Chapter 1: Prologue
Naruto Uzumaki was born on October 10th he was the most hated person in his whole world not just his village because the Kyuubi attacked every village not just the leaf the leaf was just the last place of it's rampage no one knew why it was attacking just that it was but on October 10th the Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto his life was filled with hate and misery from the moment he was born.
He didn't let that stop him from being the greatest hero the Elemental Nations have ever seen despite finding love with several women they cheated on him with other men that they left him for even though they treated those women like crap and had much smaller packages they still went back to their abusive boyfriends after that Naruto decided to never love again.
No matter who tried all he'd do is have sex but eventually he even stopped doing that as the last woman he laid with almost killed him and almost got him to give up the kyuubi during sex so he went on a rampage killing every member of the group she was apart of except for her he even freed every tailed beast that they captured years later a new group called Kara tried to pick up where they left off and almost succeeded they even planted a chakra tree.
all the other tailed beasts got sucked into it as did everyone else's chakra Naruto killed all of them before they could eat it he did the same with the Otsutsuki except Kaguya she actually helped him kill the others then returned everyone else's chakra but not the tailed beasts chakra she even sealed the zero tails inside the chakra fruit and gave it to Naruto to eat he ate it like he was told to and he felt his body change in ways he couldn't even fathom.
Not only was his chakra reserves skyrocketing but his body was changing also he was becoming immortal never to be killed not even if he was dropped in lava or had his head chopped off also his limitations on chakra were being erased Kurama could do nothing but watch as this happened he really hoped that Naruto survived this process so that they could get to work on some real training.
However this wasn't a quiet affair everyone became aware of the power surge and saw Naruto becoming far more powerful than them they weren't going to stand and watch so they tried to stop it or kill him not realizing that each jutsu was making him stronger and that his body was learning how to do each one they launched at him it was also learning how to survive each technique.
By the time each person was out of chakra they had launched every kind of jutsu from D rank to S rank of every kind there is one year later Naruto was finally finished with his transformation he woke up at the Valley of the End and had to swim to the top no one bothered to check if he survived because they thought the jutsus and the drowning killed him finally when he got the water out of his lungs he was shown what happened while he was asleep.
Instead of looking for revenge he heads to Uzushiogakure gets passed all of the traps Kurama puts a barrier over it so no one can sense him or find him Naruto sees that it's been left as it was when it was invaded he scours the village he sees Konoha , Stone , Cloud , and Sand head bands among the Uzu ones he buries his kinsman then takes every artefact that they have on them.
Everything from weapons to jutsu scrolls he also looks through every diary then has Kurama copy it but alter them so that it doesn't say that they were coming here but exploring beyond the Elemental Nations as their final entry Kurama even borrowed some of Naruto's new power to change their mission orders to what Naruto wanted no one will be the wiser Naruto sends disguised clones to each nation with the bodies.
After that Naruto explored the island had his clones rebuild it completely then sent clones to explore the rest of the world while they were doing that Naruto went into the Uzumaki vaults inside he found several things but what intrigued him the most was that there was a letter with his name on it from his parents he didn't even know that his parents wanted him let alone loved him the things in the vault are:
a scroll of fuinjutsu
diagrams of every sword ever forged including the swords of the seven swordsmen of the mist
a summoning contract
a book on the clan laws of the Uzumaki
a book on the history of the Uzumaki clan
a large scroll that's locked with a blood seal so not just anyone can open it
a map of the world
every type of currency
a scroll on poison jutsu
Naruto put everything in their own sealing scroll then put everything in a huge sealing scroll with an orange Uzumaki symbol on it next he decided to go into a deep meditation until Kurama told him to awaken so he could get control of his new found powers while this was happening years were passing like seconds and the humans were changing but the Elemental Nations remained undiscovered.
To the rest of the world being able to wield chakra was a myth Naruto's clones have been keeping track of the rest of the world for centuries and know everything there is to know about the planet including how to conquer it should he wish it before they dispel they see something new spaceships arriving to the planet they study this for years until they have enough information for Naruto that they know that the new visitors won't stop his plans.
They dispel he gets every memory they have from every clone he sees every country that ever existed rise and fall from the beginning to the end he sees every age there is including the space age he also has every piece of paperwork that they have ever sent him on everything from the building of a bridge to taking over a country he has every secret this planet has including all of it's knowledge except for the rest of ninja stuff he needs to learn.
He comes out of his meditation Kurama says don't worry every book and scroll that has ever been written by your people has been protected by me while you were meditating all you have to do is collect them for yourself Naruto nods then sends clones to every nation all over the Elemental Nations they grab everything including every issue of every bingo book ever made.
They even bring him every weapon there is including every single one of the sage of the six paths treasures Kurama seals them away in the same place that Hagoromo is sealed at next Naruto gets to work on creating his ultimate weapon he takes the Kubikiribocho , Samehada , Kusanagi, Kiba, and a bunch of other swords combining them with space rock as well as the strongest metal earth has to make two scimitars both have foxes on them.
One is a black blade with with orange lightning on it the other is black with orange flames on it it looks like a fox is trying to eat the sword on the cross guard the handle is metal and wrapped in burnt orange cloth with a sheathe that's burnt orange with white foxes on it Naruto sheathes his new blades then pulls out a wooden training sword he summons a clone while Kurama trains him on kenjutsu.
Naruto creates thousands of clones has them train all over the Elemental Nations in everything including genjutsu and medical ninjutsu he wants to completely master chakra the training is slow but every clone trainins in every facet of being a shinobi it takes centuries to master everything but they do it there is however a couple things that they couldn't train in because they were clones.
Those being the 8 gates , the 8 heavenly breaths , sage jutsu , summoning jutsu , Kurama's chakra , how a real ninja fights, how to fight like a samurai( both naruto world and the real ones), Niju Shotai , master the power in Naruto's new swords when they all dispelled Naruto not only got all of their memories and knowledge but their speed strength and power as well he even got their fatigue.
Once he was properly rested Naruto decided to leave everything else for later as he needed to rest a little bit so he headed to hot spring country to enjoy the hot springs there despite enjoying the hot springs he was kind of sad at being the only survivor of the ninjas Kurama tells him that Kaguya left him one final gift in the waterfall village but in order to claim it he was going to have to pass a trial of sorts.
He heads there he sees what looks like a surviving member of the Akatsutski he's dressed in a black cloak with red clouds he's wearing a waterfall headband has green eyes has a cloth over his mouth and feels like the combined power of every member of Kara and Akatsutski combined Naruto smirks then says "i was hoping for a challenge please tell me that you can entertain me Kakazu."
Kakazu is taken aback at how the nine tailed brat knows his name as he has kept himself away from both groups on purpose so he could kill every ninja in existence Naruto says "it looks like i'll finally get to be able to exterminate the last of the Akatsutski/Kara members"Kakazu growls and says" you lie nobody can match us Naruto asks if that is true then why does your ring contain all of their speed strength and power as well as all of their jutsu?"
Kakazu can't argue with that logic as using the ring's power actually made his job a million times easier but even with it he wasn't able to access the hero water Kakazu doesn't even hesitate he throws his cloak off of him then creates his four mask monsters while leaving the earth one for himself then uses it to alter his body so that he can handle close combat and mid- range combat he also uses it to alter his body so that he can both attack and defend.
Naruto was at first surprised by what he sees then he sighs hoping to not destroy this place he creates several clones who catch them off gaurd and he shunshins them to the desert on the way to the sand village Kakazu asks where are we Naruto scoffs and says "you should recognize this place as you traveled this desert to kill the third Kazekage for Sasori so he could have his ultimate puppet."
Kakazu nods in recognition Naruto says" we can fight to our hearts content out here without fear of destroying anything historic or valuable" Kakazu scoffs then says" idk why you are protecting this place but i'll respect your wishes it's why i let you go through with your plan to bring me here" Naruto says" you wouldn't understand even if you lived a hundred lifetimes besides you're on your last life".
Kakazu doesn't say anything instead he sends his masks to attack Naruto who opens a scroll summons water then creates a mirror then sends every jutsu back at them thus destroying them Kakazu was about to attack Naruto himself but Naruto went through hand seals then created a giant 9 tailed fox out of lightning when he was trying to fight it the ring he was wearing disappeared and the fox ate him killing him.
Naruto went back to the village he saw every ring from both organizations glowing then floating in the air he followed after them they led him to the hero water they went into the water once it was done the water went from looking like silver water to looking like a rainbow then all of the water floated towards him he saw that there was enough for two so he put half in a canteen then the rest he drank it in a cup once finished it went back to what it was instead of the possibility of giving someone chakra now only Naruto can do that.
Now the water will only give you speed and strength beyond what a human is capable of doing Naruto also added the regular hero water to the canteen the two combined and became so powerful that if the right person drank it they could equal Naruto in speed strength and power he doesn't know this but he seals it away in a blood scroll just in case next he heads to the Niju shotai base.
He opens it up sees that they were the border patrol for every nation including the smaller ones so Naruto trains in their ways and uses clones to act as enemies once he has perfected every tactic he does the same with the Kakkoku no Shugonin they were the Guardian shinobi for all 5 great nations once he completed his training he went to the Land of Iron to train as a samurai.
Kurama put him through hell during his samurai training he even created clones of Mifune and other samurai that were alive throughout history to teach him once his training was complete he stayed there to train like a proper ninja who's motto is to be seen is to die once he goes through every type of ninja training there is he regrets not bringing warmer clothes but Kurama reminds him that there will be colder places than this on his journey.
Next Naruto trains in the 8 gates and the 8 heavenly breaths no matter how much he trains he can't go passed 4 on each one on so he gets the bright idea to combine them Kurama is intrigued and will heal him when he gets hurt Naruto starts at the first gate and the first breath it takes awhile to get them to synch but they do eventually merge together the excess power from the merge however is too much for him to control and the strain on his body is almost too much to bear.
Naruto sticks with it it takes him 50 years but he's able to successfully combine all 4 levels of the 8 gates and the 8 heavenly breaths he does it so well that he's able to change the color of the chakra to whatever he wants he chooses a dark orange color like his shippuden outfit which he's currently wearing Naruto decides to open the blood scroll from his clan vault.
He heads back to Uzu then opens it there's a puff of smoke then a few scrolls fall out he sets them aside but the one that catches his eye is a fox summoning contract he's confused he summons the other summoning contract and it has ? on it and Naruto can't open it it locks itself with a blood lock which surprises both Kurama and Naruto he seals it away then opens the fox contract Kurama stops him and asks are you sure there are much more ancient and powerful contracts than mine.
Naruto says no there isn't my clones checked every other contract has disappeared only yours and the mystery one remain also according to Kaguya the power from the other contracts went to yours the others refuse to be summoned or interacted with ever again Kurama understands so Naruto signs the contract then does the hand signs instead of summoning a fox he gets summoned to the fox realm.
He arrives in an ornate building that a daimyo would live in surrounded by several well dressed foxes whose powers are no greater than a chunins Naruto looks around impressed then asks why was i summoned here instead of summoning a fox the oldest one there sighs then says it's too dangerous for summons to leave their realm Naruto laughs at this they think that he is insulting him.
Naruto says i'm the last ninja in existence don't believe me take a look at the Elemental Nations Kurama grants them some power to do just that and they see that he is right it's completely deserted everyone hasn't disappeared they're just dead they show this to every summoning creature there is with more power from Kurama every summoning realm including the mystery one sees that Naruto is the last ninja left however the mystery realm begins to scheme on how they can get him to fall to the dark side so they search for someone worthy to corrupt him.
The foxes sense Kurama inside of him after they cut off the vision some think that he is Kurama's reincarnation other's think he's keeping Kurama prisoner the rest know the truth that this was forced on him at birth without his consent so they take him to learn their techniques the best warriors and the most gifted among them begin his training first is the kitsune claw style.
It involves pushing chakra into your hands to actually create claws it takes Naruto a month to do this but he does it next is the actual fighting style it involves being fast strong having good reflexes good offence good defense using genjutsu and coating your limbs in elemental chakra while you fight it takes Naruto 4 years to master it next is their sword style Naruto uses his new swords.
It's called the Kitsune trickster style because you do the same thing as you do while you are fighting without a sword but only the genjutsu is alot more complicated so much so that they don't even realize that they were in a battle with you in the first place or even moving or even fighting anyone until you behead them it takes Naruto 10 years to learn and master this style completely.
Next is their ninjutsu they have 5 elemental ones and 4 other kinds the first justsu they teach him is called Kitsune eyes it allows him to not only see in the dark but see through walls as well as see up to 9,000 feet he masters it in a month next is Rashoman a defensive summoning jutsu it can go up to a hundred but they teach him to strengthen each gate so that he only needs 9 gates each gate is stronger and sturdier than the last one before it also it takes less chakra to summon each time.
Naruto doesn't move on he continues to improve the Rashoman gates until the first gate is as strong as the ninth gate he continues with this until each gate is stronger than all one hundred levels combined next is his first elemental jutsu the Kitsune fortress it's an earth style jutsu that actually looks like a fortress but has an image of Kurama on it what's hard about this jutsu other than the shape of it is that it's made up of every type of rock and earth there is.
Naruto completes it in 3 months his next jutsu is a wind one called the Kitsune vortex it's a giant fox that's shooting giant tornadoes everywhere next is the Kitsune maelstrom it's a giant whirlpool in the shape of Kurama next is the Kitsune bi it's a giant stream of flames in a color of your choice that takes the shape of Kurama that rampages then shoots out a stream of fire.
Next is the Kitsune genbu a lightning jutsu that takes the form of a giant 9 tailed fox but adds separate elements to it's tails while combining elements in it's mouth it's the ultimate jutsu of the foxes next is the collaboration jutsu Naruto combines his jutsu with the other foxes to do this his chakra has to be in synch with theirs also there is the final jutsu of the foxes the Kitsune shadow possession it allows Naruto to occupy other peoples shadows and travel without being seen heard smelled or sensed unless they can sense energy.
Last thing for Naruto to learn is sage mode they don't have any sages so they send him to the toads to learn it the training in sage mode goes like it did in the show except they don't have a time limit and Naruto doesn't get frog features he gets fox features also Kurama gives Fukasku the fox sage fighting style scroll to teach Naruto which isn't too different it's the same concept just different moves.
Once his sage training is complete and he can stay in sage mode without a time limit he heads back to Uzu to complete his training when he gets there he sees everything is how he left it he picks up the scrolls one is labeled crystal style the other is labeled storm release the other is labeled lava style and the last one is labeled shadow style it locks itself with a blood lock that he can't open as does the scroll in his big scroll labeled ice style/snow style also another scroll does the same thing it's labeled the fall of man.
The fall of man is a how to guide on how to not only seduce men to do whatever a woman wants but also it has step by step instructions on how to make sure that every type of man will do whatever you want no matter who they are women all over the earth got together and worked on this book even those from the Elemental Nations helped write it Naruto not aware of any of this just sealed everything away including his swords he pulled out a ninjato.
Strapped it on the small of his back he used a seal to shorten it so it looked like a dagger on the sheathe but when he pulled it from the sheathe it was a full size sword next he put on a black cloak that the Akatsutski wore but his has orange foxes on it also he's wearing a black headband with an Uzumaki swirl on it he does the same with his big scrolls makes them smaller then hides them so no one can see them his wallet is a frog name Gama filled with every type of currency both ancient and current.
Next he goes to the edge of the Elemental Nations then seals it so no one but him can get in then he leaves he travels the world until he arrives at the space port leading off world oddly enough he's not the weirdest person that they have seen so far just one that was dressed like he was going to war not for space travel he walks up to someone selling tickets Naruto first tries Japanese then every other Asian language nothing works then he tries English still nothing works.
Naruto tries the European languages next oddly enough they work as each person there speaks Italian, French , German , Polish, Hungarian, Russian , Spanish, Turkish, and Latin Naruto is able to buy a ticket off world but the ship won't be back for another week Naruto waits for a week then enters the ship he's surprised that they don't check him for a weapon but he lets it slide.
The ship takes off Naruto is amazed by what he sees having never been to space before he's acting like a little kid someone speaks English to him asking hey kid is this your first time Naruto says yes it is where i come from this kind of thing just thinking about it would get you killed faster than we are travelling everyone on the ship gulps a little afraid of how he grew up but they ask anyway Naruto says i was trained to fight and die since birth i've never known anything else.