The Force Sage of the Dark Side

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Nagato goes to Ahch-To was an uncharted world located in the Ahch-To system within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy positioned at the coordinates F-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid Ahch-To orbited twin stars including the second sun in turn the planet was orbited by one moon the planet supported a breathable atmosphere he world shared a mysterious time-related quality with such locales as Mortis and Dagobah due to the the planet's great distance relative to its twin suns Ahch-To supported a temperate and damp but volatile climate that frequently caused salt spray, cold winds, and violent storms unlike the desert world of Tatooine Ahch-To also experienced summers, autumns, and winters.

The surface of the planet was nothing but deep blue oceans dotting the oceans however, were volcanic island archipelagos formed of black rock that were covered with few green trees and grass Ahch-To's islands' rugged cliffs were home to moss, grass, and ferns an algae flourished in the seashore pools two Force-sensitive plants, the uneti trees native to Ahch-to and uneti shrubs, were found on the planet fragrant flowers nightkelps reed, and the seaweed also grew on the planet several species of fish inhabited Ahch-To the edible ones such as fingerlip garpon, twinfin hyacander, and spetan channelfish coppergrin, billfish, needlegawp while others included tytahuso fish and there were larger creatures, such as the pallaskean sea-serpents that inhabited the oceans, the wharlithans and the thala-sirens that nursed their young on the rocky shores, providing a dairy source for other island residents.

Nagato followed the pull of the power inside of him until he came face to face with a huge wodden temple with tons of different symbols on it he walks inside the temple seems to react to his presence it also seems to be leading him through various halls the place is plain but has ornate symbols carved into the walls cielings and floors the entire temple is made out of wood and stone seemingly to perfectly blend together to support each other in a way he has never seen before also the further he goes the more he feels like he's being watched.

He reaches where he's being pulled to go which is a room that has a podium with 3 books on it not only that but he can tell that this particular room is a place of power like whatever power was given to him has been constantly poured into this room to not only strengthen their powers but to also protect them would be attackers by subduing them with it's indimitdating aura it dissipated when the Jeda'ii entered the room shocked to see someone else there not only that but someone as powerful as Nagato in the force.

He asks what brings you here young man Nagato says this place called to me the man nods then takes him to a private room the others stop him they ask are you sure about this he seems off he says yes besides the sith race have been poaching force sensitives we don't want him joining them they nod Nagato waits in a room with no chairs just pillows it has no windows either or any other furniture or anything else just four walls and two pillows the other guy walks in he apologizes for his friends rude outburst Nagato brushes it off.

He says my name is Hakudoshi I'm a Jeda'ii in case you don't know i'm a human who weilds an energy called the force Nagato stops him then says I know about you guys as well as the force the one who awakened my power sent me here this intrigues Hakudoshi he asks who awakened your power Nagato says he kept calling himself 'The Bendu' hearing this makes Hakudoshi gasp in shock and awe Nagato says I didn't just walk upto him and get my power awakened he had me take some trials first to see if I was worthy then he awakened my power Hakudoshi relaxed quite a bit after hearing this Nagato says it wasn't just me who approached him hundreds have found him over the years and only 8 others have passed his tests.

Hakudoshi is even more impressed after hearing the full story Nagato says that's not all apparently the one I met wasn't the only Bendu according to him there are 3 more and each one can not only grant anybody the use of the force but a unique force ability as well however each Bendu has trials and the one that I found has the easiest trials also the weakest force ability to grant from what he told me no one has found his siblings or passed their tests not even him hearing this intrigues and makes Hakudoshi a little afraid of the other Bendu he asks do you know what force power you were given Nagato says no I don't all he told me was that it had something to do with seeing the past present and future of the force just by touching something.

Hakudoshi knows exactly what force ability that is Force Echo it's an extremely rare power he can use it but only because it was in his family for centuries he asks come on Nagato even I have that power he must have given you something else Nagato says yes he did he gave me two others one is the ability to not only communicate with animals/automatically understand every language there is and the last one is be one with nature whatever that means he nods then asks what do you hope to learn here Nagato idk Hakudoshi how am i supposed to answer you when the force didn't exist to me until a year go until then I've lived my whole life without it Hakudoshi closes his eyes and sees that unlike everyone else in this temple he was born with exceptional powers in the force he just didn't awaken it until recently.

Hkaudoshi says lets forget about it and just train you to control the power you have inside you and teach you how to use a force inbued blade Nagato nods so they spend days meditating after that he spends days blancing on the mountainside while trying to lift rocks with the force not just with the force but with his mind as well next he teaches Nagato how to create mental defenses against force attacks as well as barriers for his body doing this takes a year to learn next he teaches him how to forge his force sword he wants a scimitar but for the blade to be as heavy as every person in the temple combined including himself they thought he was crazy but agreed to help him make it.

Once he got used to the weight they taught him how to imbue it with the force properly once he mastered that the last thing they taught him was how to force push force pull and how to do the jedi mind trick that's all their books held that and a fighting style on how to deal with force users which he learned it's called Broken Gate is one of the most widespread and common standing combat forms in the Galaxy taught on hundreds of planets from the Core Worlds to the far reaches of the Outer Rim, the simple and efficient form is popular with those looking for a well rounded form rooted in physical fitness training.

Conditioning is key to Broken Gate, with adherents training rigorously to harden their bodies against strikes as a stand-up fighting style, it employs little to no ground-fighting techniques but is entirely focused on upright combat using powerful blocks, kicks and strikes in conjunction with simple body control, it is a balanced martial art that can take hits but dish them out just as readily a Broken Gate stance places the practitioner's hands out in front of their chest, front fist angled towards the opponent's face while the back hand lowers to protect the stomach.

Elbows tuck in tight to the ribs as the hips twist off at an angle to present a smaller target the lead foot is the foot opposite the main hand, with the other foot a shoulder width apart and then behind the other both knees are bent and weight is kept off the heels to allow for faster movement from this stance, a practitioner can transition between deep and wide stances while moving in order to maintain balance while putting them in a position to lunge into an attack practitioners will take advantage of the torque and power behind roundhouse kicks, uppercuts, and other chambered strikes.

Counters are rudimentary but effective with the intent to safely absorb an incoming attack rather than to try and deflect it hand techniques vary from open handed chops and grabs to closed hand hammer fists and knuckle-jabs while utilizing the meatier parts of the wrists and arms to absorb impact while it lacks many ground combat techniques, this form has more than a few techniques designed around escaping quickly from grapples or any other maneuver that would take them off their feet and down to the ground. 

Once he masters this style he leaves the temple to go explore the galaxy again he doesn't return to thisplanet ever again in fact he just drives on endlessy waiting for something to do he will occasionally go somewhere and play poker or pod race or fight in the occasional colleseum or fighting pit but really he just does nothing but float on without a purpose he could try to conquer the weapons trade but he lost interest in that long ago it would be too easy plus there's no challenge in enemies that can barely fight back he did this for a thousand years until his radio was brodcasting news that Mandalore was about to go into war also apparently the jedi and sith were also about to go to war Nagato created a clone to go spy on both Jedi and sith while he went to Mandalore.

He got there in a few days luckily the war hadn't started yet he used the jedi mind trick to get escorted to where the people in charge are once there he could see why they are about to go to war everyone is yelling at each other arguing over various things he uses the jedi mind trick to shut them up it only works on half of them he uses a small genjutsu on the other half to do the same all eyes turn to him as he walks forward he sighs then says I'm very disappointed in you the Mandalore that I know is a proud warrior race going back thousands of years look at you all screaming and yelling at each other like a bunch of children about to kill each other over what exactly?

Nagato points to the first person he sees which is a woman who's over the council she sighs then says we have been arguing for years now as to become neutral join the republic join the jedi join the sith or just quit being warriors altogether and become humanitarians then there's various other arguments that I'm not even going to get into Nagato says no please lay everything on the table because the entire universe is saying that this planet is on the brink of war so bad that it will destroy itself completely hearing this shocks everyone not realizing what's been going on in the outside world Nagato replays the broadcast for them and it says almost exactly what he said just with more detail and embellishments.

Nagato says I didn't spend 3 days flying here to watch you guys destroy yourselves if everyone in this room is the problem then I'll just kill all of you if it saves Mandalore of course he had no idea that they broadcasted the radio broadcast all over the planet and was still broadcasting their guards tensed as did every citizen on Mandalore including those secretly pushing for the war but that was to line their pockets not to destroy the planet Nagato closes his eyes and can sense those who want this war to happen for financial gain he doesn't even need sage mode they wear their greed like targets he can see a 200 in this chamber and 1000 others who are trying to start this war by any means neccessary.

Nagato finds out where they are then secretly sends clones to obtain proof on them once done he walks to the wall punches a hole in it making everyone about to protest until they see a scret door that they've never seen before he pulls out a key to it goes inside throws out several documents on every person that ever lived on this planet both corrupt and good once he speeds through all of them he puts the good ones back and leaves the corrupt ones out for them to read which takes hours but once done the head of the council asks where did you get all of this he says I've been keeping an eye on this planet since it was created oh and incase any of you get any ideas that little room of mine is just copies for you guys to use.

Once they finish reading she sees that 1200 members of her race are actively trying to start a war for profit as does everyone else they stare at the 200 members trying to inch away but they are caught by the gaurds then arrested as are the rest of them after they are executed for treason the rest of Mandalore are in an uproar about it until they see the proof then they shut up about it once that is taken care of she asks how can I thank you he says beskar armor a mandalorian sword and every other thing that goes with she nods then has it made for him once it's finished he uses his powers to make a another one of it then paints one orange and black with white flames the orginal one he was given he leaves it alone he also lowers the quality so it gets damaged much easier and by a lightsaber his orange one he makes it indestructible puts it in a box then buries it where the throne room would go in the Clone Wars.

During the old republic era of the Jedi Order, the Kashi Mer exile Xendor was studying on the planet Ossus, fortress world of the Jedi and home to a culture devoted to the study of the Force and its light side aspect called the Ashla. A respected Jedi Knight, Xendor was a vocal opponent to the Order's views on the Force which he saw as "exclusionary". Among his closest allies was a Follower and Steel Hand of Palawa named Arden Lyn; the two of them shared philosophies away from the eyes and ears of the Jedi High Council and eventually became lovers.

Xendor, able to bear his frustration no longer, approached the High Council and requested their blessings in opening a new Jedi academy far from Ossus to focus on the darker aspects of the Force, the Bogan. When the Council refused, Xendor quietly broke with the Order and traveled to the planet Lettow to open an academy which focused its teachings on the Bogan. Drawing on Force traditions such as the Order of Dai Bendu, the Followers of Palawa, the Kashi Mer Guardians of Breath, the Baran Do, and the Chatos Academy, Xendor's academy drew a trickle of interest which quickly transformed into a roaring river. Xendor and his followers embraced the dark side of the Force, rejected the idea of order and structure and celebrated their freedom by giving in their passions and emotions and touching the power of the dark side.It was these acolytes which named their new group the Legions of Lettow, as they believed that they would one day be forced to defend their traditions from the Jedi High Council's wrath.

At the academy, the Legionnaires followed similar initiation ceremonies that were practiced by the Jedi Order; for example, the forging of Force-imbued blades was carried over from ancient Tythonese practices. Initiates shaped high-carbon steel in the furnaces of the academy in an extremely challenging ritual, melding the blade's molecular lattice with that of the energy crystal, making the blade and the crystal one-in-the-same. With the furnace-forged steel, the Legionnaires adopted the ancient Jar'Kai fighting art, calling it Niman, after the triumvirate of Kashi gods.

Sometime in the 2450s BBY an open war erupted between the Legions and the Jedi Order. According to the Jedi Order's recordings and some historians it was General Xendor and his Legionnaires who attacked the Jedi others says it was the Jedi Council who declared war against the Dark Legions. The most detailed version of the events provided by Imperial Grand Inquistitor Laddinare Torbin, based on Arden Lyn's recalling of the events. According to this account, it was the Jedi Order who raised army first so the reluctant Xendor took up the title of general and attacked Ossus directly, to prevent bloodshed. However, during the battle, Xendor's forces were fought off and forced to commit troops to several fronts as the Order pushed the Legionnaires towards the galaxy's core. Xendor then tried to warn the Galactic Republic that the Jedi Order wanted to take power under the guise of the protectors, but was ignored and branded as a warlord by the Republic.

The war between the Jedi Order and the Legions ot Lettow raged on Chandrila, Metellos, Brentaal IV and Coruscant until the Jedi leader, Awdrysta Pina managed to come into direct battle with Xendor on Columus. Known as the Green Blade, Master Pina and his Jedi Knights were able to separate Xendor's vanguard from the bulk of his army through the use of a strong Force meld - a practice rejected by the Legionnaires since they saw it as giving up their individuality. Cutting through powerful warriors such as Sethul Asaiage and Tun Bohoi, Pina eventually dueled Xendor and slew him in hand-to-hand combat.

With Xendor dead, Arden Lyn took command of the remaining Legionnaires on Lettow. As Pina's forces took over the academy, Lyn and her followers held off the Jedi until the Legionnaires could flee Republic space. Separating from the rest of the survivors, Lyn attempted to hide beyond Kitel Phard but was followed by Master Pina and he finally cornered her on Irkalla. There, Lyn used a Kashi Mer talisman gifted to her by Xendor to channel her rage and sorrow over the loss of her lover to shatter Pina's blade and send the shards through his body. As he lay dying, Pina poured his last bit of life into attacking Lyn with the Morichro technique, stopping her heart and nearly killing her.

He left Mandalore once he was flying through space his clones informed him what caused the sith to go to war with the Jedi Order and the individuals who became the Sith were considered brothers in the Force around 5000 BBY this unity fractured, during the period of time known as the Hundred-Year Darkness when a rogue Jedi came to believe that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity, and that only by tapping its dark side could its true potential be reached. The Jedi High Council balked at this new direction and the fallen Jedi was cast out, but he gained followers and formed a new order which eventually became the Sith they shared their name with the Sith, a red-skinned species with tentacles, susceptible to using the dark side of the Force.

During the Jedi-Sith War, the Jedi's Army of Light conducted crusades against the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness during the war, the Sith used a dark side stronghold on Ando within the conflict, the Sith had taken over Coruscant, and later the Jedi liberated the planet though the Sith nearly succeeded in conquering the Republic they were defeated at Ruusan in the year 1032 BBY the ancient Sith Order's ranks were culled through "unchecked ambitions and infighting" as ambitious Sith Lords vied for power and dominance, which, in turn, created an opportunity for the Jedi to remove the Sith as a "viable threat" to the Republic the result was the near-complete extermination of the Sith however, the extinction of the Sith was averted by the Sith Lord Darth Bane who survived and emerged from the Jedi-Sith War as the last survivor of his Order In fact, Bane had engineered the downfall of his own Order to Bane, the Sith Order had grown weak from infighting and needed to be reforged.

He was also informed of the Legions of Lettow he went to every spot that they fough gathered every aretefact he could get his hands on including holocrons scrolls old to them but to him it was new types of lightsabers he now has every kind ever made except what they use from the Phantom Menace and onwards he also has every kind of armor as well as every document that they had as well seeing that he couldn't save them and that he knew some of these guys he decides to go into exile because he couldn't save his friends he gathers everything up then heads to the planet Hoth once there it's an icy planet but only for 6 months then it melts and is like the other 3 seasons he changes that he uses seals as well as justsu to forever alter the planet so it's always cold windy and icy he makes the winds 90mph the snow 9inches every night and the snow drifts upto 9 feet.

He makes a few caves all over the planet to hide in then he creates a castle buried deep underground where no one can find it he heats it up but not enough to melt the ice above he makes a training room a library a museum for everything he has collected do far a place for every ship he intends to buy which is what he does he buys one of every ship there is except star destroyers or huge battle ships he has small ones but only 2 of them and he also has every kind of speeder and pod racer he aslo has every kind of blaster as well he builds a meditation room so he can train himself against the cold he builds a kitchen and a place to store booze after that he places traps all over the planet but makes them look ancient like they were naturally here with the planet or left here thousands of years ago once he is done he relaxes without a care in the world. 

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