The Flying Emporium

Chapter 91

“Right! My understanding is that you are not originally from around here?” It was more of a statement than a question. “You see, both Malcos and even Rhenia, for that matter, are more, let’s say, progressive, than some of our neighbors. I guess you could say it comes with the territory,” Markus said jokingly. “I sometimes forget that…” he paused and hid an unsavory expression. “Well, not everybody shares our values.” The young man shot Severin a prompting look, swallowing a bunch of other things he wanted to add.

But not only wasn’t he representing just himself, right now they weren’t even in Malcos. Someone in his position knew that at this moment, it wouldn’t be wise to potentially antagonize an important future ally. After all, making an ally and deepening their relationship was what this whole conversation was about in the first place.

Severin didn’t notice Markus’s strained facial expression. Nor his cue. He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts; hearing the words but not really listening to them.

Those thoughts were heavily influenced by countless hours of all things fantasy. Be it games, books, or movies. Before coming to this world, fantasy presented in one form or the other was an integral part of Severin’s life.

“What races are we talking about?” Severin tried to calm himself down and suppress his excitement. He inhaled. Exhaled. Slowly, heavily.

As a result, his voice sounded deeper than usual. More grave.

Markus’ expression became even stiffer. He didn’t like the other party’s tone.

More important than the tone, however, was that his, not all that subtle, unspoken question was answered by a counter-question. As if Severin’s reply might vary depending on his own answer.

Apparently, the [Shopkeeper] wasn’t the only one to misunderstand the other’s intentions.

Samuel noticed the strange atmosphere. Maybe he even had an accurate grasp on the situation playing out between the two people in front of him. He intervened before things could escalate into something ugly. With an admonishing look, he slightly elbowed his companion before he turned to address the other man.

“I reckon on your travel’s you should’ve already made contact with most of the races on this continent, no?” The [Berserker] somehow knew that Severin’s question was innocent in nature and that it didn’t carry any hidden meanings. However, this was all the more reason to make him suspicious. Instead of answering, he tried to sound Severin out.

‘Fuck! Would I ask if I did!?’ Severin wanted to shout but managed to get a hold of himself at the last moment. By now, even he realized something wasn’t right. He focused again.

His excuse had always been that he came from a faraway place. One so far away that he wasn’t even aware of the most basic and common knowledge. One which must’ve required him to put a long and arduous journey behind him to have reached this piece of flying rock.

If he wanted to keep his story straight, he had to come up with something.

‘This is a land bridge, right? With Malcos in the south and that other country up north. Then to the east and west…’

“I traveled by sea. From a very remote place,” Severin mechanically nodded his head as if trying to convince himself of his shoddy lie.

Markus and Samuel both gave him an incredulous look. He instinctively knew if he didn’t beat them to it, they would start asking more unpleasant questions. He reluctantly gave up on his previous question and quickly tried to change the topic.

“You mentioned something regarding the ‘territory’?”

The moment the words crossed his lips, Severin wanted to kick himself.

‘What kind of question is that?’

But it was too late. Now all he could do was stand there and try to look as innocent as possible.

Five seconds of unbearable silence followed until Samuel showed mercy and finally replied.

“The Golden Gates. That’s what Malcos and Rhenia are sometimes called. Well, some only refer to Hanvia and Karn when they say this. If one ignores the direct seaway,” Samuel put special emphasis on the last word, “those are the only two access points to the Golden Mountains.

With the Mountains living up to their name, fame- and fortune-seekers from all over the continent make it their destination.

And with adventurers usually come merchants and crafters and the like.

As such, these two cities over time became the trading hubs they now are.

Makes for a comparatively diverse and open-minded population with its influence reaching far beyond the city walls.

Not saying it’s perfect, but compared to some of the more isolated countries…“

Severin listened attentively to Samuel’s brief explanation, and while he was grateful for being let off the hook, he harbored some serious doubts. ‘That’s how it works?’

Severin figured the danger was mostly averted as long as he didn’t push the matter and give Markus and Samuel the opportunity to make inquiries on their own. He remembered the original question regarding his preferences.

“I see. Well. I’ll rely on your judgment to hire whoever you think is most suitable.” Severin not only tried to avoid a blunder but thought himself to be clever at the same time.

In his mind, phrasing it like that might reveal the existence of racials-race specific traits that would enable a person to excel at certain tasks.

It did not.

“Of course,” Markus simply assured him.

At this point, the shopkeeper was frustrated to no end.

To what extent did the laws of this world govern its people? How far did his game-knowledge hold up? What races did exist on this planet? Were they ‘balanced’? What about the classes? Would it be possible for him to in the future hire an elven barmaid?

He wanted to know. Was that really too much to ask for?

Severin grew impatient. He simply couldn’t let the matter go and rather bluntly voiced one of his observations.

“You know…I noticed that... well, so far none of my customers seemed… They have all been human.”


The booming voice took him by surprise.

So did the enormous hand that suddenly and without warning, slapped him on the back and caused him to look at his newly discovered health pool in panic.

“So you think my size is simply the result of being a [Berserker]?”

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