The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 67

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

There was already chaos in the hall.

Gunpowder cannot be fired repeatedly. It needs time to refill each time the gunpowder is fired. It takes a lot of time. The monster is agile and difficult to aim at. It can hurt people if you are not careful.

Suizhou had fallen and was unconscious, and the command naturally shifted to Pang Qi.

Taking advantage of the chance of the monster being blinded, the remaining Jinyiwei greeted the weapons in their hands one after another, but it was not easy to do so, and many people were swept away in a blink of an eye.

A coffin was placed in the middle of the hall, which was supposed to be the resting place of the master of Gong Hou’s tomb. The upper coffin lid was so heavy that it might not be able to be pushed open with both hands in normal days. To push, of course, still.

However, the scene is chaotic, everyone is concentrating on dealing with the monsters, almost no one has time to take care of him.

The coffin is located in the middle, which was easily affected at first, but because the candlelight above was previously wiped out, now the light is mainly concentrated on discarding the fire folds around. In order to be able to see the monster ’s weakness more clearly, everyone also Invite monsters intentionally or unintentionally.

So Li Man is cheaper.

The two men who came in with Li Man were already dead here.

One was regarded as a shield by Li Man, and the other was hooked into the chest by the claws of the monster, and hung on the spot.

Li Man obviously didn’t take their life and death to heart, he was pushing the coffin cover with his upper body wholeheartedly, only wishing he could be faster, but unfortunately his body was **** to dumplings, and he also had to pay attention to the surrounding conditions from time to time to prevent that The monster suddenly jumped in front of his eyes, and he was sweating with sweat.

But almost no one takes it, it doesn’t mean that no one takes it at all.

While Li Man was struggling hard, his back was suddenly lifted up, and he fell directly next to the coffin.

“What do you want to do!”

At the next moment, his face was heavily slapped with a palm, and half of his cheek suddenly swelled into a pig’s head, just as he did to Tang Fan not long ago.

It’s really a cycle of cause and effect.

Li Man was furious. After seeing the other person’s face, he turned angry and slurred. “Little brother, don’t fight! Don’t fight! You don’t want to die, right! I have a way to escape. Stop talking! “

Qian San’er looked at him suspiciously, his face suddenly changed, he dragged him and dragged him to the side, evading the tail wind that the town tomb beast swept over.

Not only do the tails have scales on them, but they are also very stubborn and powerful. It is really not fun to be swept.

Qian San’er pressed him in the corner and gave him a slap again, hatefully saying: “Did you just be awe-inspiring just now, how is it dying now! If it were not for you, my Master, they would not die!”

Li Man was so dizzy and dizzy that he changed his usual week, and he had already screamed, but at this moment he forced his anger and pulled out a twisted smile: “Your Master, they are dead, you are still alive, and you want to Did they die here like them? “

Qian San’er: “There is a monster outside, how to escape!”

Li Mandao: “There is a way, but you have to untie my rope first!”

Do n’t look at what he just pretended to be awe-inspiring in front of Tang Fan. He said that he was a saint, and died for the saint. The ants were still greedy. The more people like Li Man, the more afraid of death. Will not let go.

Since he was afraid of dying, how could he not have the aftermath after introducing the monster here?

Now Tang Fan is busy looking at Suizhou’s injury and has no time to take care of it. Li Man has dealt with him several times, knowing that the other party is a first-class smart person. He was just a fan of the authorities, and he just carelessly said, waiting for Tang Pan reaction will surely pierce your own tricks, and then you will really be dead.

So Li Man had to take advantage of this opportunity anyway, and ran away first, leaving Tang Fan to fight with the tomb beast.

He believes that the brutality of the tomb beasts in the town will surely kill this group of people here, and then they will try to transport the property out, and from then on, the sky and the sky will be wide, and the people in the government will never want to catch them!

Qian San’er is a thief, not a man in the government. Li Man tempted him, consciously completely caught.

Li Man said to him: “You also knew before that the altar of Bailian’s Henan branch altar is me. You just have to follow me, and you won’t have to sneak in from now on, let alone be trampled on by the gang of royal eagles. , Hurry, untie my rope! “

Qian San’er’s alertness is not diminishing, but his eyes have gradually moved: “What is your way out first?”

Li Man sneered secretly and said sincerely: “It’s okay to tell you, the coffin was already hollowed out. From there there is a road that leads directly to Luohe, and then someone will naturally respond to us!”

Qian San’er grabbed his shirt: “Don’t lie to me, if Luohe is connected to the tomb, the water will have poured in long ago, and I won’t be able to tease!”

Li Man: “Idiot, who told you it’s connected to the river!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped again, and the back molars were shot out.

Qian San’er’s eyes widened: “You dare to scold me!”

Li Man: “…”

He swallowed in a huff: “Little brother, I didn’t lie to you. The other end is connected to the Luohe River, a little far from here, but it is safe.”

Qian San’er was dubious: “Did the monster also swim in from the river? Before I entered, I saw that the Luohe River was about to rise again. What will happen when the monster escapes to catch up with us?”

Li Many smiled cruelly: “Did you forget that there are still people outside me, those two people are my confidants, I have already arranged it, as long as we are gone, they will all die here, just **** him It ’s a human or a beast! The huge property of Gonghou ’s tomb has long been hidden by me. You can also see the scattered objects before. Is the real property comparable to the light of the bladder! Let ’s go together, and we will be rich and prosperous in the future, and there will be times when you can enjoy it endlessly! “

Qian San’er snorted and nodded.

Li Man was anxious: “You can let me go now!”

Qian San’er: “What does it mean?”

Li Man almost vomited with a sip of blood.

He finally knew that this kid was playing himself from beginning to end, maybe he was just for clichés, and he didn’t mean to release himself at all!

Unfortunately, it was too late to wait for him to understand this.

Qian San’er had already drawn out a dagger and poked him hard in his heart!

Li Man opened his eyes incredulously.

When he died, he didn’t want to understand why Qian San’er wanted to kill himself.

Qian San’er drew his dagger out of Li Man’s chest. The blood of his opponent’s heart splashed on his face, and he wiped it with tears.

“… Master, I finally avenged you!” Qian Saner murmured.

He stood up and shouted at Tang Fan, “Master Tang, Li Man said that there is an exit to the Luohe in the coffin, no need to run out!”

When everyone heard this, they were all refreshed.

Everyone thought that there was only one way out, but the door was already blocked. Although I tried hard to kill the tomb beast inside, but still guarding the outside, I was gradually desperate.

But at this moment, Qian San’er’s words gave them hope for life.

Tang Fansheng shouted: “Pang Qi, don’t love war, and fight back!”

In the main hall, the tomb beast’s body was swept away, mixed with its screams, together with a roaring wind.

Although it was injured, some others couldn’t stand it anymore. The town tomb beast that was going to receive the finished product was already impatiently waiting. He leaned in a little, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at the people in the temple to reveal Sensual fangs.

Pang Qi took the time to turn around and tried to roar: “Master, how’s the big brother!”

“I can’t die!” Tang Fan took Suizhou to his back and ran to the coffin.

Qian San’er ran long ago and pushed the coffin cover halfway to reveal the wooden board inside.

He opened the board again, and he saw a black hole underneath.

Qian San’er was overjoyed, looking back at Tang Fan they shouted: “Master Tang, you can go down here, Li Man didn’t lie to us!”

“Go!” Tang Fan ordered, everyone gradually began to move closer to the center of the hall.

The two town tomb beasts also found out their intentions, and threw them towards them with a fierce wind, especially when the injured one became more crazy, and the attack power was even stronger than before, Ponzi Waiting for someone to gradually resist, another Jin Yiwei was unable to dodge and was directly bitten into the throat.

Ponzi killed his eyes, but he had no choice but the fighting power of the two sides was not at the same level.

At this time there was a loud noise in the distance, and even the ground under them shook with the tremor, so that everyone could hardly stand.

The two town tomb beasts were originally intended to attack everyone, but after being frightened, they stopped for a while.

Tang Fan’s face changed slightly. He finally knew Li Man’s plan, but he didn’t have much time to say it now, so he could only say loudly: “Go away! I’m afraid it will collapse soon!”

Qian San’er first went to the hole, then turned back to meet Tang Fan.

Tang Fanxian sent Suizhou down and shouted to Pang Qi: “Not yet go!”

Pang Qi also wanted to kill the monster while he was injured, but after the other one came in, he found that this was an impossible task. He had to give up and retreat all the way to the coffin.

A group of people took advantage of the scared beast of the town to move to the hole in the coffin.

At this time, the whole burial chamber was getting more and more trembling, and even the walls and the ground were cracked at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The loud noise followed by loud sounds, and the eardrums were almost shattered.

The two town tomb beasts were startled and started to wander around. They watched Tang Fan evacuate one by one. They could not help but scream, but also wanted to catch up. Hold them up, and then cover your shoulders and drill into the coffin.

Behind him, accompanied by a thundering bang, the stone walls of the main hall were exploded and collapsed, with the stones above the head falling down together, heavily pressed on the coffin, and the horror cry of the tomb beast was completely cut off.

In the long and narrow corridor, everyone’s gasps came one after another, almost filling their ears.

The sound of the explosion seemed to be far away, but the underground tunnel was also affected, the tremor felt constant, and there was a continuous drop of rubble on the top of the head. Some of them were slightly larger and could smash the head.

“Quick, maybe it’s going to collapse here too late!” Tang Fan urged everyone to go faster.

Qian San’er walked with Suizhou in the front, and Tang Fan helped him in the back.

Before, because of Suizhou’s asylum, he had not suffered too serious injuries, but the minor injuries were indispensable. With severe physical overdraft, his face was no better than others.

To be precise, if it is not supported by an idea at this moment, he is estimated to have fallen.

But no one would think that Tang Pan, who would n’t martial arts, was a burden, because if he did n’t plan ahead, there would be fewer people who could walk here now.

Bailianjiao made a lot of effort to think about this place. This tunnel was dug much higher than the previous money Saner and theirs. It was not difficult to walk. They wanted to come to this one a year ago. Gonghou’s tomb stared at him, and he started to do so. It was only because he had to transfer those properties before he could blow up the tomb, so he dragged on until now.

Unfortunately, they met Qian San’er and Tang Fan again and again, and in the end the victim was not killed. Even Li Man himself was buried inside. As the so-called government calculations are too clever, they have mistaken their lives.

Qian San’er has told Tang Fan what Li Man said before his death. In view of the truthfulness of Li Man’s speech, he played with him all day long. Take the opportunity to pit them and blow them up with the tomb beast.

At this point, Tang Fan did not dare to fully believe his words.

However, Li Man said that Yongdao leads to the outside, and that someone has answered this matter, which should be true.

Because of Li Man’s selfish personality, the batch of property must be placed under his own eyelids before he can rest assured, so it is impossible for him to let his associates run with the property first.

In the process of going forward, Tang Fan will occasionally explore the pulse of Suizhou and find that there are still beatings under his fingers, so he is a little relieved.

The group did not know how long they had walked, and Qian San’er’s footsteps suddenly stopped: “Sir, it seems that the front is the exit.”

He put Suizhou down, walked over, reached up and touched it, then turned back and whispered: “It seems to be suppressed by something.”

Tang Fan motioned for silence and asked Qian San’er to take care of Suizhou. He walked to the position where Qian San’er was standing and explored.

This is indeed the end, the only exit is at the top.

Tang Fan groped for something on the exit, tapped it again, and put his hand close to his nose to smell it.

“It’s a bite box, it should be filled with clothes,” he said.

“How do you know it’s a box for clothes?” Qian San’er was stunned.

Tang Fan: “That wood is pear wood. Generally, no one uses this kind of wood to store debris, so it will only be a bite box. If the contents are too heavy, Li Man will have difficulty going out, and I smelled it just now. After that, the smell of camphor wood grease on it must be used to place things that are easily bitten by insects, so only clothes can be installed. “

Qian San’er admired his five-body cast. He just touched it for a long time, but he didn’t find anything.

Now when I listen to Tang Fanyi, there is a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

Looking at Pang Qi again, it is obvious that they have long been accustomed to the wisdom of Master Tang’s observation and ability.

Tang Fan did not know that he had another admirer. He raised Suizhou and adjusted a comfortable position for him so that he could lean in his arms, and then said to others: “The outside should be white lotus. There was a stronghold, and when I was walking, I paid careful attention. According to this distance and direction, the house should be located in the suburbs. But what is uncertain is that there are no white lotus people outside. If so, there are How many.”

Under the influence of the gunpowder in Gonghou ’s tomb, Yong Dao has been dropping stones down, and the vibration is getting stronger and stronger. I do n’t know how much powerful gunpowder Li Man ’s group buried in the tomb. This effect.

Everyone endured a suffocating breath, and it has not been an easy task to have been waiting for such a tunnel that is in danger of collapsing at any time.

Many people have lost blood too much and have begun to falter. More seriously, they are unconscious like Suizhou and can only be helped by their less injured companions.

It is estimated that this domineering jinyiwei has entered Beizhen Fusi, and has never encountered such an embarrassing situation today.

More than twenty people came in, but now there are only seventeen or eight in this Yongdao.

But comparing with Li Man’s miserable situation, it seems that this is already good.

The dead are gone, but the living still have to continue to work hard to live.

Pang Qi couldn’t help but say: “Master, rush out, maybe there is still a way to live!”

Tang Fan shook his head: “No, you use an embroidered spring knife to cut the box along the outline of the hole. If it is all clothes, there will be no movement when it falls. You can cover it a little at that time. After a little observation Do it again. “

Pang Qi felt that this method was too bad for the lords, and could not help but protest: “Why is it so troublesome, now many of us can’t support it for long, the longer it is dragged, the smaller the chance of winning!”

Tang Fan blocked all protests in just one sentence: “Guang Chuan handed you over to me, and I want to let more people survive.”


This is a small abandoned village on the edge of the Luo River.

One year, the Luo River flooded and the small village was flooded. The crops were not spared, and the villagers gradually moved away from the place. Over time, there were no people except a few broken houses.

Wu Lao Si has been here for almost half a year.

But he was not the first person to come here. When he came here, there was already a lot of people here.

The Bailian believers like him were ordered to dress up as villagers who came here to settle down, made a few small boats, and fished every day at sunrise and rested at sunset. They looked just like ordinary people.

The only difference is that they have to observe carefully and always pay attention to whether there are suspicious people peeping nearby.

As for the purpose of the waiting, when they can leave, Wu Lao Si knows nothing.

That is not something that their level of teaching can understand.

Two months after he and his companions came here, several more people came one after another. One of the enchanting young women, surrounded by the surrounding people, entered the village where it was best packed and never Allow Wu Laosi to come close to the house.

Wu Lao Si and his companions have guessed the identity of the young woman more than once in private, with a sly tone that men can understand. They all think that the young woman must be a very important person in the teaching, maybe he is the lady of the altar .

Regardless of the identity of the other party, these have nothing to do with them. Wu Lao Si and others have n’t even been able to say a word to the woman, and since the woman came to the house, she has always stayed out of the house and people from outside come and go , Often coming in and out of that room, the woman rarely came out.

Wu Lao Si they therefore have more inferior versions of various guesses.

Today’s sunset is gorgeous and beautiful, not much different from other times.

Wu Laosi was already tired of seeing such a scene. He lazily docked the boat, and according to his habit, he carefully paid attention to whether there were suspicious strangers nearby.

As usual.

Wu Lao Si can’t remember how long he hasn’t been in the cellar. If he can, he has long lost the little broken boat under his feet and went directly to the city to find some girls.

But no, he was ordered to stay here, there was no order and he was not allowed to leave in one step.

Why did you want them to stay in this broken place?

Wu Lao Si was both curious and somewhat uneasy, but he had no qualifications or the courage to find the host to set his beak. These thoughts could only be turned around in his mind. His hands were still as usual, comparing a few of the nets on the ship. The big shrimps shook off and greeted the companions of the boat next to them.

The companion lowered his voice and said, “Come to me tonight, I’ll get a bottle of wine!”

As soon as Wu Lao listened, his eyes brightened.

But the next second, not far away, a scream came from that mysterious room!

That young woman’s voice!

Wu Lao Si was startled, and looked at his companion unconsciously.

As ordinary believers, their skills are also very general. Unlike the upper class, Wu Lao Si does not want to rebel, and there is no idea of ​​”dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the new sky”. His original intention to join the white lotus is very simple, just to have A strong backer, eating on rivers and lakes.

Such people are often the most practical and the most discerning.

When the accident happened in the hut, Wu Lao Si and his companions thought of not rushing to rescue but how to manage to escape.

Immediately afterwards, they dumbfounded to see the most memorable scene in this life.

Dozens of people dressed in flying fish suits and embroidered spring knives rushed out of the hut, and like flying eagles, they slayed at those who also rushed towards the hut!

and many more!

They clearly saw that there were two or three people in the room before, and they were all the hosts of the local altar in Bailian.

Can that house become a living person? !

Seeing that the two sides were killed in a ball, Wu Lao Si and his companions looked at each other, hesitating whether they would go up to help, or just run away when the situation was bad.

Soon they found out that although the Jinyiwei looked fierce, after actually killing the master in the house, they had gradually started to be weak.

“Fourth, what do you think, do you want to help?” The companion leaned over.

“Don’t go, you didn’t see that none of the hosts in that room came out, they must have been killed! Those who are Jin Yiwei, maybe something big happened in the teaching, the life is important, let’s not mix it up, look for opportunities Let’s go! “Wu Lao Si thought without thinking.

Companions think about it, to be honest, they have also saved a lot of private rooms in recent years, and they have long been detached from Bailian teaching, but because of strict rules, they have never had a chance, and they have to do anything against the government. , But they are not interested in devoting themselves to the Holy Church.

Together, the two sneaked away while taking the chaos, and went far away to go south to start a small business and get married and have children.

Besides the small house, the mysterious young women that Wu Laosi saw every day were actually Li Man who brought them back to Li ’s house that day, claiming to be the concubine Chen who was outside, and the white lotus that Tang Fan later encountered outside the capital. The elder sister of the Nine Lady who teaches the messenger.

No one would think that there was a tunnel leading to the tomb of Gonghou under the Hou Hou Mausoleum in this abandoned village, and the entrance to that tunnel was in the room guarded by the Chen.

After the Chen gave birth to a son for Li Man, she handed over the children to a nearby farmer to keep. She guarded the hut herself, and Li Man and them transferred a large amount of treasure from Gonghou tomb.

Because the date of the appointment passed long ago, Li Man and they did not see it. Chen was afraid of the tomb beast in the tomb, and they dared not go to find it. After a few days, they decided that Li Man and they had died. Inside, I couldn’t help thinking of swallowing treasure.

Chen’s natural debauchery was originally different from that of a good family woman. After he hooked up with Li Man, he only slightly converged his nature. However, Li Man is already a destiny year. Compared with young people.

Now that Li Man is very likely to be dead, Chen has no worries and intends to seduce several of his masters.

She is graceful and graceful. In the past two occasions, there is no man who is not hooked, so when Tang Pan discovered that they were here, the Chen family turned against the phoenix in bed with those few men.

It is estimated that Li Man did n’t know that his woman would be mixed with other men in a blink of an eye. If she knew it, she would be able to come alive and die again.

In addition to the tongue, Pang Qi and others were cheap. While a few people were fighting in bed, Pang Qi and others jumped out, and the few criminals of the Chen family were too late to react and were killed in bed. .

In order to catch Chen’s living mouth, Pang Qi and they negligently gave her the opportunity to scream and attracted the white lotus outside.

The two sides quickly fought, the battle was fierce, and the scene was full of swords and blood.

The gang of white lotus outside the theory should not have been their opponents, but Pang Qi they were too physically exhausted before, and they couldn’t fight as hard as they could.

Tang Pan can’t do his job, of course, it is impossible to go up and drag back, he can only watch on one side.

He patted Qian San’er on the shoulder: “You did a good job today, thanks to you!”

Qian San’er was a little flattered. Since childhood, he has followed Master to do all kinds of tricks. It was all against the government, and was once praised by the imperial court. He was so excited that he couldn’t find the north.

“Big, big, adults praise, small is really ashamed!”

Seeing him so excited, Tang Fan showed a smile on his tired face: “You are not confused by Li Man, follow him and contaminate him, which is enough to prove that you are not a bad person, and your master is no longer here. If you go a long way, you will encounter ghosts. When you go back, you will find a serious camper to do! “

Qian San’er suddenly knelt down to Tang Fan: “Small people have long wanted not to do those blackhearted acts, but apart from those, the little ones will not do anything, and beg the adults to show the little ones a way out!”

This person immediately climbed along the pole, Tang Fan did not dislike it, but felt that he was quite clever, and that this person’s heart is not bad, it is a material that can be made: “Wait back and talk.”

Seeing him say this, Qian San’er knew that Tang Fan agreed, and immediately overjoyed, thumping Tang Fan three times.

Unexpectedly, the kowtow was too hard, and the fierce battle situation between the two fronts failed to wake up Suizhou. The sound of Qian San’er’s forehead touching the ground made Suizhou frown.

Tang Fan noticed the movements of the person in his arms, looked down, and rejoiced: “Guangchuan, you are awake, it’s okay!”

Suizhou opened his eyes slowly, and his eyes were filled with expressions of concern and anxiety.

Suizhou: “Poof!”

Tang Fan: “…”

What is this reaction? Got stupid?

He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to probe the other’s forehead, his eyes on Suizhou’s smiling eyes.

Master Tang seems to have forgotten that he was slapped by Li Man before, which made his unswollen face swell up at the moment, and the image of Junya was replaced by a pig head sacrificed in the Shen case, so Sui As soon as Zhou saw that face, he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

However, after a smile, his heart became softer and softer. He stared at Tang Fan with only one thought left in his mind.

Fortunately, this person is fine.

Then even if you are seriously injured, it is worth it.

“… What about Li Man?” Suizhou asked hoarsely.

“Dead, killed by Qian San’er.” Tang Fandao said.

Qian San’er was shy and wanted to be humble, but Suizhou didn’t look at him.

At this moment, the square inch world in his eyes can only accommodate the next person.

The eyes of the two were intertwined for a moment, bringing some kind of ambiguity that Tang Fan didn’t even notice.

Then, under the witness of Qian San’er, Tang Tang, who was as thick as a wall of the Great Wall, blushed slowly.

Wait, why does it seem a bit strange …

But what’s so strange?

Qian San’er is puzzled.

After racking his brain for a long time, he didn’t realize the option of “I am superfluous”.

The author has something to say:

Finally sweet enough → _ →

Although Master Tang was beaten into a pig’s head, Sui boss was also seriously injured, but there is a reward for paying (…)!

Well, the case is over. Tomorrow is the ending of this volume + sweet and warm daily + the foreword of the next volume. There is a show of love ~

Thank you Mengmeng Dameng ~~~ and those who bother pouring the nutrient solution to the author and let it thrive ~~

Dream Yin threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1720: 32: 09

Mo Mo egg threw a mine throwing time: 2014-11-1721: 51: 20

Yuehua threw a rocket launching time: 2014-11-1721: 59: 11

Youqi threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-1723: 51: 14

Aki threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-1807: 38: 26

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 40: 51

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 41: 45

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 42: 24

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 43: 17

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 44: 13

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 45: 32

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1815: 46: 15

Drunk lying red dust threw a rocket launching time: 2014-11-1816: 31: 42

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