The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 416: Sinking into it

The doll was activated and chased in two directions.

Leo himself also chased after him. No one could escape the prey that broke into this place. This was Leo's confidence.

On the other side, Xu Feng had temporarily escaped.

He returned to the image of a survivor, but the injury to his arm did not recover.

This is the first time Xu Feng has had such an experience. Battles in the past rarely leave traces, let alone the current ones that are directly mapped to the survivors.

After reluctantly fixing it, Xu Feng had a headache for a moment as he looked at a doll passing by.

I still underestimated the difficulty here. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be a direct confrontation with the supervisor.

The scope of the military factory is not large. With the two dolls and Leo himself, a thorough search would not take much time at all.

Of course, the doll's combat effectiveness is not high, but if there is a problem, Leo will definitely receive a prompt.

And if Xu Feng remembers correctly, Leo's body seems to be able to exchange places with the doll.

If they really have to fight, Xu Feng will have no other benefits except suffering.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Feng planned to walk around the door.

It's rare that the gate is left open, so it's definitely impossible not to take a look.

The journey went smoothly, but Xu Feng felt guilty for a moment when he saw the fog outside the gate.

It's definitely not that easy to leave, but if you don't go out, there's no good direction now.

So Xu Feng walked into it decisively and made all preparations.

But it happened to hit the worst ending. When Xu Feng walked out of the fog, he found that he was walking out of another gate of the military factory, and Leo happened to be nearby at this time.

The two looked at each other briefly, and Xu Feng's reaction was somewhat awkward.

When he wanted to turn back, he found that the door was blocked.

This is in line with the setting of a special area. Survivors who enter it will most likely not be able to get out.

Now Leo was in front of him, and his escape route was briefly blocked. Xu Feng wanted to resist, but before he could transform into Bane, he was knocked unconscious to the ground by Leo with a stick.

The previous actions obviously angered Leo, and this time Leo was merciless in his actions.

Xu Feng instantly fell into a coma, with fragmentary consciousness. He only felt that his left leg was being dragged by a hand, and he was being carried away like a dead dog.

When he regained consciousness again, Xu Feng had completely lost his ability to act independently.

His consciousness was a little blurry, and he could only hear Leo's vague chatter.

"You have to be serious when working, otherwise you may get injured accidentally..."

"Emma Woods, my dear baby, I will definitely give you the best..."

"Freddie Riley, I don't care what you want, as long as you can guarantee my profits, I allow you to take some kickbacks."

"Dear, why did you make such a choice..."

Every conversation was between Xu Feng's unconsciousness, and Xu Feng was aware of his own state.

It was not that he was imprisoned or restrained, but that Xu Feng now looked like a doll.

After a brief period of awakening, Xu Feng fell into coma again, and the gap became longer and longer.

I don't know how long time passed. When Xu Feng woke up again, he had completely forgotten his identity.

Xu Feng looked at the tool in his hand blankly, and Xu Feng consciously replenished all his memories.

I am Xu Feng, a worker in the military factory.

The assembly line-like work has arrived in front of Xu Feng. Xu Feng was stunned for a moment and began the repetitive and boring work.

Exquisite polishing is only to reduce some burrs on the parts of the firearm, so as to facilitate further processing and use.

Xu Feng didn't have much sense of autonomy, he just repeated seemingly familiar operations step by step.

The military factory building has been expanded several times in size and is already two stories high.

A large number of workers filled it, but there was no noise.

Everyone is working honestly, just like Xu Feng, with no expression, no expectations, and no future.

Suddenly there were footsteps, which made Xu Feng, who was silent and sluggish, regain some of his thoughts.

But the movements of his hands kept going, and he could only hear a few conversations about things other than work.

"What's going on with the business now? Isn't it that the demand for military industry has increased, and even the military intends to increase orders."

"How come now, orders have dropped a lot, and even barely maintaining production has become a problem."

Xu Feng's eyeballs moved slightly, but like a fixed doll, there was no extra movement at all.

From the voice, I already knew who the speaker was, Leo, the director of this factory.

Although compared to before, Leo seems much calmer now.

Xu Feng was still restrained in the repetitive mechanical movements, and another person's voice sounded.

"I can't do anything about the order, but don't worry, I will find the people above as soon as possible and ask them to help move around."

"Orders will come soon, as long as we can survive this period."

The voice was unfamiliar, and the two quickly ended the conversation.

The two of them stayed behind Xu Feng briefly, and then strode away.

Xu Feng was still performing repetitive actions, which was not very efficient, but products continued to be produced.

During a short break, Xu Feng walked out of the factory and observed the surrounding situation.

Shrouded in a large fog, Xu Feng didn't know where he was, and even who he was was a little vague.

The surroundings become dark, and only work is eternal.

In this kind of work day after day, Xu Feng became more and more numb.

But he didn't sink into it. The voices of Leo and the unknown person sounded from time to time, ranging from calm to furious.

Even if Xu Feng's will was stunned, he could still feel the suppression of Leo's emotions.

Until one day, the suppressed emotions exploded.

But without the unknown man, only Leo's voice remained.

On the second floor of the military factory, various clanking sounds were heard, and it was Leo smashing things everywhere.

And the work is still going on, everyone is like a doll, repeating and will continue to repeat.

Xu Feng's consciousness awakened slightly, and he always felt that he would regain his own will soon.

Xu Feng was thinking about how to escape, or how to seize the initiative in the shortest possible time.

But the change was extremely rapid. After the day when the factory director was furious, the sleeping Xu Feng was awakened by the flames.

The burning mist caused Xu Feng to briefly lose control of his body.

Even though Xu Feng is Xu Feng now, he still loses the ability to transform.

The fire spread, and some people were burned alive in a coma, but Xu Feng, who had regained his full will, had to enjoy the feeling of being burned alive by the flames.

Pain, despair.

But all this is not the point. After an unknown length of silence, Xu Feng woke up again.

The first thing I heard was, "Good to work with, Freddie."

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