The Flip Side

Chapter 11: Supercon

Chapter 20 is available for Patreons

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[Friday, Apr 12th]

It’s school as usual today, so I don’t have a lot to say about it.

I will say that I love being a member of the cheer squad. All the girls are so nice and we get along extremely well. After eating lunch, we’re sitting outside talking when they found out I know nothing about fashion or using makeup. Victoria and Alla volunteered to teach me about fashion and Savannah told me she’d teach me how to use makeup since her mother is a makeup artist and taught her. I have to say, I’m not even sure I want to learn how to use makeup.

I’m astounded that it was less than two weeks ago that I was friendless. Admittedly, I never wanted to become a girl, but now, I honestly think that if Eris offered to reset everything to how it was before, I’d turn him down flat without a moment’s thought. I still feel rather awkward when boys approach me, but other than that, I’m enjoying my new life. I don’t know if I’ll always feel that way about boys, but I suppose it’s one of those things I’ll just have to wait and see how things turn out.

Anyway, Alla and I head back to my place after school. We go up to my room, put on some anime, make out and cuddle in bed until 5:00. We stop to get a burger to eat and then go back to school to meet up with everyone else before the game. Oh, in case you were wondering, on game days we wear our cheerleader uniforms to school, so there was no need for us to go to Alla’s house.

We arrive at school shortly before 6:30. I don’t do much, other than pay careful attention to the cheers and routines they perform. The game ends a little after 9:30 after an extra inning. We won by two runs.

[Saturday, Apr 13th]

The alarm wakes me up at 6:30. After showering, I brush out and blow dry my hair. I then dress in a simple halter top, skirt, stockings and ankle boots. I grab my school shoes to wear with the costume, my purse, phone and keys, and I head downstairs to eat. Mom won’t be up, so I just need to have a quick breakfast before I head to Alla’s. Quickly making some sausage and eggs, I eat, clean everything up, pick up my stuff and head out to my car.

Once I arrive at Alla’s house, I ring the doorbell. A couple of minutes later she answers the door while yawning. I don’t say a word and just take her in my arms and kiss her. She must still be half asleep because it takes her a few moments to return my kiss. I pull back a few moments later and smile at her and say, “Good morning.”

“Good morning. What time is it?”

“About a quarter to eight.”

“What are you doing here so early?”

“I’m hungry and I want to eat before the Supercon.”

She shakes her head and says, “Well, get in here, but you know I can’t cook.”

After she closes the door, I ask, “Who said anything about cooking?”

She looks at me confused and asks, “What do you want to eat then?”

Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I take her in my arms again and kiss her. A few minutes later I break it, nuzzle her cheek and murmur, “You.”

She leans back to look at me, shakes her head and then smiles. Taking my hand, she wordlessly leads me upstairs. This might very well make us late for the start of the Supercon, but I could care less since we haven’t had a lot of alone time for the last couple of days.

This morning is slow and sweet. After undressing, we take our time, slowly and steadily arousing each other by kissing, touching, licking and nibbling. When she brings me to orgasm, I completely lose myself for several minutes. Once I have myself back under control, I begin to kiss and lick my way down her stomach as she closes her eyes surrendering herself to me. Wasting little time when I reach her vagina, I plunge my tongue inside her to find she’s sopping wet, which I eagerly lap up. She gasps loudly and arches her back while squirming and mewling. I gently massage her clit as I do until she finally gasps loudly as her orgasm takes her making her barely able to breathe beyond gasps and shuddering as the sensations rampage throughout her.

When I climb back up and cuddle on top of her, I kiss her again and then nuzzle against her neck as the echoes of her orgasm continue to pulsate through her.

After she settles down, she murmurs, “Andie, if you keep that up, I'm going to fall in love with you.”

I raise up to look at her with a mischievous grin and tell her, “Pfft! You already love me. How could you not? I’m irresistible.”

She giggles and then kisses me. “Pretty, smart, athletic and funny. Yep, you’re irresistible alright.”

“Damn right I am, but you left out sexy.”

She giggles again. “Very true. Thank you for correcting me.” She glances at the clock and sighs. “We need to shower and dress. We’re already going to be late for the opening.”

“Don’t even try to tell me that us being together like this isn’t worth being a little late.”

She kisses me and then says, “Trust me, I’ll never say that.”

Grinning slyly, I say, “Good, then one more time?” Her smile as she pulls me to her for a kiss says all that I need to know. After our second round, I climb back on top to cuddle and murmur, “Alla, I love the way you taste and feel against me, but you really need to shave. Your stubble is a little rough.”

“Sorry. We all aren’t as lucky as you.”

“It’s not a big deal.” I raise up to look at her when an idea occurs to me. “Hey, do you want me to shave you?”

She looks at me with an astonished expression as she asks, “What? Uh, you don’t mind?”

I smile and shake my head. “Not at all. In fact, I’d enjoy doing it for you.”

I won’t go into all of the details, but we got up, I shaved her, we showered and dried off. We blow dried and brushed out each other’s hair. After dressing, we made a few minor adjustments in the mirror, quickly gathered our things and headed out to my car.

On the ride there, she takes my hand to hold it as we talk about what we're going to do at the Supercon. She has several panel discussions she wants us to see and there are a couple of performances as well. She said she’d like for us to try to get several autographs from some of the celebrities that are attending and last, but certainly not least, for us to take part in the amateur cosplay contest.

After we park my car, we have a good distance to walk to the entrance since the event has already begun. Though I would have parked out here anyway because there’s less of a chance for some moron to ding my car.

Well, I’ll skip all the details and give you the highlights-only version of our many hours at Supercon. We sat through 3 discussion panels. One of them was animators discussing possible upcoming anime productions, which we thoroughly enjoyed. There were a couple of performances we watched as well. One of them was the Love Live! cosplay group performance. I’d say their choreography showed just how hard they worked on this. After that, we entered an amateur cosplay contest and, believe it or not, we placed 3rd and won $500.

We walked around and looked at tons of exhibits as well. During all of that, we were stopped innumerable times by people asking to take our picture. We also got several autographs: Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Jonathan Frakes and J. Michael Straczynski. We wanted to get more, but the lines are always really long for them. Honestly, I think we were damn lucky to get the few we did.

I might also mention that I have no idea how many guys, and a few girls, asked us for our numbers, but it was quite a few. Truthfully, by 7:00 we were both tired and made our way out to my car. On the way home, we stopped and got cheeseburgers and fries. Once we made it to her house, I realized I had forgotten my overnight bag in my hurry to get to Alla’s house, so after dropping off Alla a little after eight, I headed home to get my overnight bag.

A few minutes later, I arrive, walk inside and announce, “I’m home.”

As I walk into the kitchen Mom turns and says, “Welcome home. Is that what you meant by cosplay?”

Smiling, I twirl for her and reply, “Yes. Cute, isn't it?”

She nods. “Did you have fun?”

Smiling brilliantly, I chirp excitedly, “Definitely! Alla and I had our picture taken so many times! We won $500 in a cosplay contest and got autographs from Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Jonathan Frakes and J. Michael Straczynski! We did so many things today that I can’t even begin to name them all!”

She chuckles and says, “Then I can see why you had your picture taken so much. Have you already eaten dinner?”

I nod. “Yes, we stopped and ate after the Supercon. I had to come home because I was so excited this morning that I forgot my overnight bag, so I dropped her off and came to get it.”

The angry voice of my dad makes me cringe inside as he growls out, “What in God’s name are you wearing?!”

Turning to look at him, I paste a pleasant smile on my face and tell him, “Hi Dad. Welcome home. This is a cosplay costume from an anime I like.”

His face reddens as he points at me and screams, “No daughter of mine is going to wear a skirt that short! You look like a slut! Before that, why weren’t you here to greet me when I got home?!”

Mom sighs and says, “Michael, you already knew where she was since I told you.” She looks at me. “Andrea, go get your bag. We’ll see you in the morning.”

I nod and turn to escape from the room. Dad gruffly demands, “Where do you think you are going, young lady?!”

Cringing inside again because I know what’s coming, I calmly reply, “I’m going to spend the night at a friends house. Mom knows her.”

His face turns purple as he screams, “Like hell you are! No daughter of mine is going to be a lesbian!”

Even though I knew, I’m still shocked at his vehemence, so it takes me a few moments before I can angrily demand, “How does two friends spending the night make them lesbians?” I’m so sick of his attitude about this!

He shouts, “Because they are sleeping together!”

Angrily, I snap back, “You’re making a lot of assumptions! That’s like saying if siblings share a bed that it’s incest!”

He stomps over and draws his hand back to slap me. When I close my eyes, I suddenly hear Mom slam her hands on the counter and yell, “That’s more than enough! Michael, if you touch my daughter, I’ll have you arrested and you’ll never lay eyes on either of us again!”

Opening my eyes, I see Dad staring at her incredulously. I turn to look at her and she says, “Andie, go get your bag.”

I nod wordlessly and head upstairs. No sooner do I close my door than I hear him yelling something and her yelling right back. I grab the bag I forgot and quietly make my way toward the front door, hoping to escape further attention from him, which I should have already known wasn’t going to happen.

As I pass the kitchen he screams at me, “If you leave this house, don’t bother coming back!”

Mom says, “Michael, I love you, but this ends here and now! Andrea is going to spend the night at her friend’s house. If you say one more word about it, I’ll divorce you. I’ve had it with you trying to control every single aspect of her life. She’s always been a good daughter, never been in trouble, never gives us any trouble and damn sure never given you a reason to act this way with her.”

He gives her a dirty look, but doesn’t say another word, simply turns and stomps off to their bedroom.

Mom comes over to me, takes me in her arms and quietly says, “It’s okay, Andie. Don’t even think that any of this is your fault. This has been a long time coming, and I’m no longer going to allow him to try to keep you in a bubble.”

Holding her a little tighter, I murmur, “Thank you Mom. I love you.”

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

Jordon Gotthold

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