shen Gui ’s family is big and big, and the shop in the name alone occupies the whole street. The family is even more beautiful with wives and concubines, children in groups, such a person, then Wherever you go, you can’t go anywhere. It’s better to get a bachelor than the gold dispensers.

The other party didn’t expect Xing’s sister-in-law’s side to be exposed at all. When Tang Fan came to the door, Shen Gui just returned from the semicolon tour and saw that the head of the house was already looting, and the women were all rushed to the yard. , And Jinyi Weizheng sits in the main hall of his house, and please enter the urn.

Intimidated by Jin Yiwei, Shen Gui recruited almost everything. He said that he was not a white lotus at all, just because he had a business relationship with the white lotus, and once sponsored the big leader of the white lotus, he was regarded as a guest by the white lotus. .

Due to Shen Gui’s business for many years and his excellent relationship with the local government, Bai Lianjiao asked him to help spread the news.

What Shen Gui had to do was to give Xing’s sister-in-law her own prescription, take the opportunity of a merchant to the white lotus outside the customs, and then put those white lotus into the hands of the Tatars.

He also confessed that Xing’s sister-in-law’s son was not in his own hands, but was taken away by Bailian’s people. The other party only asked himself to contact Xing’s sister-in-law.

Although he acted extremely cooperatively, they could n’t believe in Suizhou because they had questions and answers, and they unconditionally believed that they turned the Shen family upside down and found some suspicious letters. All the old and young from the Shen family brought back Datong, and then slowly interrogated.

When Tang Fan brought them back to Datong at the same time, the night had just come.

Only Wang Zhi’s side was not going well.

When Wang Zhi took the gold shopkeeper to the pawnshop owner, he encountered no resistance. The other party did not expect that the gold shopkeeper betrayed himself. He was directly caught by Wang Zhi’s people.

But on the other end, the person he sent back to catch Ding Rong came back and told him that Ding Rong ran away.

The author has something to say:

It was so uncomfortable. Before going out, I drank medicines that were not hot enough. As a result, I vomited and diarrhea in the hotel on the first day when I went out.

Tomorrow can only stop for another day, the day after tomorrow depends on the situation, tears …

I have read everyone’s messages, but I can’t answer them for the time being, right … right … right …

Bawang ticket and nutrient solution are waiting to be written

I really envy Duke Wang’s life as a dragon ~~~~ (> _ <) ~~~~

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