The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 60

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Daming has two capitals and thirteen provinces. The two capitals are Beijing and Nanjing, and the thirteen provinces are thirteen provinces.

Although in order to avoid the same situation as the Yuan dynasty when it was founded, it was not called the province, but called the Minister of Proclamation, but such a long and eloquent name was obviously not bought by the people, so everyone still distinguished by province.

Henan Province is only one of the many state capitals under the Henan Provincial Secretary, and there are another 13 counties under the jurisdiction of Henan Province, Gong County is one of them.

However, this small place is very special because of the tombs of the seven emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty.

People in the villages near the county seat took the responsibility of guarding the tomb. For them, the emperor of the former dynasty was willing to be buried here, which shows that this is a treasure land, so the residents in the nearby Shili Baxiang are very proud of it.

Although many of them are illiterate, they seem to have some more details than the people in other places. Even the seventy and eighty old ladies often point to a piece of land to tell their children and grandchildren that the following is the emperor’s master. Mausoleum, do n’t even look at the fact that there is not even a stele pavilion. That ’s because it was once robbed by Yuan people, but it was n’t like that.

The children and grandchildren will talk to their children and grandchildren, so the hand of the emperor’s mausoleum will be passed down from generation to generation.

However, all this has changed because of a change. Now when the locals mention the tomb of the Northern Song Dynasty, the first reaction is not pride, but inexplicable horror.

Tang Fan set off from Beijing all the way and took the land route to Henan.

Suizhou left Xue Ling in the town of Fusi, Beizhen. He took 20 guards including Pang Qi together with Tang Fan and went south in the name of a mission.

Although this case was not anxious, it was a life-threatening situation. In particular, it involved the theft of the emperor’s mausoleum. It was urgent for everyone to ride a horse at first. But after two days of driving, the gap gradually became apparent.

Jin Yiwei are a group of great old men, with thick skin and thick meat, and after **** training in Suizhou, they have long been polished to be copper and iron bones. Having said that, even without Suizhou’s intensive training, it is a piece of cake for a military officer like them to ride a horse.

But the civil servants in the criminal department are different. Everyone is sitting in the yamen all day long. The heaviest job is nothing but serving tea and water. Suddenly riding a horse and riding for two days in a row, that is really the bone shelf can be scattered And, it is difficult to tell, everyone has blisters on the inside of both thighs, and some of them have broken skin and bleeding, which is hot and painful.

Tang Fan, as an emissary, was naturally a leader, so he could clench his teeth and insist on it anyway. Suizhou soon discovered that the gang of civil servants did not help, slowing Jinyiwei’s pace, and brought out plaster to Tang Fan. They smeared the wound.

Leaders can insist, and the two officers underneath are naturally not good at complaining. On the contrary, Yin Yuanhua refused to ride anymore, and strongly requested to ride in a carriage.

Jin Yiwei has not been accustomed to this group of civil servants for a long time, but they also know that Sui Boss had a good personal relationship with Tang Pan. They couldn’t get along with Tang Fan, and the two were obviously not on the same road. They dared not make fun of the emissary, and naturally concentrated the gunfire on Yin Yuanhua.

This crowded eyebrows: “Oh, some people thought they came out to play, and still took a carriage, do you want to get a bead curtain, like those big girls and little wives, so what to cover your face, without a word first What a shame! “

That followed a strange laugh: “How do you know that people are not young wives, is it because you have seen him without clothes?”

At that time, everyone passed by the official station and stopped to rest. Tang Fan and Suizhou were the official and deputy. Everyone wanted to be free, and they did not want to have a table with the leader even for dinner, so the two of them had a separate table. At the table, the other Jinyiweis sat in a scattered manner. As soon as these words were heard at the next table, Yin Yuanhua heard them clearly.

Where did he not know that these people were talking about him, and he immediately became furious, put the chopsticks on the table, and got up: “Who are you talking about!”

It’s okay not to stand up, this one stands up, the thighs are suddenly cramped, Yin Yuanhua is so painful that his teeth grin, and the group of Jin Yiwei laughs.

Although Tang Fan didn’t want to see Yin Yuanhua, he was the boss and Yin Yuanhua’s boss on this trip. When he was a leader, he should have the demeanor to be a leader. He couldn’t sit back and watch Yin Yuanhua just being teased, so he poked with the other end of his chopsticks. Poke Suizhou’s arm.

Suizhou coughed a little, and a pair of sharp, electric eyes swept down to the dry hands, the latter stopped all laughter, and immediately buried their heads to eat.

After eating, Yin Yuanhua made up his mind not to ride a horse, and had to go to Henan in a carriage.

The two directors were equally miserable and looked at Tang Fan with a longing look.

Tang Fan looked a little weird: “Do you really want to take a carriage?”

The officers had not dared to answer, and Yin Yuanhua said: “You must ride in a horse-drawn carriage, and you should not be less powerful than an adult, and you shouldn’t be under the name of a servant. You should be comfortable and not afraid of being joked!”

By the way, he also satirized Tang Fan’s death to suffer.

Tang Fandao said: “The next station may not have enough horses. After you change the carriage, if you regret it, you have to take the carriage to Henan all the time.”

The more he said this, the more Yin Yuanhua felt that Tang Fan was deliberately making things difficult for him, so he had to take a carriage.

So far, Tang Fan’s friendship reminded them, if they didn’t listen, then they would have to go, and he made the station’s stationer ready to prepare a carriage.

The carriage was still spacious enough for Yin Yuanhua and the two officers to sit in, and Yi Cheng found another coachman to give them. When the carriage arrived at the destination, the coachman just returned.

The three of them saw cushions inside the carriage, which was much more comfortable than immediately, and they all happily got on the carriage.

As a result, as soon as he drove out dozens of miles, Yin Yuanhua and others knew why Tang Fan showed an unpredictable expression just after hearing that they had to take a carriage.

Because this **** thing is more upside than riding …

Out of the Gyeonggi border, the road conditions are not as good as a section. It is often easier to ride a carriage than riding a horse, but Yin Yuanhua didn’t expect this.

He was spitting blood so quickly that his internal organs seemed to shift, which felt really indescribable. Whoever sits and knows, but he still ca n’t tell Tang Fan that he wants to ride again, because even after mentioning it, The horse rides for him …

Yin Yuanhua wanted to cry without tears, and finally tasted the feeling of lifting a stone and hitting his foot.

Not only him, but Cheng Wen and Tian Xuan, both of whom are already repenting.

This way, I finally arrived in Gong County before the three people were about to turn the soul out.

Long before the party arrived in Gong County, the county magistrate of the county had taken people to look forward to the post beside the official road outside the city.

“Sir, would you like to sit down and take a break?” The Xian Cheng, who was accompanied by Deying, was almost dizzy when he walked around and couldn’t help saying.

In addition to the large and small officials in Yacheng County and Yigan County, there were originally many gentry gentry in this county who wanted to come over, but they were rejected by the county magistrate. He is now in a lawsuit. Are these people screaming in front of the mission?

In the face of the counties that he can trust, He Xianling did not conceal the anxiety on his face: “Hey, brother, you do n’t know, business trips are not for sightseeing, they are here to investigate the case. Yes, after all, something happened to this emperor’s mausoleum in my rule. If one fails, my black gauze hat will not be guaranteed! “

County Cheng persuaded: “Adult, you are useless now if you are troubled. It would be better to cooperate well with your business trip, and then mobilize your activities at the business trip. Let them go back to you to intercede for you, maybe it will make things bigger and smaller!”

The county magistrate sighed: “This can only be the case now. My county magistrate is really unlucky. I think that my predecessor and former predecessor have left countless messes, but the emperor’s mausoleum has been fine. Those messes I have to clean it up, and no one knows the credit. On the contrary, if something happens to the Emperor’s Mausoleum now, the responsibility falls on me! “

The county officials thought that their officials did not have one or two bad things in their office, and where there is a lifetime of peace officials, if you are afraid of the matter yourself, you will blame the heavens and the people, and you do n’t want to think about how to settle the upcoming mission, so what is the future. ?

But who let himself be a subordinate? Despite this, he still comforted his county magistrate.

Just as they were talking, a team of men and women came slowly from far and near, the smoke was rolling, and it seemed that they were following a carriage.

When He Xianling and the two went out, a small official came to report and said that they were in front of him.

“Follow me as soon as possible to meet!” He Xianling corrected his dress and hurriedly said.

The speed of the horses and horses is not fast. The front rider seems to be intentionally slowing down to wait for the rear wagon. After about a quarter of an hour, the horses and horses that had already appeared in sight came to the front.

Surrounded by other Jinyiwei in the middle is a young man wearing a Wupin civilian official uniform, and a Jinyiwei wearing a flying fish costume.

He Xianling hurriedly greeted him and said: “He County, Gongxian County, has seen a business trip!”

Although it is impossible to tell which one is the official, it is always right to perform such a salute.

The official document issued by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs also wrote that the envoy was the Langzhong Tang Fan of the Qing Dynasty Department of Henan, and the deputy was Suizhou, the governor of Jinyiweibei Town. Who is sitting behind the carriage?

Is it a more important person?

He Xianling couldn’t help but glance back.

However, Jin Yiwei next to the civil servant opened a little distance to show the gap between him and the civil servant, and he confirmed the county magistrate’s guess: “This is the master of the Tang Dynasty in Henan Qing Lisi, it is the official of this trip.”

Tang Fanfeng lay down his horse, and gave a courtesy to He Xianzhang: “He Xianzhang does not have to be more polite. I’ll wait a few days to go, or do I have to find a place to sit down and elaborate?”

“Yes, yes!” He Xianling regained his mind and said quickly: “Xiaguan has already prepared an official station and ordered people to prepare hot water for meals. I also invite you to travel to the county, not far from here! “

Tang Fan nodded: “Then ask the county magistrate to lead the way!”

When the party arrived at the Guanyi station in the city, He Xianling had already made people ready for everything. Even the clean clothes were changed, which was considered considerate. However, Tang Fan and others had to talk to He Xianling for dinner, so Just hurried to wash and put on another spare mantle.

After most of the people went in, the carriage that was driving at the end came slowly and stopped at the gate of the Guanyi.

He Xian made this man curious, but did not use it in the right way. He had already made up many versions in his mind, including the adult who sent the emperor to go out to investigate the case and did not forget to bring the charming concubine with him. Seeing the carriage stopped, Can’t help but stop walking back and want to see who is coming out.

A hand was stretched out in the carriage and the curtain was slowly lifted up. He Xingling said that the hand was white enough, but unfortunately it looks like chicken paws, and it has no beauty at all.

Immediately afterwards, a head popped out of the carriage, and He Xianling couldn’t help but startle, only to discover that it was a man’s face, which was not what he thought.

The man’s face was bleak, his eyes were indifferent, and there were two black and blue bags under his eyes. He looked like he was very sick, but when he saw him still wearing a gown from Wupin, He Xianling couldn’t help it. Go up and ask: “Dare to ask this is also a mission? Xiaguan Gong County magistrate He Haosi …”

Before he could finish talking, the other person’s upper body came out of the carriage, as if to get off the carriage. As a result, there was a twist on the face, and he couldn’t help but grab the things around him to stabilize his body and bowed his head to vomit.

What he grabbed was the robe of He Xianling, who was already indifferent.

He Xianling had nothing to do with trouble. He was covered in filth. This happened, and he followed Tang Pan and took a bath together, because he did n’t bring the laundry with him, and he had to endure the sour smell of his body and ran to his county government office. To change, no one dared to approach him along the way, not to mention the bad luck, He Xianling could n’t get angry, who made him curious, the other party was not only a central official, but also higher in grade than him. The county magistrate can only hold his nose and confess his anger.

As a result, he hurried back to Yamen, just changed his clothes, and heard that Chincha was looking for him there, so he hurried to the station.

Entering the Guan Yi, Tang Fan and others have refreshed themselves and no longer looked dusty. Although they still looked tired, they were much brighter.

Tang Fan told the county magistrate: “Why should I come here, I must know the county magistrate.”

The county magistrate said busyly: “Yes, but please go to the office for inquiries, and the lower official knows everything, but are you adults not using rice yet?

Tang Fan laughed: “If the county magistrate hasn’t used rice yet, why not sit down and eat together and say while eating?”

He Xianling just wanted to take this opportunity to complain to Qincha, so he respected and obeyed his orders.

The Guan Yi food is good. Of course, Tang Fan and others are all from Beijing, and the county magistrate did not dare to neglect. Even the cooks were transferred from the county government to make authentic Henan dishes.

The eight-treasure chicken bag, braised lamb, and slippery fillets are all full of meat.

Suizhou and others did n’t matter. Even Tang Pan got used to running around and felt okay. On the other hand, Yin Yuanhua and Cheng Wentian Xuan, because the carriage was bumpy all the way, they had no appetite for eating. In vain, he couldn’t help but covered his mouth and ran out, holding up the corridor and vomiting again, but unfortunately his stomach was empty, and he couldn’t even spit out bile.

He Xianling realized his negligence, and these people must have been unable to eat big fish and meat because of motion sickness.

Seeing that the county magistrate was a little bit confused, Tang Fan said to him: “Let the chef get a few light vegetarian dishes, put a few bowls of millet porridge, give me a bowl, and open another table for the three of them. Lest you smell the meat and you ca n’t eat it. “

“You don’t have to open another table …” Yin Yuanhua walked in and said weakly, “Xiaguan should just sit here.”

The reason why he took the initiative to ask for help, Tangli came here to follow Tang Fan to investigate the case, mainly for two purposes: one to grab credit, and the other to grab a braid.

Moreover, this was acquiesced by Liang Shilang, and his deputy followed the case to investigate the case.

Tang Fan was very clear about his little abacus. When he insisted, he smiled, but he did not force it: “That’s good.”

There is only one table in the large dining room, where Tang Fan, Suizhou, Pang Qi, Yin Yuanhua, He Xianling, two clerk of the Qing Dynasty, as well as Gongcheng ’s county officials, masters, etc. are all in the next door. At this time, you can’t disturb the quietness of the adults.

Everyone was hungry and unable to talk about business, seeing the dishes were served up one after another, humiliated each other, and they all started chopsticks.

Yin Yuanhua was sitting next to Tang Fan, and when he saw him eating a piece of meat, he had to comment on it. There is no lack of regret. Authentic: “Brother Yin, unfortunately you ca n’t eat it today. Although the ingredients are the same, the taste is different from that of Beijing. It ’s strange that one side keeps one side of the water, and if one can eat such delicious eight-treasure chickens every day, I would like to live here for a long time! ”

Of course, He Xianling knew that Tang Fan was speaking politely, praising him as the host, and he also persuaded Tang Fan to eat more and eat more. The county ’s Cheng Gong in the other end of the county and the master book intend to fight Pangqi in Suizhou They all took the initiative to pick up the topic and chat, active atmosphere, but the atmosphere on the dinner table was extremely warm.

Yin Yuanhua, who was only a bit bitter, heard the words of meat in his ears. He just felt that the millet porridge he had just started to swell again, and he already scolded the eighteen generations of Tang Fan’s ancestors.

After finishing the meal, Yin Yuanhua said that he could finally rest. He did not expect Tang Fan to put his chopsticks away. He told the county magistrate: “Now I ’ve got enough to eat and drink, it ’s time to talk about the business.”

Yin Yuanhua couldn’t help but say: “Master, it’s not too late to talk about the business tomorrow. Everyone is very tired today.”

Tang Fan nodded: “I traveled thousands of miles, everyone worked hard, I know that, but since we have a heavy responsibility, we should first understand the matter before we say it. If you are tired, you can go down and rest.”

Yin Yuanhua thought to myself why I went to rest and followed, so he gritted his teeth and said, “Adult, it’s not tiring to be an official, but you can still insist.”

Tang Fanxin comforted: “I knew Brother Yin was dedicated to the public, and he was a model for my generation.”

After ridiculing Yin Yuanhua, he turned to He Xianzhang: “After all, the official document is concise and concise, and many details are not clear. He Xianling is also asked to re-describe the case.”

He Xingling’s heart finally came, and he sat up straight and talked about the ins and outs of the matter.

What he said is actually no different from what was reported, but it is naturally more detailed and vivid than the cold text on the official document, and there are people beside the county Cheng and the main book to complement each other. Get a deeper understanding.

For example, the file submitted to the Penal Department did not mention in detail what the ghost was crying in the middle of the night, and how the nearby villagers reacted. The county magistrate said: “The ghost ’s crying is not every night, sometimes, sometimes. No, after the incident happened, Xiaguan had also been to the village and stayed for a few days, but never heard of it, but the servants sent there, except for the crazy one, said they had heard of it, and all the villagers Say I heard it. “

Tang Fan asked: “Did the grave robber catch it?”

The county magistrate shook his head and felt ashamed: “No, only the burrows were found, no thieves were found, and no one dared to go since the successive deaths. The local villagers all said that the **** of the river was angry, and that it was the former The emperor of the dynasty was angry that his tomb was stolen, so there would be crying in the middle of the night … “

“The county magistrate,” Pang Qi couldn’t help interrupting him: “You are angry with the **** of the river and angry with the former emperor. Is it the **** of the river, or is it related to the tomb of the emperor?”

He Xianling smiled bitterly: “Don’t conceal the adults, the first six people who were missing first said that they would be gone. The locals all said that the river **** was angry and called them into the river to be sent as slaves. How can I believe the students of the sages, because of the strange and chaotic God? So the bureaucrats reported to the court at the time, and on the other hand, they sent the people in the Yamen to check. When the person came back, one of them arrested more than crazy, he also broke a hand, and the other old village chief, who was old and frightened, could not say clearly, and the **** of heaven and **** said something. Ghosts, monsters, and then there are rumors of haunting. “

He paused and continued: “Among the mausoleums of the Northern Song Dynasty, both the Tomb of Yonghou and the Tomb of Yongzhao are not far from Gong County. Here is a dozen miles out of the county town, there is a Luohe Village on the edge, just in Luohe. On the side, so, now there are rumors in that village, saying that the two emperors Renzong Yingzong buried in Yonghouling and Yongzhaoling, died and became the river **** in Luohe, and because the emperor’s tomb was stolen, so Get angry and grab the people on the ground for punishment. “

Pang Qi interjected: “This is all the ignorance of ignorant foolish rumors!”

He Xianling nodded: “Yes, but because of the death of two people in a row, no one dares to go now, and the lower officials are helpless. They are waiting for you to come here for inspection, not to mention Luohe Village, now they are connected. In Gongxian County, there are also some people who are panic-stricken, they all say that the river **** is angry, looking for sacrifices, so, so … “

He was vomiting, and Yin Yuanhua next to him was impatient, urging: “So what!”

The county magistrate received the words of the county magistrate: “So we must take the initiative to sacrifice.”

Tang Fan understood: “Sacrifice the river **** with living people?”

County Cheng: “Exactly.”

Suizhou finally said the first sentence after coming in: “Ridiculous!”

Under the county magistrate’s order, Gongxian County, all the people, etc., are all silent.

The ancients advocated that mountains, rivers, and rivers all have spirits. In the past dynasties, there was no shortage of emperors and courts to enshrine the mountain gods and river gods. The largest river **** is the Yellow River.

The people are ignorant. Once the river is flooded, they think the river **** is angry, and can only hope to pray for the river **** to breathe his anger. For this, he does not hesitate to offer various sacrifices, including living people.

As a branch of the Yellow River, Luohe’s status is quite important, because the court has applied for three orders and five orders, and it has been years since the living people sacrificed the river god, but this time, such a strange thing happened in Gong County, even the official government sent Not useful, everyone naturally remembered the idea of ​​offering sacrifices to the river god.

Only Tang Fan relentlessly reprimanded: “If you are a local official, you should educate the people, and stay away from such strange powers and chaos. How can you listen to it and let them sacrifice on the living?”

He Xianling smiled bitterly: “Adults are gifted, but in fact there is still something inside.”

Tang Fan: “Talk.”

He Xianling: “Since the second group of people sent by Xiaguan also went to eighth, there are rumors in Luohe Village and even Gongxian County. They all said that the **** of the river was angry. . So half a month ago, the people prepared animal sacrifices and went to the Luo River to worship. “

Tang Fan: “No living people?”

He Xianling: “No, at that time everyone felt that it was enough to put livestock and other things.”

Tang Fan yelled: “You continue to say.”

He Xianling: “It was previously said that the two emperors in the emperor’s mausoleum became river gods, and they were both locals. In fact, there are records in the county records. Luohe river gods are actually Fuxi young girls, but you also know that, No one can say that these things are forbidden. For the sake of insurance, they specially prepared three sacrifices, prepared to be dedicated to the three river gods. The ceremony from morning to night, it is said that it will last for nearly twelve hours. It ’s a bit of an inch, without using a living person to sacrifice, so I opened my eyes and closed my eyes without interfering. “

This county magistrate spoke long and verbosely. He didn’t talk about the key points for a long time. He also blamed himself from time to time to avoid being blamed by Tang Fan. The neighboring counties listened to his parents and squeezed their sweats. And have the patience to listen to him.

He Xianling again said: “It was said that it was late at the time, and after throwing livestock and other sacrifices into the river, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only a few old women who were still holding the incense case on the side, and they had to stay there for one night. It ’s a local custom to take the incense case away the next day to show piety. This is the local custom. But on that night, it was said that the wind and rain suddenly blew up, and the villagers heard the ghost crying, and they were too scared to go out. It was found that the Xiang case fell to the ground, and the fresh fruits above were all messy, but the old ladies were not seen. “

Tang Fan asked: “Why should I use a wife to watch the night instead of a strong man?”

The county magistrate said busyly: “I’m afraid that the man’s yang is too heavy, and he rushed to the river god, causing him … the elderly are unhappy, oh, this is what the people said, and the official has always been disapproved!”

Tang Fan nodded and motioned for him to continue.

He Xianling was obviously not at the scene, but he said it as vivid as if he saw it with his own eyes. If it was not the wrong occasion, Pang Qi really wanted to ridicule him a few words, but he saw that the two bosses listened carefully and had to listen silently. With.

He Xianling said: “At first, other people thought that those women had seen the wind and rain, and they hid home. Who knew they had asked their family members before they knew that those women had never returned , The matter was gone, and the matter was reported to the Xiaguan, and the Xiaguan sent another person to find it, and the same did not fall. At that time, the matter had been reported to the court, and the Xiaguan thought about waiting for the court to send it, and then Report it all together! “

Tang Fan asked: “What happened to the living sacrifice?”

He Xianling smiled bitterly: “Because the people are saying that it was Heshen who angered them that they did not offer a living person, but only a livestock. This took a few of them together as a warning, everyone was very scared , So several large households in the county are preparing to sacrifice with their own slaves! “

Tang Fan: “You didn’t stop it?”

He Xianling grimaced: “It’s stopped. This hasn’t started yet. The lower official told them that the imperial court would send Chin to investigate this case. They will definitely find out the case and let them never live.” They came to sacrifice, and they listened for a while, but the people were ignorant. After all, they were panicked. If they no longer investigate the case and give them an explanation, I am afraid that those people will not sacrifice to persuade and sacrifice sacrifices in private! “

The author has something to say:

There is a BUG in the previous article. The cousin of Zhou in Suizhou should not have the surname of Zhou, because Zhou is the surname of her mother, hahaha. As a result, everyone did not seem to find it, and I did not change it. Here I explain it ~~~

Although Mr. Sui and Mr. Tang haven’t acted too intimately, their ambiguity has already penetrated into the bones. Is the act of chopsticks poking people very loving?

I do n’t sell Moe today, I ’m going to be a big cold ╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

Crab crabs are as sweet and delicious as cola jelly ~~

What did you all buy on Double 11?

A fish from the tropics threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-1020: 54: 12

Aki threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-1022: 33: 14

Jade Louchun threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-1023: 02: 30

Luo Xiaobei threw a landmine throwing time: 2014-11-1101: 15: 43

Bean is a bear throwing a grenade throwing time: 2014-11-1111: 01: 48

Baili threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1115: 45: 43

demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-11-1117: 20: 48

Aran threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-11-1117: 32: 31

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