The Force Sage of the Dark Side

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

While flying through space Naruto decides to work on his piloting skills so he can navigate through anything he spends several days practicing but he also knows that he can't do it forever so he plots a course for Mandalore instead of jumping to hyperspace or putting it on autopilot he does it himself.

He gets there in a month he lands his ship on of the landing platforms before he gets out of the ship he hides his headband cloak and clothes he is wearing in a smugglers hole in the ship he also puts a seal on it so only he can open it next he opens a scroll that he always carries attached to his thigh it has a spare set of clothes which are plain red tshirt plain white and black jacket plain black pants and he's wearing black ninja sandals after that he transforms into a plain looking guy with brown hair and brown eyes his hairstyle is really plain and short.

Naruto takes the keys out of the ship he opens the smugglers hole opens a scroll takes out his snake wallet closes the scroll this time puts the seal on the bottom of the door instead of the top he also erases the one on top once he checks that everything looks like it did when he bought it he leaves the ship he starts checking out the planet is amazed by what he sees the planet has lush forests.

Grasslands , jungles , deserts , lakes , mountains the planet of Mandalore is a terrestrial world spanning nine thousand two hundred kilometers in diameter standard gravity and two moons the closet trade route to the system is the Hydian Way a super-hyperroute which connects to major planets such as Eriadu and Malastare Naruto made his way through the outskirts of the planet.

Before he left he made sure to lock up his ship just in case it could be stolen without the keys on his way to the capital he wasn't going there because he had to he was just curious about the planet he could have made clones and explored this planet much faster but he wanted to enjoy exploring without them he finally made it to a village but when he got there he noticed something was off with the populace.

Atleast to him something was off because everyone was cheering for people to fight not to the death but just cheering for two people to fight each other he walks up to one of the people cheering he grabs their sleeve the woman looks at him frowns then asks what do you want he lets her sleeve go he asks is this type of behavior normal in civilized society she was caught off guard at his question at first.

But she smirks once she fully processes it then says maybe not other places but in every town and village on Mandalore it's like this Naruto says i must be more out of touch with people than i realized if something like this has become commonplace in society today those listening to their conversation can tell that this young man is speaking like someone who's been in isolation for decades or in prison for the same amount of time either way they can tell that he has no experience with people.

The elder of the village closes his eyes senses something is off about the young man he was just looking at he knows that he can't quite wield the force like a jedi but he can use it to enhance his senses to a level beyond anything humans can do and he senses a power far greater than any jedi he has ever met in this young man also while he digs deeper which takes everything he has he can tell that this hair eyes and face isn't what he really looks like but he says nothing to the others.

Instead he walks up to Naruto says young man come with me i think you and i have alot of things to talk about not seeing the harm he follows the elder to his tent the elder sits down focuses his energy into a crystal so no one can see hear or enter the tent Naruto sits down the old man makes a fire then he starts boiling water he says my name is Nomak you can drop your disguise my young friend no one will find out your secret i promise Naruto sighs.

The transformation goes away revealing his true form showing almost golden blonde hair lightning blue eyes 3 whisker marks on his cheeks his outfit didn't change also his power smacked Nomak in the face as the crystal also reveals the true strength of those in it's area Naruto asks how did you know that i was hiding my true face Nomak says through an ancient power as old as the universe itself this intrigues Naruto but something else pops into Nomak's head.

Nomak asks how did you change your face Naruto replies through an ancient power as old as the human race itself this shocks Nomak not realizing that humans were capable of this kind of power but both realize while mulling over the others power if a warrior tribe got ahold of their powers the universe would be doomed so they both decide to keep their powers secret from the Mandalorians however both are curious about the others powers.

Naruto closes his eyes focuses chakra to his senses he can sense a foreign energy coming from Nomak also his chakra system is way too weak to teach him how to use it he can also sense that this foreign energy inside of Nomak is just barely present and is not only keeping him alive but is also slowly eating away at his body when he pushes it too far when he voices this to Nomak he just laughs and says i know i learned about the side effects 40 years ago.

Nomak says i was much stronger then probably the strongest warrior on this planet at the time but as the years went and throughout the countless battles that i've put my body through while using this power it came at a great cost now at 65 years of age i have the body of someone four times my age because i was reckless young and thought i was invincible it turns out that using this power of mine to heal my wounds constantly then rushing back into battle has shortened my lifespan by quite a bit.

Naruto looks at him with a puzzled expression Nomak sighs and says if done right even with the same amount of injuries i had you could live up to 100 years but only sparring like the young ones do because they have never known war they can live up to 120 years old the longest we can live is 200 years old but no one has ever lived to be that old on our world before the oldest one among us is only 145 years old.

Nomak looks at Naruto then asks how old are you Naruto says you wouldn't believe me if i told you Nomak says try me Naruto says so far i'm about 4,000 years or so i've lost count after that number Nomak looks shocked then says that's impossible no human can live to be that old Naruto says you guys can live up to 200 so why is my number so unbelievable.

Nomak laughs then says indeed i sometimes forget that i'm not talking to teenager when we talk to each other but someone who has the wisdom of someone my age but something puzzles me why did you speak outside as if you were completely cut off from civilization Naruto says because i was for most of my life i was isolated in one area left completely alone to do whatever i wanted only called when i was tasked to eliminate someone no one else could.

Nomak sighs knowing there's more than what he's saying but he also realizes that he will never hear the truth or his background no matter how nice he his because he can tell that the young man in front of him doesn't trust anyone except for himself which is a very dangerous path to follow he just hopes no one figures out how to manipulate this to their advantage or everything might be destroyed in his wake.

They continue talking for a few hours then Naruto puts his disguise back on leaves the tent then the village itself the woman Naruto initially talked to walks into his tent greets her master she sits in front of him then asks is something wrong master Nomak he says yes and no Chelsey that young man who just left the force has shown me a vision of his future she asks and is he a threat to us.

Nomak says no not to Mandalore atleast not yet in fact he doesn't have any plans to hurt any of the planets he will visit in the next few years just explore them she sighs in relief he says but i must warn you do nothing to hurt him antagonize him betray him or do anything to make him angry or there won't be anything left of Mandalore to even bury the dead with he will completely destroy the planet and both moons as well.

She gulps at that then she starts to think how to take him out before her thoughts get too deep he smacks her upside the head with his cane she asks what was that for he says i just told you to do nothing but leave him alone and you're already thinking of starting our extinction before we even develop the means to travel to other planets so far we can barely travel to our moons don't do anything to hurt our planet.

She says okay but what's this vision of him that you had he says it was pretty foggy but it seems like there was two ways he could go he could be the most powerful jedi there ever was doing heroic deeds all over the universe or he could be the greatest evil the universe will ever see ushering in an era of darkness likes of which there has never been before but each time i look at the dark side of the vision i see a woman behind him whispering in his ear to do all of the evil acts he will commit. 

Chelsey asks what kind of woman could do that he seemed like a nice boy a little weird for my tastes but to seduce him to commit unspeakable acts of evil is just plain wrong Nomak says it doesn't matter because you and i have no bearing on his future neither does Mandalore he only came here because he wanted to see other planets not to conquer us chelsey sighs in relief Nomak says no what he's looking to conquer as of right now is the criminal organizations and the weapons trade.

Chelsey asks is there anything we can do to get him on our side Nomak says other than being friendly no and no seductions he doesn't need that right now she nods he says besides i've already laid out the ground work for him to want to side with us Chelsey says i'm not going to ask how you did it or know that but i'll go with it for now

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