The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The two cancers were sent away, and Finley ushered in. This deal is definitely not a loss. Finley’s salary is not more than half that of the two of them, but his combat power must be stronger than them. However, because Levi’s was sent to Denver, the Grizzlies’ internal line is extremely empty at present, which makes Jerry West a little headache.

Billy Knight walked in from the outside at this time, holding a video tape in his hand, "Jerry, maybe you don't have to worry too much about the inside. Look at this."

What does this video show?Jerry West opened the tape and began to watch it. This is the Grizzlies' preseason game. It's no different. Xiao Tian crushed Kobe and Marbury in every aspect, huh?That explosive head on the inside is a bit interesting, his sense of positioning and rebounding seems to be born the same.

"Is that afro also a member of our summer league, continue to give him a temporary contract, I want to see how he performs in the preseason."

Billy Knight was out right away, and Jerry West made another call right away. "Hi. Is that Doug? I'm Jerry West. Is there
Interested in making a deal with me..."

The Grizzlies didn't make it to the finals because Xiao Tian didn't continue to participate in the rest of the summer split. However, his performance in the two summer splits was a successful proof for himself. Compared to Levi's, he seemed to be more anticipated.

Without Xiao Tian’s delivery of shells, Daben also learned to find opportunities by himself. In these summer games, he averaged 15 rebounds per game, which is almost the most among all summer players. Even Camby, who is known as the mainstay of this draft, only had 10 rebounds.The Camby guy was still selected by Isiah Thomas because of the inertia of history, but he was no longer the second place, but he fell. Except for Isiah Thomas, no other team chose him at all.

In this way, the Raptors will definitely be strong on the inside. Divac and Camby, both offensive and defensive, are definitely something to watch in the regular season, but their current point guards, whether they are Little Momonga or Fan Crazy, they are not the kind of people who can pass the ball immediately. It is really unknown how these two guys will perform.

During the offseason, except for daily training, Xiao Tian spends the rest of the time with his younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage in Philadelphia. His training can be carried out in the system space, but Xiao Tian does not go to others, it does not mean that others will not come to him.

This day, I was telling stories to Harden’s little kids in the orphanage. Iverson and Stackhouse approached the door. These two people didn’t have a good impression of Xiao Tian, ​​especially Stackhouse. Last year, John Lucas’ invitation was rejected by Xiao Tian. As a result, Kobe, who had a bullfight with him, still lost to this Asian in the high school finals.

Compared with Stackhouse, Iverson's purpose is more pure. I just want to see what is so special about this guy who can beat Kobe 4 times in a row.

"Heaven, I finally found you. Are you interested in having a one-on-one match with me? You stole all the limelight from my champion."

Iverson didn't have any malice, he just had a fighting spirit. This is the answer, a fighter.

Xiao Tian put Harden off his lap, "One-on-one is fine, can you find seven more people, let's have a five-on-five game, after all basketball games are not just bullfights." Xiao Tian is confident in his own strength, but Iverson's butterfly walk is still too ghostly, if he loses, it will be a big embarrassment.

Five against five?Iverson glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​this guy was really different from Kobe, when he and Kobe had a fight, that guy agreed without hesitation, but the bullfight between the two was stopped by Allem in the end, and the two sides were tied.If it was five against five this time, it would not be a tie.

Five-on-five, Stackhouse is interested. Now that the summer split is over, there is still some time before the preseason. During this period, it is indeed possible to take a break.

The two sides quickly called seven people, Big Ben, Kobe, Antoine Walker, Raheem, Chris Robinson, Faike and Rodgers, the latter three of whom were all Grizzlies, rookies of the 76ers, and their scenery was completely inferior to Kobe and the others.

Ten people came to a basketball court in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Kobe was still full of fighting spirit. He was a combative maniac. He didn't want to lose no matter what the game was, so Kobe chose to be in a team with Xiao Tian. In addition to the two of them, there was also Big Ben, Rodgers, Faik, a complete defensive lineup, and on the other side were star-studded, Iverson, Robinson, Stackhouse, Raheem and Walker. Kobe is bad.

Before the game started, Xiao Tian called his teammates together, "In this game, if we want to win, we must not rely on singles. Kobe, you have to pass the ball. Of course, I will definitely pass it to you. Our lineup is incomparable to the opponent. It can be said that the opponent has four shooting points, and we only have one and a half."

After listening to Xiao Tian's words, Kobe didn't say much, just snorted arrogantly, his basketball IQ is still online, if he just blindly hits hard, it must be over.

The confrontation between the two sides also attracted many people from the suburbs of Philadelphia to watch. They were no strangers to Kobe and Xiao Tian. As for Iverson, the No. 76 pick, it goes without saying.Basically, the [-]ers have been doing various promotions for him these days.

The game was on the verge of breaking out. In the first round, Xiao Tian didn't go for a strong fight against Iverson. Instead, he made a pick-and-roll with Daben and passed the ball to Kobe.

In the first round, the disadvantages of Antoine Walker and Raheem were revealed. Both of them were representatives of strong offense and weak defense. The opponent's lineup had strong offensive firepower, but the defense was really lax.

Iverson attacked from Iverson's side, and Iverson chose to hit hard at the first time. The butterfly walk was indeed dazzling, but Xiao Tian made a gesture with Kobe, and Kobe started to move.

(End of this chapter)

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