The Final Desperation

176 – Gathering Point

The Bofas were a hospitable group, warmly welcoming Genji despite the ongoing turmoil. He found their cheerful demeanor surprising, but it offered a refreshing change from the events of the previous week.

After politely rejecting their social gatherings and meals, Genji sat down against a boulder and gradually chipped away at his ever-growing mound of vitality stones.

So far, he had absorbed 701 out of the 2011 pieces in his storage, bringing his maximum health to 14,088 points. This was less than expected because the vitality stones became half as effective after his total reached 12,500 points, the baseline for the third step. It took 250 pieces for him to reach that point from his previous 10,613.

Upon achieving that amount, Genji's vitality underwent a metamorphosis, becoming more robust and resilient to injuries. It wasn't a complete upgrade since his constitution was still lacking, but it did increase his natural healing speed and stamina.

After that, each vitality stone only yielded 3 to 4 points, resulting in a total of 1588 points from 451 pieces. Genji absorbed another 279 pieces, and his total reached 15,000. At this point, the vitality stones became less effective again, dropping to 2 to 3.

The next benchmark was 17,500 points, which required 989 pieces to complete, leaving him with only 42 stones and a conversion rate of 1 health per vitality stone. Genji decided to stop there, as the exchange rate had become so abysmal that it was almost negligible.

Calculating based on 250 health per constitution stat as the standard, it became apparent that these benchmarks aligned with the 50, 60, and 70 stat thresholds. In other words, Genji now possessed health equivalent to someone with 70 points in constitution!

Following the same pattern, Genji speculated that vitality stones would become ineffective at 20,000 health, equivalent to the amount one would have at the 80-point benchmark.

'It will be a long grind to get there, but I doubt anyone in this world can kill me in one hit. Of course, this excludes beheading and other instant death effects.'

Genji made a small cut on his finger to test his healing factor and timed how long it took to close - about 20 seconds. Only a white mark remained at 40 seconds, yet this also faded after 10 more seconds. At the one-minute mark, his finger looked no different from before, as if he'd never been cut.

'What a big difference. It's hard to believe this is my body. These stat point disparities really become apparent in the later stages, don't they?'

At this moment, Genji heard a quiet gulp beside him, similar to the sound one would make when presented with a rare delicacy. Looking over, Genji saw Bruce drooling a waterfall and giving him puppy eyes.

'Master, can I have a taste? It smells almost as good as roast meat.'

Genji was speechless at his gluttony, but he still indulged the nightbane. "Just don't take too much. I still need to maintain my combat strength," Genji said, making a light cut on his wrist.

Bruce nodded eagerly, and a thin stream of blood flowed from the wound to his mouth. Bruce savored the taste for a few seconds before helping Genji apply some first aid. After finishing his snack, Bruce licked his muzzle in delight and returned to his previous resting position.

'Why do I feel this will become an everyday thing?' Genji mused to himself.



The Xacans attacked on the second day, a few hours after Genji finished his vitality stones. Coming in a wave formation, these battle-hardened hunters marched forward with the oppressive momentum of an army going to war. And like all conquering armies of the past, they were ready to seize victory and continue onward like an unstoppable tide.

But anyone who has studied history knows this is impossible, as there will always be a kryptonite, and the Bofas were adamant about being that blockade. 

As the battle drums sounded and the stomping of feet grew near, the warriors of the Bofas gathered and matched their invaders' formation. A tense standoff occurred as the two groups narrowed the distance between them. They were ready. It was time to battle.

While this happened, Genji scanned the army, searching for the realm member supporting this tribe. His job was to hold back this person and allow the tribes to battle without interference. Although the Bofas were generally weaker than the Xacans, the difference wasn't overwhelming enough that they couldn't defend against the invasion. 

It didn't take long for Genji to find his target, as the man was standing on the front lines, eager to earn some war merit. Interestingly enough, Genji was acquainted with this person, as they had seen each other from a distance in the previous world. It was Xue Fe, better known as the Blood Swordsman, the prolific killer of SanguineRealm.

*Sigh* 'I knew things were too easy. Just my luck,' Genji thought, glancing at his opponent's stats.


[Xue Fe]

Health: 17,173/17,173 (12,500 from stats, 4,673 from other boosts)

Blood Aura: 2,500/2,500 (50 * int = 2,500)

Con: 50

Str: 50

Dex: 50

Int: 50

Spc: 17


Genji didn't know how the man could enter this world with those stats, but it didn't change the reality of his situation. Xue Fe was a troublesome opponent, and Genji would need to take this fight seriously if he wanted any chance of finishing this commission.

However, Genji wasn't intimidated by this difficulty. Quite the opposite, in fact, since he was eager to test his strength against someone with similar circumstances to a balancer, now that his stats had caught up.

'And the best part is that I am getting paid for this,' he thought with a wide grin, stowing away [Jaguar] and manifesting his daggers. Genji playfully spun his weapons a few times before suddenly appearing above Xue Fe.

Falling daggers met a rising katana and filled the air with sparks. The ground shattered beneath Xue Fe and repelled the natives. A punch struck upward, only to be met with Genji's kick. Both of them separated as Xue Fe pushed Genji back. 

Genji steadied his trembling legs and cocked his head aside, inviting his opponent to battle elsewhere. Then, he disappeared from his position. Xue Fe considered the proposition and followed as a red blur.

From that short exchange, he knew Genji would be the biggest obstacle in this invasion. And given their strengths, collateral damage would be inevitable, so an isolated location is preferred unless they intend to go for mutual destruction.

Seconds later, they stopped and began fighting again. Daggers and metal intertwined in a flurry of after-images, leaving small craters with each step. 

Genji had the mastery advantage with his supreme-ranked dagger skills and numerous grandmaster combat skills, while Xue Fe had higher stats. They were evenly matched since their specialties canceled each other out.

For whatever advantage Xue Fe gained, Genji would match it with cutting intent. Meanwhile, Xue Fe would parry Genji's cutting intent with his crimson aura, rendering his ranged attacks useless.

Their movement techniques are also on par with each other, resulting in many fast-paced exchanges. After a while, they finished probing each other's strengths and began incorporating skills into their attacks.

The first was Genji's Untraceable Movement, enabling him to dance circles around Xue Fe. Unfortunately, the swordsman defended skillfully, emerging from the barrage with mere nicks on his arms. 

Xue Fe retaliated with some throwing knives, giving him enough of an opening to return the wounds in kind. Healing potions then met sizzling wounds before they dived back into combat. 

Mental shocks, sharp metal wires with barbed hooks, quantum barriers, and imperceptibly fast downward slashes were utilized in deadly fashions, as both fighters relentlessly aimed for the kill. 

Their wounds accumulated in this harmonious, yet brutal dance, slowly becoming deeper and more impairing. Yet due to their expertise and sharp instincts, neither managed to land a finishing blow.

Suddenly, they both fell back, their expressions serious as they prepared to enter the battle's crescendo. Mighty shadow flames flared around Genji's daggers while red electricity streaked around Xue Fe's katana. Their gazes narrowed, and they burst forward for one final exchange.

Sound and color lost all meaning in this moment as they pushed their concentration to their limits. Their perceptions of time dilated to a snail's pace, analyzing every muscle twitch from their opposition. The closer their weapons drew to each other's, the more this state was heightened. The collision was inevitable, almost as if a black hole existed at the contact point, beckoning the two attacks to converge.

Then time returned to normal as they passed by each other, their backs turned as they came to a stop. Genji's side suddenly burst open as the impact registered, jolting his upper body aside.

Xue Fe was no better as a hole gouged out his left shoulder and a similar cut appeared right below the ribs. Blood erupted from these wounds like a geyser under pressure and splattered everywhere they stood. 

*Cough cough* Genji spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with chunks of broken organs as he turned around to address his foe.

"Let's end this here. I'm sure we both have powerful aces we haven't used and are holding back."

Xue Fe scrutinized Genji's wounds and compared them to his own before acknowledging the proposition. "Yes, this isn't worth it."

That was simply the truth of the matter. No matter how much they were offered, it wasn't enough for them to use their decisive trump cards in this mutually consumptive battle.

They would rather call it a draw and refrain from further battle, letting the natives decide the outcome themselves. At least that way, they could ensure the other party wouldn't interfere with their rewards. It's a mutual non-interference agreement.

Genji walked aside to tend to his wounds, wincing with each step. 'This guy's energy is indeed corrosive against vitality. Good thing I have all this health, or I might be in trouble.'

After completing his first aid, Genji waited until the battle finished before returning to claim his payment. The result was as the chief expected: a stalemate ending with the Xacans' retreat. There really wasn't much variance after Genji took out the main one. 

For his troubles, Genji earned 626 vitality stones, bringing his total to 668. For the sake of after-service, Genji stayed around for another 2 days before leaving on his own.



Genji was strolling through the plains when he heard a sudden loud screech from above. Looking up, Genji spotted a falcon with grey feathers circling overhead. This continued for a few more seconds before the falcon dived down and landed on Bruce with a light flap.

The bird preened a few of its feathers before looking up at Genji, much to Bruce's annoyance at being used as a foothold. Right as the nightbane was about to turn this impudent falcon into a snack, Genji noticed a knotted rope tied around one of the bird's legs and stopped the creeping blood tentacles.

"Hold on, this might be important."

Genji reached for the rope and the falcon cooperated by raising its leg, allowing Genji to peruse the knots. Genji recognized these styles, as they were the same knots used to record historical events. The only difference was that this didn't record a past event, but a message.


Those were the only meanings Genji could interpret with his meager skills, but it was enough to understand the general message. If his guess was correct, then this should be a messenger falcon sent by a tribe with the corresponding skills.

Genji released the rope and tossed some rabbit meat into the air. After swooping up the meal, the falcon released a grateful screech before flying off in search of the next recipient.

"Come on. Let's see if we can find the meeting location. I feel this is a big event."

Bruce nodded, and they headed toward a nearby tribe. After asking for directions, they galloped at full speed, intending to reach the location ahead of time. Along the way, they spotted other travelers with the same intentions, typically in groups of 3 or 4. Their auras were decent in intensity, so Genji guessed they held high positions in their tribes, which added to the event's credibility.

'I wonder which tribe sent the message.  Judging by how many are responding to it, I assume it's one of the monoliths.'

The journey only took a few more hours since Genji had already ventured deep into the plains during his previous travels. As the sun began setting, Genji came upon an area with sporadic trees, an open center devoid of grass, and a nearby river.

Genji knew this was the meeting place since a guide was stationed along the route to greet incoming travelers.

"Pitch your tent anywhere. The meeting will begin in three days," he explained.

Genji thanked him and scouted for a suitable location. However, finding an isolated spot was easier said than done when earlier arrivals had already set up numerous tent clusters, each representing a different tribe.

As they traversed the area, Genji felt a scrutinizing gaze from the side. Though not hostile, it felt intrusive, as if the person behind it was trying to uncover something about him. Following the source, Genji spotted a familiar young man standing outside his tent. It was Mokan, Bechel's grandson.

Mokan confirmed the distant figure was Genji and waved at him, beckoning Genji to join him.

'Might as well. Maybe I can trade for the old man's formula now that I have some vitality stones.'

"When did you get here?" Genji asked as he approached. "Aren't you supposed to be busy with migrating?"

"I was, but Grandpa insisted on coming."

"Speaking of, where is Bechel?" Genji didn't sense anyone in the tent, so he could only assume the elder was out somewhere.

"He went to meet some friends."

"I see. Did you come alone as well?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing. Just curious." Although Genji said that, his true thoughts were far from it. The more he learned about this world, the weirder Bechel seemed to him. He might seem like a normal doctor, but Genji would be a fool to believe that cover.

After all, what kind of doctor leaves his tribe without protection? The only ones he could think of were either the suicidal and those confident in his strength. And Bechel didn't seem like the former, especially when he brought a close family member along.

'Whatever. It's none of my business how he lives his life.'

Genji pitched his tent nearby, hunted a spare rabbit, and offered Mokan some food. "Interested?"

"Yes, please," Mokan replied, eager for something other than dried rations.

"When was the last time you had a proper meal?" Genji asked, noticing the gusto with which Mokan ate.

"We've been traveling for the past week. Haven't had anything else since."

"You don't seem that enthusiastic about being here."

"I'm not, but Gramps said this would be an experience. Can't defy him."

"Ahhh, the classic forced accompaniment by a relative."

"You've experienced it as well?" Mokan's eyes lit up as if he had discovered a fellow kinsman. Genji remained silent in response, walking back to his tent and leaving Mokan confused by the campfire. "Ehh? Did I say something wrong? Why did he leave?"

Genji intended to ask Bechel about the formula the following day, but the elder never returned. It was certainly strange, considering he left Mokan alone in such an unfamiliar place. When asked about this, Mokan mentioned it had been that way for three days - since they arrived.

This revelation almost made Genji reevaluate his opinion of Bechel and wonder if he really cared for his grandson. However, he quickly dismissed that thought since the area was filled with powerful warriors and could ensure Mokan's safety.

'Still, to leave him as soon as he got here. What kind of experience is he hoping Mokan would get?'

More people began arriving on this day, and Genji even spotted a few familiar faces, including Xue Fe, whom he had recently fought, and the team of four that Genji nearly crippled in the kill-stealing skirmish. The four of them threw deep glares his way but kept their distance like all the other realm members. It was the eve of a major event, and it wasn't worth getting kicked out over some grudges.

Genji waved tauntingly at them, testing the limits of their self-restraint for fun. He could almost hear the creaks of their jaws as they gnashed their teeth at him.

'Ah, the glares of my enemies. Just pure joy to my eyes. Too bad I'm not the type to let my enemies live.'

Eventually, the hot-tempered berserker/warrior couldn't bear the provocation any longer and swiped his thumb across his throat, half threatening Genji and half declaring that this wasn't over.

Genji flipped his hand dismissively, prompting an escalated response from the man. His nostrils flared, and his wrist flicked back and forth in rapid succession, making numerous throat-slitting gestures. It wasn't until the team leader dragged him away that the man stopped.

'How lively. I should find some time to kill them.'

While this was happening, Bruce blocked Astros's sight, lest the little guy pick up these bad habits. The team was weird enough and didn't need the addition of an infuriating ferret.

Sigh 'Master, why must you be like this? Can't you find something else to entertain yourself with?'

'I can't help it. It's not every day I get to meet someone who survived my poisons and isn't a giant pain in the ass schemer.'

And so, the gathering of the tribes' strongest forces began, filled with tension and hostility. The ambiance was so thick that one could cut it with a knife, yet they all held themselves back, for the organizers of this event were the monoliths, the strongest tribes in the plains.

All five tribes gathered at this location, prepared to discuss something that would change the course of history. It was a historical summit, one that would define the next hundred years. This was indeed the case, but it wasn't for the reasons they expected...

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