The Forbidden World

Chapter 2471 - Empathize

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The seemingly dilapidated apartment building echoed with crisp and powerful footsteps. The burly figure shuttled through the corridor and walked firmly towards his goal.

On the top floor of the apartment building, in a confined space constructed by multiple rooms connected to the attic, the intermittent irregular lighting continuously induces the illusion of the watchers, plus many debris placed around it, just like one wants to break into all The labyrinths devoured by all.

In fact, this is a maze. The number of spells arranged here, combined with the intricate environment, transforms the physical and spells into a maze here, hindering all people who intend to approach.

But this is useless to the man walking in it at the moment.

Although he stopped several times and showed a very troublesome look, he was not half confused. Until the end, he did not miss the route and went straight to the deepest part of the labyrinth, a small study room.

In the study room of the Japanese room, the walls and ceiling are buried in bookshelves, and ancient books and scrolls, exotic portraits and incense burners, and other objects of unknown purpose are densely stacked on it.

Opened books and bookcases, discarded paper and ink, and dried-up pens were scattered on the tatami, and there was even a desk lying on the ground.

Ancient, extremely decadent study.

There is an altar in the corner of the study, and the old man sitting at the front of the altar with his back to the door is the goal of his trip.

“The road is full.”

A very strong voice, sounded in the study, the old man did not look back, but just kept the movements in his hand, and responded: “It’s you… really lost you can find here.”

“A spell maze? Doesn’t work for me.”

The one-armed man leaned on the door with his intact right arm and said succinctly: “I asked your gods, it is said that you are about to start acting.”

“What a talkative god.”

Speaking of complaining words, but there is no half complaint in the old man’s tone, but there are j points of joy, it seems that this disobedient **** is just what he wants.

The one-armed man ignored the old man’s complaint and asked solemnly, “Can’t you wait now?”

Realizing why the one-armed man came to his old man and smiled softly: “What, really, do you care too much?”

“answer my question.”

The tone of the man’s voice is still cold, and it doesn’t seem that the old man said the central thing, but the body’s momentum changed from rude to fierce, so clear.

The old man didn’t pursue this, and giggled twice.

“My goal is elsewhere, there is nothing to worry about.”

There was no positive answer, but when it came to this part, the one-armed man couldn’t say anything. He could only sigh, and then looked at the study.

From the time of entering to the present, the old man has not looked back and is busy with his own affairs. Upon closer inspection, the old man is writing mysterious mantras on black cesium paper that is as thick as the abyss. The study, beside the altar, on a rectangular t-box that does not match the style of this place, covered with this type of spell, is really eye-catching.

“What made you change your mind?”

The one-armed man did not give up asking. He knew that the old man in front of him would be connected with the double horns, but he did not think that the old man in front of him would let the double horns dominate. The reason why the old man enters so much in advance is bound to have its own reason.

The old man’s answer made the one-armed man stunned.


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